'A whistling echo shook the high seas as a mighty sea king arose to confront the wooden ship. Its hull had been beaten in and the mast twirled precariously as the storm whipped at the sails and the ocean rose in a terrifying cacophony. Lightning struck in the background illuminating the well wooded ship for what it was, a pirate vessel with a lean skull with a particularly flowery moustache..' I said before taking a deep breath and a swig from the sake bottle on the table.
We had made it a habit at this point, I would tell stories of one or the other famous pirate crews during dinner, at the express pleading of Sorren, this had evolved from a onetime thing to a tradition of sorts.
Sorren could be seen with glowing eyes, possibly imagining the scene I had just described. Of all of the crew, he seemed to be the most childish, wanting always to be pampered and coddled. It wasn't that we minded however, he helped break both me and Fawkes from our somber retinues in his childish bouts of comedy.
Fawkes looked on appreciatively from the kitchens while Terrick and Angella sat at the table enjoying the food.
"Captain, then what happened??" Sorren said, impatiently waiting for the supposed climax of the story that would conclude the days story.
"Calm down lil' fatty and let me finish this bottle, we'll finish the rest then" I said before taking a deep swig and sighing in satisfaction.
"Then the pirate ship swung smartly to the side, and swung the residents over as if it were an actual person, the pirates cutlasses blazing pounced upon the majestic sea king and stabbed it to death!" I said ending with a flourish of my hands.
"COOL!!!!" Sorren said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. How he got excited at these barely blood churning situations when most of the things we had gotten into within our rather short adventure was all but baffling to both me and my first mate.
"Boss, when are we going to reach??" The whiney voice of Terrick rang out from his pedestal on the ship's deck. He had finished shining his blades and now looked much like a bored puppy with no interesting things to do.
As soon as he had finished however, a steady stream of snowflakes began falling down from the dark and looming skies. The suddenness of it all had reminded me of the Grand line within which I had the brief pleasure of cruising.
The temperature had begun to cool falling at a terrifying rate with the tips of my nose taking a distinctive red hue quite reminiscent of Rudolf the red nosed rain deer.
Sorren stood shivering uncannily at the corner of the deck, in the process of pulling on his fifth shirt and tying his shawl around his neck in a distinctively unflattering knot around his flabby neck. His hands shook and his breath fogged in front of his face, making him look quite like the Eskimos from the tundric reaches of the remotest mountain range in the drum island.
Fawkes stood at the entrance to the kitchen looking much like a lawyer on a caffeine high. His breath hitched and his palms rubbed together incessantly, now more than ever he seemed to regret the attire he had attributed to wear. A constant rattle sounded from his mouth as a dull reminder to where we were.
Of the crew, though I was the most unaffected, I could nevertheless not stifle a faint shiver that ran through my spine and into my clenched butt.
My purple shirt seemed to develop a faint layer of ice and my pants became slightly cooler restricting my movement.
With a thud, the ship was brought to a halt, the ice barely cracking under the pressure of the relative monstrosity that was our ship. A pale and relatively barren land stretched on as far as the eye could see, only some mounds of unfeeling white breaking the calm and eerie façade of the otherwise calculative icy desert.
"Land hoy!" I called out, before deftly jumping off and onto the rough and thick landmass.
"Now that we are here, can you finally tell us why you wanted to come?" Fawkes asked a hint of impatience in his tone.
"Well, one time when I was talking with my father," I said not immediately answering his question. "He had told me that a cold and desolate land was the most hostile of environments that one could see, even in this vast and almost endless World."
"You wouldn't !" Fawkes said paling considerably as he pieced together everything that I had said. "Yes, we are here for a training montage!" I announced grandly, before raising my palm up to quell the protest that my first mate had just begun to form on the tip of his tongue.
"No Fawkes, I am not insane. Also, think about it! Of the members of the crew, the both of us are the only ones that know Haki, the world is not like some game where our enemies will come only in the power range that we can deal with! We need to be proactive.
What if on our journey, before Sorren, Terrick and Angella develop Haki on their own, we are faced with an admiral? Though I have a D in my name, I don't believe that we should silently depend on fate to guide us.
No way in hell am I throwing the safety of my crew up to something as cryptic as fate!" I said before talking a deep breath and looking at Fawkes.
"Neither of us will be doing any training of our own, I'll help Sorren improve his battling skills and you help Terrick and Angella at least awaken a single form of Haki. I spent years awakening each form of Haki and training it to where I have it currently, so we can't expect them to be able to be a decisive factor in fights like the one with the flamingo but still any form of Haki will give us an edge in paradise and might even be enough to hold us through some tough battles.
Also Fawkes I want you to find a decent sized hole here and train in the water, it will both help you adapt and help you recuperate. I'll let you decide your own regimes, Chop chop, off you go!"