
Can I Take My Liberties With You?

Wen Zac took Ming Lan with him. While holding his hand she followed him obediently, feeling embarrassed whenever any staff member from the hotel they happened to came across. Thankfully it was midnight and hardly any staff member could be seen out.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"To the private suite where I am staying," he answered. 


"Didn't you ask me to take you away from there?" he answered, and continued to walk as if he could not wait to reach the suit. 

She didn't ask him to take her to the suite. She just wanted to get away from that place where her friends and even her own brother was flirting with his partner. She didn't want Wen Zac to do the same with her in front of others. But suite, why suddenly?

His hand that was holding hers, felt warmer than usual and her heart started to beat faster with some strange thoughts. 'Are we…going to..is he taking me there for…'

