
Started To Express Anger...

Elder Lu and elder Ming met outside as the two cunning older men had planned something for their grandkids. 

It was the park in the city, where most older people came to spend a peaceful time. 

"How did it go?" elder Lu asked as he sat on one of the benches under the tree.

Sitting beside his friend, elder Ming replied, "I think our plan was perfect."

"We can try until this much, but in the end, it's up to them, and we can't force them," elder Lu commented.

"From how much I know about Rusheng, I think Lian is the best girl for him, and he will like her."

"But I am not sure about my granddaughter," elder Lu countered.

"If Rusheng really liked her, he will make her like him back," elder Ming assured.

Elder Lu sighed, "I can understand my grandsons, but understanding the woman is not possible. My granddaughter took after her grandmother, silent, elegant, but if one angered her, she knows how to show them the place."

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