
A Big Problem? An Izroth Solution!

'What a powerful buff skill.'

It did not just increase one primary stat by 30%, but four of them! This kind of power surge was enough to make a player's overall damage soar by leaps and bounds!

In addition, it granted an in-battle HP and MP regeneration boost—something much needed for the remaining Sacred Beasts members who were standing on their last leg.

To top it all off, it was an AOE skill with a huge range of influence. But, the most astonishing part of the skill had to be its five-minute duration. An AOE buff-type skill staying in effect for that long was virtually unheard of. This was even more so for one so high level.

'It's at least an S-ranked skill. How convenient. That being said, this guild's luck is quite terrible. If they had this buff earlier, it's likely they would have defeated the Failed Chimera before my arrival.'
