
Chapter 19 Gifts (Ryek)

Alexia and I walked back to my room side by side and as we got to my room she opened up the door and said, "After you, Young Miss."

"Please, Alexia call my Ryek." I responded.

"As you wish Ryek, would you like your bath scented with rose or lavender?"

"Lavender please,"

"It'll soon be ready please leave your door open for father and I as we will be bringing up your bath soon."

She then left and soon came back with her father both of them carrying two steaming buckets of hot water. I watched them dump it into the tub and repeat the process twice.

After the third set of buckets of hot water were dumped into the wooden tub she then returned with two buckets of cold water to cool the bath with. She then grabbed two towels and a washcloth and told me if I was ready the bath was. So we walked into the bathing room and I began to undress, thinking to myself that I had better get used to it if I was going to be married to a prince. I was sure that there were maids for everything there. After I undressed I tested the water, adjusting the temperature accordingly with the cold water, then got into the tub. Alexia then washed my hair and I insisted on doing the rest after she rinsed it. I soaked for a little while and then got out. I had just gotten dressed and Alexia was braiding my hair when Kryscht arrived. He walked up to me with his hands behind his back and said, "Ryek I have something for you. I chanced upon it and it looked like it would fit you perfectly." From behind his back he pulls out a black and red dress that looks like it was tailor made for me. I was pretty suspicious that it was too, but thought better of it. What tailor or seamstress could make a dress like this in an hour? Alter? Maybe. I then decided not to think too much on it. I looked at the exquisite dress in his hands and thanked him. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

Sorry bout the lapse in chapters. Work has been CrAzY and the internet has been spotty at best. will try to put out more chapters in the future. I will also be editing current existing chapters so look for this in the near future. and as always thank you for your support. Oh by the way I just found out that i reached 11k views! thanks for everything❤


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