

Sara "I will not let you go"

when I heard that I turn back to look at her.

Sara "did you think I will let you go out and accept everything like it was nothing. even if I did not believe in all of your words and all do you think I will accept to heard my country will destroy and do nothing do you?"

Alin "Sara what can I do?. I don't even know what will happen if I do something again"

Sara "let me do it I will do your work I am not from your time so everything will be fin"

Alin "I don't think it will work like that you will get in danger"

Sara "and how do you know that did you heard from other time travelers"

Alin "I don't even know they exist"

Sara "then how can you say that. but even if something happened I will accept it as my fate. I was meant to die for this country and that is the greatest honor for me"

Alin "yah you are a solder type"

Sara "what do you think I will do?. look at Marry she was sleeping in a cave surrounding a forest in this storm did you know how can she sleep like that because I am protecting her. did you see those orphan kid all of those did you think I will let anything happened to them. did you see those kid smile on the street while being with there parents, and everyone in this town is happy because they all have someone to look after them"

I look at her in the eye all the time while thinking about everything she says

Sara "So let me protect you"

Alin "but.."

Sara "you have a family to go back don't you, I have no one so let me be your shield so I can save you and everyone".

Next chapter