
Unexpected Surprise

Zelfyrion transported Izroth and his party to the peak of the mountain. What awaited them at the peak was a small black and gray cloud with purple bolts of lightning that crackled throughout its structure. It was no bigger than 30cm, but it released dangerous energy.

Valentine shook his head as he tried to regain his focus. The overload caused by the vast number of magic sequences that Zelfyrion's voice magic contained was too much for his Eyes of Magic to process. If not for Zelfyrion's help, then he may have needed at least another fifteen to twenty minutes to process everything.

However, the experience itself was incredible and Valentine now had a much deeper understanding of magic sequences thanks to Zelfyrion. It was quite an unexpected gain.

But, what surprised everyone the most was not the small cloud at the mountain peak or Valentine's gain, but rather what happened to Luna.
