

I start running down after telling them to stop them, well, I don't think they did, I grab my roller skate put it on and start rolling out of the castle that is the only idea I have cause I don't know how to ride a horse.

I pretty close to them when they realized me. I am after them, I can see "Eliza" throw the back carriage she looks at me she has a piece of cloth in her mouth she looks scared. I almost grab the carriage when 2 guys stand on top of the carriage and 1 guy is hanging. I grab the carriage and I am floating I know I can't step on it with my roller so I throw them to guys he is trying to hit me with a sword so I can fall or trying to kill me, but I manage to get on top I know I am so week I can't fight these guys this is a bad idea.

One of them says (I think you want to die, kid, cause I am not letting you go alive). I say (oh you and I think you didn't know what I know so I don't think I am gone a die that easy). I know the carriage structure all I need to do it make it stop I grab the knife from one of their pockets, he almost hit me with his sword he says (what do you going to do kid kill me). I say (no but I can stop you with that).

I jump in front of the last guy who is driving it, I pull my knife and hit the joint point on the horses. With that horse run with them, self and carriage are crashing down all of us are dropped from carriage only "Eliza" inside that thing it hit the tree and stop.

I stand back and stand on the wagon and pull "Eliza" out after that I start to untie her, she says (oh thank you for saving me again you pretty cool you know that). I say (yeah, I don't know about that). That guy's behind me start getting up and pick up their weapon I say (I think we starting celebrate too soon). They almost had us and then they run away. "Eliza," says (grate you scare them). I say (yeah, I don't think so). When I look behind us there royal army soldier is coming and one of them is saying (goes don't let anyone one escape). Half soldiers go after them and the rest of them is surrounded us and one of them is full armor and I think he is looking at me. Princess "Eliza" are you ok. One of them says that she says (yeah, I am fine, thanks to him).

Princess sits with commander horse and I have to sit with that solder I don't know why, but I bet he gave a very strange look under his helmet, I can't see his face.

I grab his hand and hype on the horse I never ride a horse before, so I hang on him strongly anyone can tell I was scared.

After that we arrived at the Castle on castle I can't see "Eliza" anywhere after a few whiles "Eliza" come to me and say (my dad want to see you). She looks very happy, well, I am happy if she's happy we both arrive at the throne room. King says (young man you save my daughter life again and I can't thank enough this time I am going to give you something please tell me what you want). I say (my lord, it is only one thing I want since I was little I want to become stronger). Oh man, I sound so cool king say (if that's what you want, then commander "orlog" I give you this task make him stronger strong as a royal knight). Commander say (yes, my lord, I won't let you down) king say (prepared yourself, you are going with him, where every man becomes Soldier and every soldier become a knight).

I can't believe that happened, I am excited now

With That Volume 1 End

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