
Final Push Part Four

"I am part of the system!" his voice boomed as the white clothed youth's hand flashed in front of him. A seal was swiftly formed by his finger, and the sword in his hand left his grasp.

Under Fell's shocked watch, the sword quietly hovered in front of the white-clothed youth. Another seal was executed by Fell's opponent, and the flying sword pierced through the air and flew in the direction of Fell's position.

The speed of the attack shook Fell to the core of his soul as he had never heard about such feats. He readied himself as he resumed the movement of his legs, and dashed toward the left as he began avoiding the flying sword's trajectory. Unfortunately for the cultivator from New Casablanca, the flying sword seemed to follow his every move and redirected itself in his pursuit. Dodging the attacks weren't enough.

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