
The vow

'Liz: Uh can I please get a break or a small pause... This is literally impossible 🙅!

What if I die here before even starting my adventure, how are you willing to take the responsibility for killing a human!

Ria: are you serious? Why would you take a break now when we've only started 4 minutes ago and I've only told you to move that rock to the other side!

Liz: Do you call this thing a rock?! It literally looks like a giant..... I can't even find a word to describe it!

Ria: The only giant thing here is your mouth now stop complaining and get back to work.

Liz: Uh fiiiine!

Two hours later....

Liz: It still doesn't wanna moooove!

Five hours later...

Liz: OMG! Aren't I the MC?! Why can't I just have super powers from the start! That's what all the isekai novels and Mangas do!

Several hours later....

Liz: ohh finally! Ria I did it! I moved that stupid thing!

Ria: hmm.. Good for you. Now do 100 sit ups, 100 push ups and that will be it for your first physical training.

Liz: 😦😦😧😧😨😨😩😩

Ria: come on do it fast or you won't be eating today.

Liz: Uh 1....2...3.....4 (1 hour later) 198...199....200 (she counted them both together) I did it! Time to eat!

Ria: good job. Your food awaits you in that cave.

Liz: (in her thoughts) I wonder why the food is inside a cave... Oh well food is food wherever it is.

Inside the cave


Liz: Waaaaaaaa!(Runing in panic) Ria WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!

Ria: aaa... Sorry my bad. I forgot to tell you that you were going to hunt your own food. Have a nice trip..

Liz: WELL THANKS FOR THE LATE INVITATION RIA!! I APPRECIATE IT VERY MUCH!😡😡! come on Liz think fast, think faster. How would you even kill a bear in this world! Aaa the big tree.

Ria: gotta go fast. Gotta go faster, faster, faster.

Liz: 😡will you please stop singing! I'm in a crisis here!

Melody: Well things didn't go the way Liz wanted to. But at least the bear died somehow.. Ahem.. Anyway let's continue.

Liz: Ria are you trying to freaking kill me?! I barely survived that!!

Ria: well if you can't survive that then don't even dream about getting even half an element. I only tested you a bit. This is only a small part of the training. Rest well, I'm going to seriously

Melody: Liz training started just like that. Every day would be the same, from fighting to educating and from educating to hunting. Every day and every time until one year and 8 months has passed.

Ria: (in her thoughts 💭) Ha.. Two years are almost over huh.... Oh well I guess it can't be helped but after she's going to ask for the same thing. After all, humans are all the same.

Melody: If you guys are wondering what happened then I'll tell you. Before Liz there was two humans who were being trained by Ria. They were excellent students but.... They were greedy. They wanted power beyond their reach. After their training with Ria, they asked her to form a contract with them. So that they'll become Ria's master. And of course she refused. That's why she isn't so fond with humans but will Liz change her mind? Let's see.

Liz: Umm.. Ria can I ask you something?

Ria( she going to ask faster than I expected) yes what is it?

Liz: This is kinda embarrassing but will be my companion?! (omg I thought I was going to trip)

Ria: companion?? You mean you want to be my master?!

Liz: No, seriously didn't you hear me properly I said companion not master.

Ria: (woah! That's new for me.) Ahem... a.. I.. I'll think about it.

Liz: here a small gift. I made it myself.

Melody: it's a bracelet by the way.

Ria: thank you I guess.

Liz: What's with the ' I guess' part? Anyway I await your answer till next week. Be sure to answer.

To be continue