
Ready to Duel?

Once class was over Takeo made his way to the office to pick up his CAD, on the way there he saw Morisaki and his group lining up Shiba Miyuki the freshman representative around like a bunch of chicks following their mother. Quite frankly he did not really care about him, but since he had the balls to dare challenge him he knew for sake of everybody that he would have to teach him valuable lesson.

After picking up his CAD, he asked a teacher present if his driver could park their car on campus and attend the duel since she will be waiting for him until the duel was over. The teacher reluctantly agreed, but gave him severe warnings and guidelines that his drive would have to follow. He quickly sent a message to Mio and told her where to park the car and sent direction to the teachers office where she would meet.

Five minutes later sounds of heels clicking against the floor were heard, and beautiful woman with a cold expression on her face was seen walking down the hall. Wherever she went heads would turn, some boys could be seen drooling with a captivated look on their faces. But none dare initiate a conversation with her, they were all magicians and some were extremely sensitive to Psion. They could feel the sharp aura it emitted, she was strong, and she was deadly. The way she walked, the way she looked at her surroundings, and the psion behaved when she walked by them of a combat veteran.

She was like a swan surrounded by frogs, but when she arrived in front of Takeo she smiled and bowed before saying "Sorry to keep you waiting young master". Instantly all eyes were on Takeo, ninety percent were filled with jealousy, eight percent with intense hatred and the last two with curiosity. Still he paid them no mind, he smile and waved it off and said "Nonsense darling you did no such thing." Before handing her the case and started walking with her closely following behind him.

On the way he told her the reason behind this change in plans, needless to say she was not to please about it, as a matter of fact he was pretty sure that she would have ripped Morisaki a new asshole if she was present when he challenged him. One of the genetic sample used to create both Mio and Kana were member of the 'elements' you see the 'elements were the first practitioners of Magic in Japan, before the establishment of the Numbers system.

Due to fear of them taking going rogue hey took it upon themselves, taking measures to show that they would not be a threat, they had the researchers incorporate into their genes, compliance, dependency and absolute obedience towards their leaders. So the reason why Mio was upset was not only the fact her master was disrespected, but because she felt as if the entire reason of her existence was stepped on.

They walked in absolute silence to the meeting room and while Takeo had a slight smile on his face Mio, had an even frostier look on hers. Upon arrival they were greeted by in front of the door by a girl with brown hair, she was rather plain and a bit on the shorter side as she only stood at 163cm. but she had well balanced and athletic body. Upon seeing them arrived, she was immediately taken by surprise at their exotic appearances. Seeing her reaction Mio cleared her throat in order to break her out of her trance, she quickly recovered with redden cheeks before saying "Hi my name is

Kobayakawa Keiko i was sent here to receive you by the president of club management group, he is currently waiting for you inside please come in." She opened the door and stepped to the side allowing us to walk in.

The room was unbelievably simple, beside the light green padding on the wall and a small desk on the corner it was devoid of anything. What attracted our attention however were the four people present, two caught his eye while the others didn't. One of them Takeo had already seen before. He was the arrogant brown haired boy who was giving dirty looks when he passed by the other day as for the other was a rather big man, he had broad shoulders, with rippling muscles that are easily recognizable even while wearing a uniform.

He was rather quiet while observing both Takeo and Mio trying to catch anything suspicious from their movements, after a brief few seconds he broke the silence in his low voice. "Welcome, my name is Juumonji Katsuto i am the president of the club management group, on my left are three member of the student council. You have the Treasurer Ichihara, the Secretary Nakajou and the vice-President Hattori. I apologize but we are currently waiting for the president and the chief of the public moral committee as well as you challenger, in the mean time please set yourself up and if you have any question please feel free to ask" After finishing his words he mere shut his eyes, crossed his arms and started waiting.

Nodding his head Takeo made his way towards the table, once there Mio handed him CAD the case she was carrying. He placed on the desk and opened it, inside of it was the new CAD he designed based on a AR-15 pistol model from his old world. In this world the only gun that could remotely resemble one from his was the famed AK-47 riffle from the New Soviet Union, to say the least he did find it really ironic. He took off his school jacket and handed it to Mio beofre picking it up from the case he attached the sling on it before putting it on around his shoulder.

He built this one exactly like one of the pistols he owned at home back in his world, it felt really comfortable in his hands. He played with it in hopes of further familiarizing himself with it even further, what he didn't notice was the curios glances he was receiving from the other occupants of the room. Specially from the short orange haired girl who was piratically itching to jump on him and take the riffle out of his hands to have a better look at it, the only reason she did not do so was because of the look Mio was sending her daring her to try her luck.

Everyone was baffled at the look of the CAD, it was a design they'd never seen or heard of before. The blue haired girl turned to Nakajou and asked her "Have you ever seen this CAD before?" The girl in question excitedly shook her head in excitement with stars in her eyes. Soon the door opened and a commotion followed, two women and one boy walked in. One of the women was berating the boy, while the other was shaking her head in utter disappointment. "For God sake you not only forgot about the duel which you personally requested, but you also was the chief instigator in an incident involving magic and the safety of other students, what in the world were you thinking?"

The boy had his head hung low, he felt ashamed whether or not it was because of his actions or the fact he got caught nobody knew for sure. Takeo only raised and eyebrow at these words, quite frankly he already knew that Mosrisaki was a colossal dumbass but now he had to find a new category to put him in. Seeing them walk in Mio asked with an edge to her voice "Master is that him?" without even batting an eye Takeo confirmed it with a slight nod and immediately the temperature in room quickly started rising.

This drew in the attention of everybody present, Mari and Mayumi were shocked, Hattori and Morisaki both blushed but Hattori quickly looked away before being seen, while Nakajou yelped in fright, while Kobayakawa was confused. Suzune and Juumonji only raised an eyebrow at this sudden display of hostility on this lady's part. Based on her actions, temperament, and way of handling herself Juumonji was one hundred percent sure she was no normal woman. She had to be a guard with extensive training and experience, but now he was once again surprised because her magic abilities didn't fall to far behind either and it could rival some of weaker members of the ten master clans.

Seeing her reaction Takeo quickly and gently tapped her on the back, she turned to look in his eyes before calming down. It took less than 20 seconds for everything to return to normal, after seeing this Mayumi quickly broke the ice by speaking. "Hello im the president of the student council and i welcome you, we will stat this duel as soon as Morisaki-Kun is ready. Oh and Ichinose-Kun who might this beautiful Onee-san be?"

Mari was looking at Takeo with clench fists, she wanted to fight him and witness the technique he used against her last time. She actually wanted to incorporate it in her arsenal. Takeo on the other hand raised an eyebrow at Mayumi before replying in a steely voice. "Kun? ma'am i apologies but i have never met you before nor do we have any close ties with each other. And would very much like for it to remain that way thank you very much, and as for her she is my dear personal driver. Now i do not want to sound rude but i believe i have been kept waiting long enough right, i once again apologies but i would like to get home sometimes before diner."

The room was silent, even Juumonji was shocked albeit briefly before composing himself, Mari and Mayumi's eyes were ready to bulge out of they're sockets. While Hattori was ready to blow a fuse, Morisaki was once again flabbergasted. Suzune was the only one with a neutral reaction, as for Nakajou she nearly fainted. Mayumi slowly regained her composure but one could see she was deeply hurt these words of Takeo, "Yes, i apologies for my rudeness and for keeping you" She turned and asked Morisaki if he was ready, to which he barely managed to nod in response.

Soon they were facing each other, while everybody was line up on the side intently watching. Mari was the official for this match, went through the paces and raised her arm in the air before starting.

"Are both contestant ready?" She looked at Takeo who nodded and then at Morisaki also nodded in return, seeing them both nod she yelled "Begin"

Morisaki quickly used his family technique and quickly drew his revolver shaped CAD, and started activating his sequence in attempted to fire a ball of Psion at Takeo. To his and everybody else's surprise Takeo didn't even move in inch, he allow Morisaki to complete and fire his attack. Everybody were bewildered at his action, all except for Mio as she n=knew the outcome before this match even started.

Like she anticipated the Psion balled shape attack was nullified, everybody could see a round shaped protection veil around Takeo when the attack reached him. Morisaki stared wide eyed unable to move or speak, everybody but Mayumi and Juumonji gasped in surprised and ask Hattori even dared ask if it was the Juumonji clans famed 'Phalanx'. Seeing this Katsuto looked at Mayumi before he started explaining "No it was not, what he just used was a movement type magic called interference Armour, it is an incredibly hard to use and is mostly used by us the Juumonji clan it requires one to have incredible spacial awareness." Just as he finished speaking Takeo raised his CAD and pressed the trigger, one activation sequence for air bullets formed and hit Morisaki but instead of one shot fired from it, surprisingly three came out and him twice in the chest and once in the forehead not even giving him tome to process what just happened.

H was flung to the corned of the room where he hit the padding violently, he slid down the wall like wet paint. His eyes were rolled at the back of his head, and was knocked unconscious. If one was to put it in simple terms it would be described in two words 'accurate and ruthless'

The room was once again eerily quiet, turning to look at Mari who's mouth was wide enough to fit an egg Takeo stared in wait for the announcement.

my inspiration for the CAD comes from the custom AR-15 pistol my father-in-law ownes. I like guns and i know some ppl do not, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Please do not start a gun debate on this page.

breaker13creators' thoughts
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