
The family of three

Ark's rage was not something to be taken lightly, and as he saw the small girl shivering in pain on the ground, covered in her own blood, he was beginning to get really pissed off. But this time, he wasn't the first one to lose control. As he had been trying so hard to keep himself in control, Ark was still able to maintain his rationality, though it took almost all he got to keep himself back. The same could not be said for Ephine or Atar.

Ephine was a little busy trying to hold Ark back if anything were to happen, but Atar was different. He didn't really understand it himself, but when he saw the young girl getting attacked, he felt like he needed to do something. Without any warning, Atar suddenly pounced! The guards surrounding the young boy could do nothing but watch in horror as their young master was suddenly killed in the blink of an eye in front of them.
