
This is the last day you're single 1

Clark privately talked with everyone about Sheen when she was busy cleaning her condo.

"So... is everyone in?" Clark asks while standing in front of a whiteboard in his office.

Bea, who's carrying Weyz, shakes her head, "That dress..."

Elgeen nodded, "Yep, no. Change it. Sheen and I have the same size and I'm telling you, change that dress. We want her to be comfortable but, I know for sure she wants to be more beautiful."

Kady stands up after they arrived for Weyz, Clark immediately started the meeting and it's been a week. They were not sure about a surprise wedding since it's risky if Sheen didn't want to get married but with Bea's help, she began low-key asking Sheen if she wants to get married to Clark and she said yes which made the plan a success.

They had excuses to Sheen on why they're staying here because of this plan.

"I'll take care of the forest sanctuary. Blue's on the reception venue," he said and took out his phone.

"Dan, Bea, do have a plan to on how to get Sheen?" Clark asks and took a sip of his coffee.

Dan nodded, "Yeah. Karen's ready. Also, everyone's clothes are ready according to Mr. Rogers."

Cj, who's watching Weyz, spoke, "Can Weyz be the flower girl?"

Bea and Dan laughed, "No. She can't. Sorry, Clark."

"Sheen's friends are coming right, Kady?"

Kady turned around and nodded. He already told Lucy and her other friends from his company about the surprise and they're arriving later.

"So, we're choosing gown number two?" Clark asks Elgeen and Bea.

Both of the girls nodded, "Yeah."

Clark looked at Dan, "Pick it up later, Dan."

"It's finished?" Dan asks in surprised.

"Yeah, all three gowns were finished yesterday. I was planning to use each on the wedding, reception and family night."

Bea and Elgeen nodded, "Yeah. She should wear different gowns. Also, about the family night, we already booked a venue in a beach resort," Elgeen said.

"Alright. Tomorrow's going to be a blast," Clark took a deep breath, "Thank you, everyone."

"No worries, Clark," Wyn said.

Dan nodded, "We're happy to help you."

"Uh-huh," Elgeen smiled.

Bea swayed Weyz, "Thank you too for choosing Sheen."

Kady walked towards Clark and offered his hand, "Just remember, I'm watching you. If you ever hurt her..." Kady's grip tightens.

Clark smiled, "I know. If that happens, Mr. Lanson will come for my head."

Blue pats Clark and Kady's shoulder, "We just want her to be happy."

Kady nodded, "Yes. Make her the happiest person."

Clark smiled and nodded, "I will since she already made me one."

Everyone began getting busy with their jobs on the plan.

Sheen's parents came and had to stay with Bea's apartment.

Lucy and Sheen's other friends stayed in the same hotel as Kady.

The forest sanctuary started decorating the venue and the hotel for the reception also began preparing.

Early in the morning, Bea came rushing to Sheen's condo.

"HEY!" Bea greeted Sheen the moment Sheen opened the door.

"Hey, where's Weyz?"

"With Dan," Bea went in and started panicking, "I promised to be a bride's maid with my friend, Karen. She's a reporter in our company, remember?"

Sheen nodded and went inside the kitchen to have breakfast, "Yeah. So, what's the problem?"

Since Clark and Cj said they will be staying in a hotel in a city where Aria was being treated, she doesn't have to prepare breakfast for three.

She felt upset because Clark won't let her go with them and now she's ignoring Clark's call.

"You're still not answering Clark's call?" Bea asks while waving Sheen's ringing phone.

"No," she answered.

'Yes! The plan's on the sail!' Bea thought and began to act again.

"So, can you cover for me? Weyz was getting groggy since yesterday and I can only leave her for an hour. Please, the dress is ready and everything. I just don't want Karen to be upset, this is her day!" Bea begged and went to hug Sheen.

"Why did you agree on that when you know you're going to have a baby?"

"Because I thought Dan can go with me, but he said he has to work and can only look after Weyz for this hour."


"Please. It'll be a forest garden."

Sheen paused. She wants to see a forest wedding. She already had her eyes on that type of wedding since after she got out of the hospital.

It reminds her when she, Clark and Bea used to play in the mountains near their house.

She sighed, "Alright."

Bea shrieked, "Oh god! Thanks! Here's the address. It's quite fancy since she said each bridesmaid will have a different gown and will be prepared in individual rooms."

Sheen turned around and ate a strip of fried bacon, "She has a lot of money then."

"Yeah, she prepared for it. Take note of the forest wedding to use for your forest wedding," Bea winked and went out, "I'll be going! Thank you!"

Sheen just smirks, it's her dream wedding now. A forest wedding.

Serene. Relaxing. New. Exciting. Wild.

She wants to feel those emotions at her wedding.

"We got her, is everything ready? She'll be there in an hour," Bea called Wyn who's in the dressing room.

Dan and Weyz stood up from the lodging area of the condominium, all dressed for the wedding. Baby Weyz's wearing a pretty pink dress, but they still cover her with a blanket since she's only a week old.

Bea and Elgeen will change their clothes with the other bride's maid.

"We're on our way there," Bea said as they rode a cab.

Kady, Blue, and Wyn manage the sanctuary, securing that everything's perfect.

No outsiders were allowed, security was tight, and only high-class photographers and designers were hired.

Clark wants this to be perfect.

Sheen's family and friends were already getting ready.

Karen, the fake bride, went out wearing a simple dress similar to the other bridesmaid, "The other employees are on their way."

Wyn nodded, "Alright, thank you."

Lucy's daughter, who just turned two will be the flower girl.

She's wearing a similar dress Weyz is wearing except the flower crown and bracelets.

"You're Lucy?" Wyn asks and smiled at the flower girl.

Lucy nodded, "Yeah, this is Lizzy. Say hi, Liz."

Lizzy smiled and waves the little flower basket she carries, "Hello, Uncles."

Blue's eyebrow flinched, "I'm your big bro, kiddo."

When Bea and Dan arrived, Elgeen immediately pulled her friend and changed their clothes.

Some staff in the forest sanctuary also played the act.

When Sheen arrived, they acted as if it was Karen's wedding.

Unknown people were seen by Sheen, there were employees too, everyone greeted her and the team who will dress her up assisted her to the room.

"Can I look at the venue? I just want to see what it looks like," Sheen asked the person who's guiding her to the room.

"No, Ma'am. You can see it later. We have to finish preparing you," the make-up artist said while hiding his smile.

Everyone's excited about this.

"Okay, pick what hairstyle?" The hairdresser asks while showing three gowns using his phone.

"Uh..." Sheen sits down in front of a mirror, "Why is it so fancy?"

"Because you have to look beautiful, miss."

"I see." Sheen stared at the hairstyle and choose a crown braid.

"Alright, do you want to watch a movie while we do this?" The make-up artist asks.

"So... since this is a private dress-up for this wedding, what would you do now if this is your wedding?"

People started coming, "These ladies will prepare you. A foot massage, manicure, and pedicure."

"Woah, Karen's rich to do this," Sheen chuckle, "If this is my wedding... I'd listen to love songs!"

The hairdresser then went to play kinds of music, all in Sheen's taste.

"This is amazing, ugh. This makes me want to get married now," she said and closed her eyes while relaxing.

The people around her can't help but smile.

'If this is my wedding? I'd be doing this same thing. Massage, relaxing songs, dress up? Gosh. But I don't want to bother Clark with this expense.'

Sheen fell asleep due to the massage until the make-up artist woke her up, "Ma'am," he softly called.

"Oh," Sheen opened her eyes, "Sorry. This is just so relaxing."

"What are those?" Sheen pointed to the gifts piled up behind her.

"There was not enough room for the gifts so they transferred some here."

"That's a LOT. Karen's amazing," Sheen said in amazement of the number of gifts.

The minty scent in the air relaxed Sheen, from her room, you can even see the trees and the forest.

They're on the second floor of the prep house for the wedding and from their view, the mountainous scenery made Sheen feel weird.

She wants her day to be like this, Karen's lucky.

Sheen felt a tad a bit jealous.

"Look here, Miss," the hairdresser asked while holding a camera.

Sheen smiled with the make-up artist.

"I don't think you need a lot of make-up. You're beautiful. So.." the make-up artist turned the chair around for Sheen to see her face.

"OH MY GOSH," Sheen's eyes widen, "This is me?"

Her features were enhanced, and she looked like a goddess with her look. It was natural and light. Her lipstick's not that bright red, her eyeshadow made her eyes look more alive, her eyebrows made her look relaxed and young. Her light bruise on her cheek was covered as well.

"You're amazing!" She said to the make-up artist.

"I know, anyway, let's get to your hair."

"This room is too pretty for a bridesmaid..." Sheen commented as her hair was being arranged.

She requested for a piece of little flowers to be put in the braids behind.

The flower vase was full of flowers and a little fountain decoration was placed beside it. The room was painted with silvery-white that made it look like a bride's room.

"Is this the bride's room?" Sheen unconciously asks.

Everyone laughed, "No... the rooms look all like this."

Sheen raised her forehead in agreement, "Can I eat?"

As soon as she mentioned, a tray full of fruits and chocolates came, "Oh... Can I eat all of this?"

The waitress nodded, "Yes, Ma'am. I'll leave it here."

Sheen smiled and nodded, and took a piece of grapes.

"SHFFFKFFIW! This is my song for Clark!"

I do adore started playing, the playful notes made Sheen sway her head.

"Everything you do, I do adore~~" She sang.

She had fun conversations with the people who helped her until she went speechless as a gown faced her.

Sheen even looked like a goddess with her hair and she took numerous selfies as the make-up artist took photos of her as well as ordered by Clark.

"This is what you'll be wearing since it's a forest wedding, this is a perfect fit to bring out your goddess side, Ma'am."

Fine beaded shoestring straps stretch from the V-neckline into the wide-open back, forming a small circle at the base. The gown is made from beautiful lace of a mix of vine-like and floral patterns. The skirt flows layers of sequin and beaded tulle that flows widely in the back.

Sheen opens her mouth lightly in awe, it's an open dress that she's afraid to wear. But it's so beautiful and she knows it'll look good on her.

"Please stand up," the hair-dresser said.

Sheen hesitated, how can she wear something so gorgeous as a bridesmaid?

"Can I wear other gowns?" Sheen asks.

"No... this is the only dress we have. Is there any problem?"

They were ordered to push the dress to Sheen but if she said it looks unflattering, that's the only time they can change it.

"No. It's pretty... but I don't think I can wear something like that. I'm... I can't. It shows too much skin."

Everyone readies the dress, "Then, wear it. The others wear the same dress. No worries," the hairdresser said.

"A-alright..." Sheen nodded, 'If that's the case, then I don't have the right to refuse.'

The moment she's wearing the dress, a sense of indescribable feeling flows through her veins which made her tear a little.

"Oh, why?" The make-up artists ask in a worried tone.

Sheen shakes her head, "Nothing. I just felt weird."

Everyone chuckled, they knew why. She can sense it but she doesn't have a clue.

"Alright... we're..." they put her white with glitters and gems stilettos, "DONE!"

Everyone clapped their hand.

Now that she looks at herself.

She looks like a bride.

And as she ponders on it, the more her heart starts beating loudly. Her body felt hot with that thought that she's the one getting married. But no, Clark's out of town. This is Karen's wedding. And she hates Clark as of the moment.

"Can you take another photo?" Sheen asks and smiled at the camera.

The make-up artists excused himself and went to talk to Kady.

"She's ready," he said.

Kady took a deep breath. This is it. He nodded and signaled everyone.

"Take her to the lodge," he said.

Next chapter