

Jiang Yuyan looked at San Zemin, who was sitting silently beside Xiao Min. "San Zemin, what weakness do these two have?"

"They have no such a definite weakness to catch them with, that's why those two are fearless," San Zemin replied.

"This can't be true. I need each and every information about them as fast as you can. Not a minor detail should be left out," Jiang Yuyan instructed.

"I have it. I will show you right away," informing me, San Zemin went to the worktable behind Jiang Yuyan. Turning on the laptop and the projector, San Zemin signalled them to look at the white screen hanging on the wall opposite to Jiang Yuyan.

The projector reflected a picture of one man in his late forties, wearing a black suit, the brown hair with a bald patch in the middle of the head, average height, had glasses with a thick black rectangular frame. San Zemin continued telling his boss the information about the person as Xiao Min and the butler already knew about him.

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