
Chapter 3: Friends

Being in a bad mood because she has to leave her soldier friend at the duty-free bar because of her strict schedule, Sarah at first easily sneaks out of the terminal and through the security and import checks only to be spotted by a young overly eager fan that instantly recognizes her.

With one word from her fan, all attention inside the hall is shifted onto her.

-Fuck the duck!- Sarah curses internally, switching to her starlet persona of aliveness, professionalism, and fake cheerfulness.

''Can I get an autograph, Miss James?'' Asks the young fan that spilled the beans holding out a pen and photo of her.

With a graceful smile befitting her public persona, Sarah smilingly takes the pen asking: ''What should I write?''

''For Luca!'' Says the boy in a typically childish voice.

Signing the photo simply with the words: For Luca from Sarah James❤

Handing the photo and pen back to the girl, Sarah is greeted by the happy smiley face of her little fan.

Ever since having her debut by starring in the Dizney series Wickers of Waverly, she had been universally hailed as the good girl and found many fans in children and parents alike. Only when hitting puberty did Sarah learn what kind of pressure this kind of image would create.

Now with age, several diverse roles and a good going career as a punk rock lead singer, can Sarah be the bad girl in public without risking her career.

''Many thanks. Go and Gone!'' The little girl tells her while returning to her mother.

-God, I hate that catch phrase! I just wish more people like Henry wouldn't recognize me so easily.- Sarah thinks, signing postcards and magazines while trying leaving the airport.

Only nearly two hours later is Sarah able to hop her stepfather's limousin and finally leave the airport behind.

''How was your flight? I guess flying third class isn't very comfortable.'' Asks Cynthia former James, now Kyle her daughter, while looking up from behind her notebook. Sitting down in a seat opposite of her mother, Sarah removes her hoody, freeing her iconic brown hair from her hairband.

''It was sufficient. I am here aren't I?'' Answers Sarah mockingly her mother, instantly removing her false persona the moment the car doors are shut.

Looking at her mother/manager, Sarah sees everything she never wants to be in her life and even the next. Cynthia Kyle is a trophy wife from top to bottom, dressed in the latest and most expensive fashion from Paris or Milan. Sarah still can't forgive her mother for getting remarried only three months after her father's death.

Despite having two half-brothers, Sarah feels left alone and she sees Cynthia Kyle less as her mother and more as her manager.

''As I can see already you have a new lover ready after Robert. Good for you. Just please don't wast your youth on a soldier like me.'' Says Cynthia searing at the monitor, typing away on it, leaving Sarah stunned by how opposed her mother is to man in the service. Even more than her mother annoying her about Robert one of her two male co-stars from the Dawn movie franchise, who played a werewolf and her characters love interest. she had been part of.

''Mom, you know my relationship with Robert was all publicity to promote the movies?'' She asks her mother, using her sexual orientation to shut up her mother.

''I know you like girls, but your image would be damaged if you were see kissing a girl. Better use this soldier to win points with the veteran demographic.'' Recommends Cynthia her daughter.

Getting pissed Sarah snipes at her mother saying: ''You advise me that as what? As my mother or as my manager?''

''You know I say that like both... Wow, impressive. Your soldier is very... impressive.'' Says Cynthia Kyle smiling while looking at a photo of Colonel King open service record.

Moving to the same side as her mother, Sarah is able to see Henry's service photo as well as some other shots of him commanding tropes in all kinds of locations.

''Still sure that you are a lesbian?'' Asks Cynthia her daughter, seeing drool gathering at the corners of her daughter's mouth when seeing a shirtless Henry lifting a piece of metal on the floor.

''Shit. The rest is classified by the Pentagon...'' Says Sarah's mother when hitting one firewall after another. ''... Maybe I could?!''

''Stop it, mom. He was just a random soldier that didn't recognize me. At best he could be considered a friend, just like Taylor. Taylor being her other co-star from Dawn, who played a vampire who from the first move was friend zoned by her character.

''Hu. I guess you really are a lesbian after all...'' Says Cynthia regrettably before even more sorrowful saying: ''... Let's hope being a lesbian becomes fashionable in Holywood or you can kiss your acting career bye-bye.''

Just before her mother closes the pap containing Henry's file, Sarah is able to remember his cell phone number.

- Photographic memory for the win!- Sarah things, mentally fist bumping herself.

Entering the Kyle family estate Sarah is too tired to greet her stepfather or her younger eldest half-brother Christopher and just enters her pool house.

Throwing her clothes into the dirty laundry basket, kindly provided by the maidens working at the estate. Walking in front of the mirror Sarah for the first time tries to figure out what man might find attractive about her body.

Despite her height of 1,60m, a weight around 57kg, a bra size of 32D and a perfect hourglass body shape, Sarah is unable to point out what Henry might find attractive about her, cursing. -I look like a succubus.-

Putting on her favorite boyshorts and one of her fathers old navy t-shirt, she at last claims her Ibook from her desk and snuggles into the warmth of her bedsheets.

Instead of going to sleep Sarah doodles the army rank of a colonel. Her father only having been a Lieutenant and only having been in contact with a branch of the armed forces in her childhood, she is suddenly interested in it again.

Clicking on the first link, provided by the army, she instantly gets what she wants and eagerly reads the information:

-Colonels have commissioned officers in the United States Army, serving in the grade of O-6. They receive their commission upon appointment by the Secretary of the Army.

Their primary function of Colonels is to serve as commanders of brigade-sized elements (around 5000 soldiers).

Soldiers holding the rank of Colonel can also serve as staff officers or as commanders of smaller units in specialized branches, such as law or medicine.

Regardless of the size of the command they hold, Colonels are the final authority on everything that occurs in units they hold charge of. They are responsible for everything their units do or fail to do.

Colonels are the highest-ranking officers in the slate of field-grade officers.

The holding of the rank of Colonel is a highly prestigious position, it is a highly respected job and difficult to attain, achieved only by the most qualified of officers.-

Impressed by what she is reading about the rank of colonel, Sarah closes her Ibook and goes to sleep... Dreaming about a certain Colonel now discharged from the army... while only thinking about him as them just being friends.

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