
Arriving at Princeton!

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

After returning from Shanghai, Lu Zhou spent all his energy into preparing for the academic conference next month. He revisited that thesis on the distribution of the Mersenne prime and reviewed the theorems countless times.

After all, he represented the school's honor. The University of Jin Ling was extremely supportive of his Princeton trip. Not only did they pay for his plane ticket, but they also gave him $2000 USD for his expenses.

Also, Dean Qin said that if the $2000 was too little, Lu Zhou could bring the receipt back and get reimbursed.

However, Lu Zhou felt that $2000 was definitely enough for his spending level.

Since the accommodation and meals were settled by the organizers, Lu Zhou could not think of any other expenses other than transportation costs.

Just like this, the time passed, and it was finally the 29th of January.

Professor Tang personally drove Lu Zhou to the airport.
