
It's Only Right to Go Against the Laws of Nature

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Cen Mo said sternly, "Hand over… control of your organization! I'll make sure you lead peaceful lives from now on!"

In the study, other than the white smoke that filled the room, there was pin-drop silence.

"These words aren't used to describe people like us, but… for the both of you to lead peaceful lives, there always has to be someone sharing your burdens!" Cen Mo leaned back in the one-seater and placed his arm on the armrest. "Let me be that person!"

Cen Mo wasn't doing this for Fu Huai'an. He was doing this for his younger sister, Lin Nuan, who he had taken great pains to find.

Not only that, but he was very interested in the teams that Fu Huai'an had under his control!

As such, apart from the fact that he was doing this for Lin Nuan, he was willing to consider it a transaction.

He wasn't like Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng. They wanted to lead peaceful lives… He yearned for that as well, but he couldn't afford to actually do so!
