
Bound to Succeed!

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"I'll bring the noodles upstairs. Later… I'll go back to the Cloud Top Condominium myself." Yun Liuli relented.

Gu Qingcheng gazed coldly at Yun Liuli, but he didn't force her into a corner. He closed the car door and said in his deep voice, which contained a hint of warning, "Be home by 10 pm at the latest!"

Seeing Yun Liuli nod, Gu Qingcheng walked around the front of the car and drove off.

When Gu Qingcheng's car disappeared from her vision, tears started welling up in Yun Liuli's eyes. It seemed as if one touch and the tears would slip down her face.

She brought the noodles upstairs. Guan Nina asked Yun Liuli nervously, "How was it, how was it? Did you succeed in antagonizing him?"

Yun Liuli placed the noodles on the table and revealed a smile that was uglier than if she was crying. She said, "I might… be going overseas!"

This sudden news shocked Guan Nina. "What do you mean?"
