
Eighteen Arms of Wushu

As Guan Yu swept his guandao towards Ruin, he felt a sudden sense of danger coming from right next to him.

"I won't make it." Those were the words that crossed Guan Yu's mind which forced him to change the course of his attack to defend his right side with his guandao.


A strong force slammed into Guan Yu and knocked him aside. However, thanks to his quick decision making, he was able to avoid taking any major damage as he parried the attack on time.

Just as Guan Yu recovered from being knocked aside, he looked at down at the object that collided with his Guandao before it surprisingly floated away in midair in Ruin's direction.

"A hammer?" Guan Yu said to himself. Although, the object did not have the appearance of a normal hammer. It was silver in color and the top end was almost circular in shape.

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