Rein could not help but gulp a fresh breath of air through his teeth as he lay on his back. His brow had long been drenched with sweat. His lungs heaved weakly as his back perspired. Below him was a huge puddle of what could only be sweat.
Over the time that he had spent on the ship he had come to miss his sheltered lifestyle. Now he understood why his father had taken such a drastic reaction to his dream of adventure. 'What dream? This is nothing but torture!' he wailed in his head for the umpteenth time as he groaned.
Opposite to him sat the purple tank topped women, her skin had taken an arousing shade of pink as her breath came out in weak gasps, yet she persevered! In front of him sat the black haired man who had introduced himself as Lorean. He had not taken a single break since the beginning of the day and still he went about it like it was his daily training regime.
Rein looked sadly through the gaps in the wood where the cannons would usually be placed. The outside was so pleasant. The sun glowered down like a kind grandpa and a sleuth of lazy clouds stood stationary at the very centre of the sky.
What a great day it would be to sunbathe! Yet here he was! Doing chores that he could wager even most slaves would not.
"Oi! Get back to work!" the fat boy who had now taken to banging the drums called out to him as he maintained his pace.
"I know right! How am I supposed to compete with Fawkes if you drag me down?" The man called Lorean said with a frown.
"Oh that was what it was? I thought captain was bored enough to want a staring contest." The man called Fawkes replied. His voice smug, still not a single drop of sweat anywhere on his person.
Angella could only press her lips into a single line as she shot a challenging look to the last man in the room.
"Oi, don't look at me like that ! I was built to be an assassin! I amn't used to this!" he snapped as he breathed deeply.
Rein could take some measure of grace to the fact that at least of all the people here two were human.. Oh no wait, they were still rowing!
A dull throb hit his torso as an oar side was ruthlessly driven into his ribs. "Back to work! You get a break when we do!" Angella called out through gritted teeth, a small sadistic smile on the side of her cheek.
"By the way captain, when will we have our morning break?" Fawkes called out as he smiled. "In a few minutes" Lorean replied, his reply breathing new life into Rein's dying form.
"So wait, you guys are pirates?" Rein called out through a mouthful of food. He could swear that food had never tasted as heavenly as it did at this point.
Usually the mere smell of fish would have driven a vegetarian such as him running, but at a time such as this he could not be forced to bother.
"Yup! Don't know what we're call'd yet tho" Lorean replied. "Heck! We don't even have a decided design for our pirate flag yet!" he finished as he wiped his mouth on a clean rag on the table.
"And you're already running into the grand line? Excited much?" Rein called out curiously. "I bet you guys haven't even gotten you're first bounties yet huh?"
"Humpf stingy marines…." was the only thing he got as a reply as a small thunder cloud formed around Lorean's head.
"Don't worry captain, when they get over their superiority complex they'll give us a huge one" Fawkes said as he mirthfully consoled his captain.
"humm humm!" fatty nodded seriously. "That being said Rein, I noticed that you're body was very weak, what are you even doing on the seas at this point?" he asked as he stuffed a piece of meat on his mouth.
"I'd planned on eating a devil fruit and coasting through.." he admitted sheepishly. His worldview having being demolished over the past week.
Lorean stifled a laugh as he looked over at a young child sitting in the very corner. " I told you that there were older people who were not as mature as to understand that!" he said before swallowing down a whole fish.
The boy nodded mutely as he got up, his food finished. " I'm going back up to the deck." he called out docilely before moving soundlessly out of the door.
"I told you we should have included the boy in the rowing exercise. Now as we train he spends most time on deck coasting the ship away from the bigger sea king pods.." Fawkes chided silently as he looked worriedly at the retreating form of the boy.
Lorean sighed as he nodded. " I thought he would feel better at the fact that he got a unique responsibility.." he muttered as he wiped his mouth before getting up finishing his food.
"I've decided. Angella, Terrick I want the both of you to take alternative turns up there, of the five rounds that we fallow I want the both of you to have a single round each to train your observation. Let the brat in when either of you take up watch." he said before heading behind the boy no doubt to cheer him up.
"I'm confused, what could have possibly forced you all into piracy." Rein voiced one of the things that was bothering him.
" I mean, Lorean looks like he could be a fairly high level marine, and Fawkes looks like a professional butler." he said.
"Well, me and Lore have parents in the profession. For him it was both his mother and father while for me it was merely my dad.
Angella there got bored of the scholar life and through a twist of events ended up on board.
Terrick was what could be considered to be a special operative under a fairly influential family and after the family fell out of business he joined us.
The fatty ended up on the ship because of the food and never left. The tiny kid fell for Terrick and followed us on." He said breezily.
I mean it wasn't like he was lying, right?