
Favors and Returns

The recorder for the interview was turned off and Ryu stood up tp leave.Just as he was about to exit Judge Baek said,"Mr Long,what I am about to say is probably ethically wrong but you should know.Tomorrow a court appointed child psychologist will come and give his report about Ru.Following which if enough evidence is not available then I will make a ruling for joint custody.But you can do something to help tilt the scales.Register your marriage.There is a wealth of difference between a married couple and an engaged couple."

"Thank you,Judge Baek.I'll keep your suggestion in mind."

As he exited the chambers,Leona Knight was waiting outside for him.

She sauntered to him and gloated,"I knew you wouldn't reveal the truth about two years ago.After all you can't hurt your precious son by telling him the truth.But, honey,when you erased those medical records to protect Ru you helped me get back at you.Thank you so much.Now I will have my dear son and my revenge.Don't worry,I will do you a favor and not kill Ru this time."

Ryu smirked back at her went close to her ear and whispered,"Leona,dream on.You will not be getting within a hand's distance of my son.And killing him?You will be buried six feet under the ground before you can even think of it."With his threat hanging in the air,Ryu straightened and left her standing there.

Neil and Assistant Yang were waiting outside in the car for Ryu. As he sat in the car,Ryu gestured for Assistant Yang to begin his report."Boss,I have emailed the names of judges who have accepted bribes and those who have threatened the Judge.All proofs of their misdemeanors have been collected and handed over to the police head.They will wait for your go ahead and then proceed."

"And the esteemed Mr Pei?",Ryu asked

"He will be absent in court tomorrow.Allegations of insider trading,bribing,under the table deals and news of losses in big projects have been given to the media.Tomorrow at this time he is going to be busy in an emergency meeting.Everything is going as per your plan,Sir."Assistant Yang answered concisely.Ryu Long had already put in motion his plan long before anyone could think of.Just because a man did not stoop to underhanded and illegal ways did not mean that he could not twist the law and rules to suit himself.Those who planned to mess with him were going to suffer.

Ryu then opened his bag and passed on a big folder to Neil.Neil took it and as he opened the folder,his eyes nearly bulged with the overload of information."How did you.....?"

Ryu answered his unasked question,"Keep your friends close and enemies closer.You know that."

Neil actually felt a bit uneasy at his brother's thoroughness.He said hesitatingly,"But if you had this then you did not need to be married...Why go that route then?"

"Plan B." was the straight answer.

Indeed,Ryu had not felt the need for marriage.Though all the formalities had been completed,he had considered marriage only as plan B.But,now with Alicia,tying her to him immediately seemed like a good suggestion.Earlier the idea of marriage to anyone had been loathsome but now not so much.

"Neil,make preparations to register our marriage tomorrow.Fill in the forms today and submit the documents.Tomorrow before the hearing,we will register our marriage."

After this,the two brothers separated and went on their way.Tomorrow was his birthday and he had prepared some unique return gifts.He hoped his dear enemies liked them.

Hey all,Thank you for all your love.I can see your complaints regarding the length of the chapters and feel the need to explain.As you know I'm a 1st time writer so at times I find that I am much too excited to share the story so I do not go into much detail.I am going to try and get the word count up so please be disappointed.

Secondly,I have seen many Grammatical,punctuational and spelling mistakes in my previous chapters.Rest assured I'm going back to those slowly and correcting those.

har_kcreators' thoughts
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