
I Can Bear This

Time trickles by before we even know it. It's a never-ending cycle that goes on and on. Life in itself is just a cycle of time. It has everything... From series of meetings to departures. From the discovery of friendship to losing it. From a precious time to how we wasted it away. Most of all, life is a memory of those shed tears that once fell like droplets of rain but soon dried up leaving behind just a trail of bittersweet, foggy, broken and yet beautiful memories.

With her head laying on his thighs, Xu Mey was enjoying the soft breeze in the garden while listening to the cello-like voice of her husband.

From her position, she could see his long lashes fluttering languidly while his lips moved as he read the parenting book in his hand with a great deal of concentration. It was yet again, one of those moments when she wondered how did she become so lucky? 

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