
Tsukosa Alliance

In a Large Region called Ekigatamura. There are total of seven countries in it. The biggest one was the Tsuchiya. The second one was the Saiju, And the third one is the Kosunjin-yi. The rest was an ordinary countries. The Tsuchiya were on the corner part of their region. Then a bit of unoccupied lands then it's the sea. The Saiju were on Northeastern of Tsuchiya. Then the Kosunjin-yi on the East of Tsuchiya. Then the rest of the countries were past the two countries that is surrounding Tsuchiya. The small countries are named: Soma, Yugara, Jima and Chu-Yuan

The Saijuns, The Kosun and other countries within the region were jealous of the Tsuchiya's rich economy. This is where their history started. The Saiju started by choosing to have a trade route with the Tsuchiya. The leader of the Tsuchiya agreed to this because they have a lot to spare and use it to gather whatever resources they currently don't have. Once the trades has been going smoothly and the relationship between the countries have been on good condition. The leader of the Saiju gave the Kosun leader a call to have a secret alliance and together they shall take anything. or if possible, They shall destroy everything and take the lands of Tsuchiya. But the Kosun leader had a doubt on taking over the Tsuchiya. So the Kosun leader just sticks to the original plan.

But the Saijun Leader didn't quite like their ally's decision so the Saijun leader plans to invade them by themselves. Then both countries started to send a spy after spy to the Tsuchiyans. The Spies couldn't get anything useful and reports back horribly. Until the Saijun leader couldn't wait any longer, The Saijun army entered the border of the Tsuchiya without the permission. Unfortunately for them, A Tsuchiyan trader with a horse carriage was on his way to the Saiju Village then he saw the army's formation marching inside the border. At first, He thought it was just an army training or a mere visit. But he had a doubt as He heard no visitors and checked the amount of the marching foot soldiers.

With that, He hurriedly turned back to his village and quickly went to their Center to report. The Tsuchiyan leader quickly responded to this and assign some guards to the direction of where they were coming from. Few minutes later, The guards saw the marching soldiers and quickly runs back to the Center to confirm the suspicions to be true. This time, The Tsuchiyan leader assigned their fresh new battalion to the said direction, To test out their strength. It was named The First Armored Battalion. It consists of Fairly armored soldiers,Cavaliers and Archers. The Saijun army were no match for this. Though, The soldiers at the battalion were uncomfortable with their commander. The commander was a young 17 years old boy with a name of Takamura Yagano. The Tsuchiyan people have no idea why the leader assigned such a young person as the leader of a new battalion. Then moments later, the people of Tsuchiya asked the leader about the young commander. He answered once: "I watched him grow up wielding and swinging swords. Then one day i went to his side as he collapse from fatigue. I picked up his sword and asked why is he wielding a sword. Then He stood up and looked straight to my eyes. His gaze was sharp and so determined. Then He answered: For my Family, For my siblings, For Tsuchiya. I will soon serve the army and swear my life to protect my beloved village until the end! .. I was astonished.. If there's one thing i wish for our army to have, is to have that kind of Determination. This kid, will change our entire army's determination to fight. He will inspire many to fight and protect their beloved ones. I believe on him". The leader's answer stunned the Tsuchiyan people. Then some people put their trust on the young soldier with the leader's words, But others still had doubt. But that doesn't stop the young Yagano.

The soldier leading and commanding the marching army saw the Tsuchiyan battalion waiting for them from the village. He observed the battalion, Yagano hid their Cavalries and Archers to trick the Saijun Army. Then He thought there will be a lot of loses to their sides because of the Tsuchiyan soldiers' armor being more improved than theirs. Then He faced the army and inspired them. Then finally He let out a shout and raised his sword to the air, Then the whole army did the same and started charging towards the Tsuchiyan battalion. As planned, The Saijun Army went charging to their death. It was Yagano's plan to trick them. This amazed the hiding soldiers, The Raiding Saijun Army was completely roped into battle, knowing the Tsuchiyans only have foot soldiers to send. This greatly proves the Ineffective Spying of the Saijuns and The silent people of Tsuchiya. Once every Saijun soldiers are fighting, Yagano leads the remaining soldiers with his horse, to come out of hiding and fight alongside the foot soldiers who was already fighting. Archers left the Cavalries as soon as they are on the range. Then Yagano and the Cavalries went ahead and broke through the enemies. Pushing the enemies to the ground and ending up being stabbed by the Foot soldiers whilst on the ground. The Cavalries' entrance already made great lose to the Saijuns. Then Yagano ordered the Foot soldiers and Cavalries to fall back from the remaining enemies and ordered the Archers to rain them down with arrows. The Saijuns were shocked and retreated without the leading soldier telling them to do so. But even He wanted to retrear and also ran away with them. The archers advanced through and aims at the sky, wishing to finish them off. But Yagano stopped them, As the soldiers asked, Yagano said "That'll be our message to the Saiju".The soldiers were impressed by how the young commander thinks and just watch the Saiju scurry away

As they are about to return, A soldier on a horse arrived. "Yagano! Our Enemies have tricked us! Enemies have overrunned the Eastern part! We did our best to hold them off! But they are way too many! Please, Go in there!" Yagano agrees and asked the soldier to lead the way. The Cavalries and Yagano went first for as the Foot soldiers will run. When they have started to hear the chaos, Yagano raised his sword on the air and shouted. "Soldiers! We'll drive these traitors out of our beloved country and village! We'll show them the strength of Tsuchiyans!" Then he lowered his arm and raised it again with strength. "For Tsuchiya!!" He shouted and the whole Cavalries behind him shouts as a war cry and sped up their horses. Once they saw the enemies. Yanano shouts: "Ready!". Then the Cavalries held their spears with their right hands as they charge towards the enemies. Yagano being in the front, He get to face an enemy first. Yagano readies his sword. When he was close to the enemy, He turned his horse a little to the left and leans to the right and swings his sword, stabbing the enemy soldier. Yagano's sword remains stuck at the soldier's body, So He swings it forward to send the body flying. He got out of the village so He stopped his horse and turn back, then He saw the Cavalries follow him with bloods on them. "Again!" Yagano ordered them and quickly went back. The Cavalries followed him with a war cry.

As they reach the village again, Yagano put his horse on the highest speed. When He's about to face an enemy. He quickly put his feet to the back of the horse and jumps to an enemy soldier and stab him in his chest. The horse kept running, crashing into an enemy. The speed of the horse and the force from his jump combined together sent the enemy soldier to the ground and making the sword dig deeper to his chest, The enemy soldier quickly dies. Yagano was surprised, Aside from the first one, That was his first kill, Face to Face. He was about to space out then an enemy soldier screams and swings his sword at Yagano. But Yagano quickly moved to his left while still gripping on his sword, Then He bumps his body to the enemy then gathered strength to remove his sword from the body and swing it on the enemy's neck. It hit. The enemy soldier drops his sword as blood spurt out of his neck with the sword stuck on it. Then Yagano pushed his sword

deeper then placed his elbow to the enemy's chest then uses it to push away the enemy and pull his sword from the neck. Once He felt that the sword was loosened, He stopped pushing with his elbow and pulled the sword with all his might, making the enemy kneel. As soon as He got his sword out, He quickly gather his strength and swings his sword back to the enemy's neck. completely beheading him.

Then He looked around to see the Cavalries also stepped out of their horses to fight on foot. Then His gaze stopped on a group of enemy soldier slowly approaching him. Then He slowly backs off. "Too many.." He whispers to himself. Then He realized backing off any further is pointless, So He stopped and held his sword with both hands in front of him, Tightens his grip to his sword. The enemy group keeps getting closer, Yagano steps his right foot back and readies. Then the enemy soldier in front of the group moves first and charges towards, then the rest followed. Yagano strengthen his stance as He saw the enemies charge. Then all of the sudden, Yagano heard a herd behind him, and so the enemies who have stop their charge to look at them. Yagano saw the faces of the enemy soldiers then looks behind him. It was the Foot soldiers from his battalion. As they get closer, All of them started screamind. Then Yagano looks back at the enemy soldier near him, The soldier froze to his position. Noticing Yagano's gaze, He slowly looks back at Him. Then Yagano stepped back slowly as the Foot soldiers get even closer. The enemy soldier in the front relaxes and looked back to the group and told them to get ready and makes a stance.

Then finally the Foot soldiers reached them, Yagano hid himself with the vast amount of the charging foot soldiers. Then the sounds of a battle, Clashing swords and the screams of the soldiers, can now be heard loudly. It was not long before the sounds stopped as they quickly finished off the group that was attacking Yagano, and pressed forward, And there the sounds of chaos continued. Yahano's foot soldiers clashes with the remaining soldiers as He walks in and observe the chaos. As he stopped on the middle, One enemy soldier managed to slip away from the soldier He was facing and quickly runs towards Yagano and raised his sword on the air. But at the same time He landed his sword, Yagano quickly pushes himself towards the enemy, Stumbling him back and losing focus. With this, Yagano quickly stabbed the soldier to his stomach. Then Yagano forcefully pulled his sword off, Sending the enemy to the ground. Then He continued to observe the battlefield.

Until the last enemy soldier dies. Everything went quiet. Then the remaining Tsuchiyan Foot soldiers screams and raised their swords on the air, Indicating a Victory. Then Yagano went on the middle of the soldiers. Noticing Yagano, The supposedly Cavalries and Foot soldiers gathers to encircle Yagano. Then Yagano speaks "Soldiers! Let's promise... No.." Then Yagano points his sword at the sky then shouts loud: "Let's swear our lives to protect what's ours at all cost! We'll slay every Tsuchiya's enemy! We'll destroy countries after countries if it means to do good for Tsuchiya!" Then the surrounding soldiers also raised their sword on the air and screams. "For Tsuchiya!" Yagano screams. "For Tsuchiya! For Commander Yagano!" The soldiers also screamed, and started to put trust on Yagano. Then the encirclement dispersed as the soldiers talk to each other. Yagano observed his soldiers having a friendly conversations. Then the Archers have arrived on foot. "Where were you?" Yagano walked to them and asked the Officer. "Commander, There were another attack coming from the North Eastern part of our village happened after the foot soldier left our previous location. We met up with a soldier on a horse and sent us there. Luckily there were few of them there.. How about here?" The Officer of the Archers answered and asked about the situation. "They were no match, We are far more armored and trained than them. There were no loses" Yagano proudly answered. "Hah! We didn't even break a sweat!" A Foot soldier heard their conversation and butts in. Then few moments later, Yagano called the whole Battalion and they returned to the Capital. They were greeted by cheering crowds on the Center where most of people was evacuated there.

The Saiju have faced a huge consequences and lost half of their military. Knowing the Defeat of the Saiju against the Tsuchiya, The Saijun leader pressured the Kosun to demand that the Tsuchiyan have killed the Saijuns who were suppose to be sparring with them, and use it to join the Saiju's side against the Tsuchiya. Then asked to brainwash the other countries into getting them on their side. Of course, The Tsuchiya have a rich economy and it's not just the Saiju nor The Kosuns wanted their treasures but all of the neighboring countries so they agreed to join the alliance. The Tsuchiyan felt like the world was against them, Which the most Tsuchiyan feared. But their military never showed any fear and are willing to die for their country. This was because of Yagano's unbelievable faith towards their military strength.

The Tsuchiyan leader, knowing that even if they have a way more advanced technologies, It'll be impossible for them to face a whole region's army, quickly thinks of defensive strategies. The Tsuchiya knows that they will definitely attack together, So He thought many defensive formations and plans for improving weapons and any other equipment. Then few days have passed, The Tsuchiyans were glad they were able to rebuild without any problem. But this also confirm the enemies' intention, They were gathering storm. The leader used this opportunity to make improvements. Few more days, They have developed Catapult. Its bucket is large and they are wheeled. Then the leader asked the people outside of their village within their border to help the soldiers find projectiles for the Catapults, Mostly huge rocks or stones. Few Even more days, They produced enough Catapults and they're only waiting for them to attack. While waiting, The leader thinks it will be good if they produce more Catapults as reserves while waiting for the enemies. Then Yagano came to suggest that the reserves should be hidden from ANY sight. The leader carefully thinks of an idea. Then finally came up with an underground base. The leader thinks of a place for the underground, Then chose to the nearest vacant and less populated area, West of the Center. The builders were fascinated by the idea of underground, But they had a hard time building it as it's their first time making one.

Another few days have passed, They finally finished making their first underground along with all the rebuilds of the village. The underground was big enough to fit exactly ten catapults, Then some small rooms for weapons,shields and armors. The leader asked Yagano to name the underground because it's his idea and it'll be their very place for emergencies. Yagano gave it a name 'Kakure Kyuden' Which means 'Hidden Palace'. Then the leader officially named it 'Kakure Kyuden'. Yagano also suggested that they should add the Kakure Kyuden to their education but the contents of it remains a secret as the leader plan to share their educations to their neighboring countries once the war is over. Even by that, Yagano noticed that their leader still cares about their neighboring countries.

Then finally one day, A Recon came back to their Center and reports a huge amount of soldiers heading towards their direction. The Village suddenly became busy. Soldiers running on the streets, Civilians getting their things from their houses and running, Hurrying Carriages, Soldier pushing carts full of weapons and equipment, Group of Soldiers pushing Catapults. Everyone's busy in preparing for the invasion. Then later the whole village became quiet. The Catapults are placed around the village, There were also Soldiers stationed around the village. Yagano's Battalion and another Battalion commanded by the name of Fukoda, were outside of the village, facing the direction of where the invading force. The two Commander were standing in front of their Battalions. The plan was to lessen the numbers of the enemies by raining them down with big stones that were collected by the soldiers, The big stones were sculpted to fit the buckets of the Catapults. They were fully stocked with the big sculpted stones and the enemies doesn't even know they have a ballistic weapon that could kill several soldiers at a single fire. The Catapults were really their best ticket to win against the invading forces.

Few moments later, Yagano and Fukoda finally heard and saw the enemies charging. Even though the enemies were just a load of Foot Soldiers, They were countless and can overwhelm Yagano and Fukoda's Battalion in a second. The Two Commanders looked at each other and nods, Then faced their Battalion. Yagano speaks up. "Soldiers! The time has come! The enemies have finally shown themselves! Once the Catapults have made their part, We'll do our duties and protect our beloved village! For Tsuchiya!!" Yagano raised his sword as he screamed the name of their village and the whole Battalion also did the same, including Fukoda himself. Then looked back at the invading enemies. At the time, The leader thought of an impressive defense, If only there's something to guard whole the village everytime, If only there's a way to hold off enemies from going in the village without losing manpower. What kind of things that swords and such weapons can't harm? It's got to be tougher than a human, What else could be tougher than humans and at the same time can withstand a sword's sharp blades? It is the stones. Now what to do with the stones? I wanted to keep any intruders from entering the village from all direction.. So that means gathering stones around the village. No, Just simply putting stones around will do no good. I will make the stones stand as a thousand shields to hold off thousands of swords. I can make it .. We can make it! .. With a few moments, The leader had the implementation of the Wall on his mind and tasked their builders to build it right away.

Few moments later, The enemy forces has reached the maximum range of the Catapults. The Catapults were commanded to wait for a few seconds, Then finally ordered to rain them down. The Catapults violently throws huge stones at the field. The whole Battalion watches the stones fly at the enemies' direction. Seeing the flying stones, The enemies' stopped charging for a brief moment at seeing the stones fly and began charging again. Blood splatters as the stones crushed many charging soldiers and are stuck on ground. Crews from the Catapults carried their own stones to their own Catapults and fires. The stones hits a lot of enemy soldiers again. As they get closer, Confused and Afraid voices can now be heard coming from the charging enemies. The Catapults threw their last barrage before signalling the Battalions. The Enemies were greatly decreased but they gave no care about it and continued to charge forth. Yagano and Fukoda let out an order on their own Battalions and all of them charges to the enemies. The Cavalries were on the front with Archers on their back. While getting closer, The Archers shot their arrows on the air to the enemies, killing a few of them. Then the Archers went down rolling from the Cavalries and divided themselves and quickly ran to the sides to make way for the Foot soldiers. The Cavalries went ahead and stabs the leading enemy soldiers and quickly turn back. There were enemy soldiers who threw their swords at the Cavalries in hope of stumbling the horses. The Cavalries also did the same as the Archers. Then once the two armies met, The Sound of Chaos began. Yagano and Fukoda slashing and stabbing enemies without mercy and pushing them back bit by bit, Archers raining down the enemies from a distance and Cavalries charging and stabbing enemies and charging forth to stumble enemy soldiers and turn back and do it again. After the Tsuchiyan Battalions pushed the enemies enough, The Catapults starts firing again. This was risky as it could hit their own allies but the soldiers didn't disagree on this because they are willing to kill as many as they can and also said that they will be careful not to hit by them. The Leader then let them do what they wish. The Catapults were throwing stones and decreasing the enemy forces by large numbers. The Catapults' stones were hitting the enemy forces that is away from the clashes between the two sides. Few moments later, The Tsuchiyan Battalions started to experience loses, Their counts started to fall. Fukoda noticed this quickly and told Yagano to retreat and let the Catapults rain them down as they retreat. Yagano agrees to this and shouted to retreat. Then the wounded Battalions retreated with their Commanders behind them. The Crews of the Catapults were surprised by the retreat. Then one of the crew of a Catapult speaks up first. "They are retreating?! Are they losing?!" Then the Leader spoke up. "No, Soldier" Then the crew of the Catapult were all surprised and quickly look behind them. "L-Leader?!" The whole crew mentioned their Leader. "Look at it. They were indeed losing counts. Soldiers from separate countries have separate tactics and will, which is really do unfair. But i know that those two Commanders weren't retreating because they can't fight anymore. They are retreating for you Catapults to fire at them" The Leader speaks as He observe the battlefield. "Y-Yeah, I think your right" A crew agrees and they looked back at the battlefield. Then later a crew spotted Yagano and pointed at him. Yagano was raising his hands while running, trying to signal the Catapults. "Look at him! He's trying to tell something! Q-Quick! Ready the Catapults!" The Catapults suddenly worked up and readies to fire. Then in a call, The Catapults fired at the advancing enemy forces, killing several enemies again. After that fire, The enemies finally stopped charging. Fukoda noticed this and told the Battalions to stop, Then Yagano raised his hands again to signal the Catapults to hold fire. Then the whole Battalion slowly walks toward the enemy forces. The enemy forces were visibly gripping their swords very tight as they watch the Tsuchiyans walk towards them. The Battalions stopped walking from a safe distance from the enemies. "What are they doing?!" A Crew from a Catapults shouts. "Silence, Soldier" Leader calmly scolded the crew.

Yagano walks forward a bit then talks to enemies. "Everyone! Let's stop this meaningless war and stop the pointless deaths of our brave warriors!". Then the enemy soldiers started to whisper. Then one soldier, visibly wearing clothes with a symbol of the Soma Village, spoke up. "But you broke the pact between the three large countries and slain the Saijun soldiers!". Fukoda swings his sword to the side and shouted in rage. "They never told they were coming and went inside our border, That was a clear Tresspassing!". The Soman soldier fell silent and so the rest of his allies. Then Fukoda continues. "Yagano, THIS Commander! saw their faces as they charge! The War is written all over them!". The enemies is starting to doubt the lie against the Tsuchiya. "Then all of the sudden, There were reports that the other side is also under siege! And guess what?! Once my Battalion was quickly assigned to the area, I saw the Saijun soldier killing our people and destroying their homes!" Fukoda ranted more. "Do you REALLY think they wanted a fucking sparring?!". Fukoda stomps on the ground hard. Despite his rage, A soldier with a familiar Kosun design went to the front to face his group. "Don't believe the Tsuchiyan lies!" Then He looked at Yagano and Fukoda. "They're trying to hide the truth by some nonsense!" This enraged Fukoda even more, But Yagano pats his shoulder and indicates that He should calm down and He'll handle the situation. Then Yagano faced the Kosun soldier and said: "Before you Kosun people point your finger and declare a war like an idiot. Do you even show these brave warriors and their countries a proof of what have they been fighting just now?" Yagano looked at the Kosun soldier's eyes directly with a serious tone. This froze the Kosun soldier and the whole enemy group started to whisper. "Look at these warriors. They have saw their comrades getting crushed by our weapons and dying like an animal. And for what? For what exactly?" Then Yagano looked at the group behind the Kosun soldier, Then the whispers stopped. "Brave warriors of Tsuchiya's neighbors!" This made the group gasp in surprise. "What exactly have you been fighting for just now?" Yagano asked and stayed quiet for a while for them to answer. But nobody answered. "Exactly. You are clueless! The Kosun and the Saiju lied to you! Us Tsuchiyans didn't broke any pact and the Saijuns themselves are the one who broke everything! They are desperate to take our homes just for the resources we could trade with you! I even bet some of you agreed to join them because they said they'll share the rewards. What a blackmail" This made the group even more surprised. Then He looked back at the Kosun soldier, who was sweating bullets. "Isn't that right? .. Kosunjin-Yi..?" Yagano sharply stared at the Kosun soldier. "Y-You..... Don't fuck with me you fucking brat!" The Kosun soldier unsheathed his sword, looked back at his group and shouted: "Everyone! Your brothers have something to fight for! and it is Valuable! Our leader promised to share the resources these traitors have! Imagine how your countries will be rich after this! Don't believe this little brat's bullshit! He even look too young to understand all of these!" Despite his attempt to inspire his allies, There were no single soldier that supported him. "U-Ugh....!" The Kosun soldier was visibly uncomfortable and getting out of control. "You little kid....!" The Kosun soldier grips his sword tight in anger. "You and your country is a traitor and shall be erased from existence!" The Kosun soldier shouted at Yagano and charges towards him, Surprising the enemy group.

The Kosun soldier raised his sword on the air and swings it down at Yagano. But Yagano quickly moved to his left and avoided the sword. Then He grabbed the Kosun soldier's body with his hands and pulled him closer and struck his right knee to the soldier's stomach, making him lower his upper body and let out a grunt. Then He moved his right feet back and pushed it through both of the soldier's feet. The force from Yagano's kick removes the soldier's feet from the ground and fell. Then Fukoda unsheathe his sword and points at the Kosun soldier's head, preventing him to stand up. The enemy group gave no response at all and looked at Yagano instead. "If you keep obeying this person, More of you will die a meaningless death and your countries will just lose manpower and your countries would be very prone to invasions. specially if the Northern region invades us here at the South. Not even Tsuchiya could handle them" Yagano warned the enemy soldiers with their pointless invasion. "Heh... The Mortem Regio, Or the Death Region if memory serves well. You don't want to mess with those crazy bastards will you?" Fukoda taps the Kosun soldier's head and faced the enemy group. "They didn't get to name their own region for nothing! They are known for their addictions to wars and their obsessions to Human Skull drawings and dark armors. We are lucky the alliance between our region and the Western region won against them and the Eastern regions on a whim from the Great war. Ever since then those bastards admits defeat and return everything they took and cut their relations with the Eastern region, Simply ending the war. But those bastards refused to connect with the world and isolated themselves. Because of this, the Western power went to visit them but were stopped by the soldiers guarding the region's borders and threatens them. So they just let them be. After a few months the countries within the Northern region decided to name their region 'Mortem Regio' Which i think it means 'Death Region' in their language. And not for too long They named their soldiers 'Bellatores Mortis' Which i forgot what it means. Then later, The names is slowly fitting them as they develop technologies ahead of the Western region. They even secretly destroyed the Eastern region for punishment. This was only revealed by an adventurer but the Western didn't do anything" Fukoda tells a history, To even scare off the enemy soldiers

"Yes. Long story short, These guys are not to be mess with anymore. If these guys went berserk again, no one knows who are going to be the target. But taking a hint from the Great war, It's possible that it'll be us this time" Yagano supported Fukoda's words, scaring the enemy soldiers even more. "So, What it's gonna be? Learning the truth and serve your countries with better reasons or Die like an animal and serve no purpose?" Yagano asked the soldiers as he observed them whisper. He saw some Kosun soldiers who were surprised and confused. Then Yagano unsheathe his sword and shouted: "If you choose to continue this nonsense, We'll not stop you! We'll respect your own choices! We'll finish what we have done! We'll do our own duties as a brave warriors! For our countries!" This made the enemy soldiers much noisier. Yagano waited for a moment, then turned his back to the enemy soldiers and started to walk away, But then. "We...We'll not fight anymore!" A voice came out for Yagano, stopping the noise and making Yagano look back. "We'll not fight the Tsuchiyan anymore!" A soldier with Yugara Village's design speaks with Yagano. Then another Yugaran soldier catches his shoulder and said: "You idiot! What do you think you're doing?! This is not the order!". The surrendering soldier grips his fists and replied: "No! I knew this is all wrong from the beginning..". This made the enemy soldiers whispers as they look at the him. Then his companion shakes his shoulder and shouted. "What are you talking about?!". Then He shouts back. "It's as they said! We have no proof that they have broken their pact! They only said that and now were invading?!" Then He shakes his shoulder to get his companion's hands off and went in front of Yagano and kneels. "Tsuchiya! We apologize for our selfishness! We didn't think this through!" The kneeling Yugaran soldier begs for forgiveness. Then his companion shouted at him: "You idiot! Do you think this will be easy?! You'll be killed for betra-!" His rant was interrupted by a Kosun soldier going up front, Few fellow Kosun soldier followed him and there were few remains from the group. "Everyone! Everything the Saijuns have told us is a lie! This is no longer manageable by Kosunjin-yi! This was all the Saijun's plan! They told us Kosun to join their cause if they fail to overrun the Tsuchiya Village!" A high ranking-looking Kosun soldier revealed the truth. Making the group noisy with angry conversation. "Soldiers!" The high ranking Kosun soldier called out for his soldiers, Then lots of his soldier came rushing behind him and they all kneel at the same time. "Forgive our country, Tsuchiya! We were desperate for your resources and were only forced to this. On behalf of our people and our leader, May you forgive us!" The high ranking Kosun apologized. Seeing their leading country's soldier kneel, All of the remaining enemy soldiers did the same. Ending their conflict.

"Hah! Hey, look at them!" Fukoda taps the Kosun soldier who he was guarding before. Enraged by Fukoda's attitude, The Kosun soldier fend off his sword and throws a punch to Fukoda, But Fukoda didn't even flinch. "Heh.. You want a piece of me?" instead he scoffed. Then the Kosun soldier hurriedly picked up his sword and moved away. "You traitors! You're betraying our own countries!" He shouted at his surrendering comrades. "Yeah, You're kind of betraying your own country, Kosun?" Fukoda asked the high-ranking Kosun soldier. "No, It's not" He replied, shocking the whole people. "The leader heavily relied on me on this one. If we were exposed, we will give up everything. Our leader knows what the Tsuchiyans have and is impossible to win. But if somehow we managed to win, we will continue. That's what our leader told me" The high-ranking Kosun calmly explains. "No... You're all a liar! You're all betrayer of your kinds!" The resisting Kosun soldier snaps and charges towards his kneeling comrades. The High ranking Kosun soldier quickly stood up, stopping the resisting Kosun soldier from charging and instead went for him. The resisting Kosun soldier swings his sword violently, But the high-ranking Kosun found an opening and quickly pushed his body against him, both falling to the ground. The high ranking Kosun quickly recovered and stomps the resisting soldier's hands to make him lose grip to his sword, Then held his head to the ground. "You have to calm down. Soldier!" The high ranked tries to calm the resisting soldier down. "Calm down?! Our leader never told us such things! You're making stuffs just like those Tsuchiyan trash! Betrayer!" The whole people watch him squirm against the high ranking Kosun. "The leader only told me this to ensure there will be nothing else to happen!" The high ranked explains furiously. "Bullshit! You're all betrayer!" The soldier resisted even more and the High ranked had enough, He quickly let go of the resisting soldier, took his sword out and flips the soldier and stabs his neck. "You're the betrayer. You're disobeying your higher ups AND your leader's order! You wanna die for the Kosunjin-Yi's sake?! Then Here! I grant you your wish!" Then He pushed his sword even deeper to his neck and quickly pulls it out.

The High ranked Kosun relaxed himself and faced Yagano. "Tsuchiya. I hope you believe us. We were driven out of hope and wished to just steal everything from you, And it was all the Saijun's influence. Our leader never wished for wars like these". The high ranking Kosun were sincere, making Fukoda become serious. "So you're not as blind as the Saijuns eh? As expected of your weird country name, you were different" The high ranked Kosun quickly said: "It's not a weird name". But Fukoda just shrugs off. "Yes, It's not. Kosun. Now that you have gave up the war, What are you going to do with these soldiers from different countries?" Yagano asked the High ranking Kosun. "Oh, Yeah. The Saiju assigned us as the leader of our alliance so you know, To hide that we have a connection with them. Because of this, The other countries will have to obey our orders" He replied to Yagano. "So they will give it up too?" Fukoda asked while looking at the soldiers behind him. The high ranking Kosun took a peek behind him and looked at Fukoda. "Yes, They will go where ever side we'll go. That was the promise" Then He faced the soldiers. "Stand!" The soldiers stood from their kneeling as ordered. "You are to return to your countries. Our ties with the Saijuns are over! Further resistance is pointless! Us Kosuns and Tsuchiya will surely destroy your countries along with the Saijuns!" The high ranking Kosun threatens them about going against their order and let them home. With that, The smaller countries' soldiers walks away, The Kosun soldiers remained.

"I'm glad that they are not like "I will not let my brothers die for nothing"". Fukoda mocks the walking soldiers. Yagano and The High ranked Kosun stared at him as he jokes around. "Jeez cut it out, Can you guys at least be happy?" Fukoda was visibly irritated by the gazes. "It's too early to be 'happy', Fukoda" Yagano crossed his arm. "Yeah, yeah. I know right" Fukoda agreed. "Excuse me, My name is Kanseiku Harugo. Please just call me Haru" The High ranked Kosun soldier introduced himself. "Christ. Here i am, i thought it was only your country's name... Name's Fukoda, Nishimura Fukoda. And i'm leading this.." Fukoda introduced and looks behind him. "Hey!" Fukoda shouted at the soldiers, Who were confused why did he shouted. "Well, Some of those soldiers are mine and some are for this commander here" Fukoda looked at Yagano. "Yes, That's right. My name is Yagano, Takamura Yagano. Leader of the first Battalion ever formed by our country" Yagano introduced himself. "Yeah! That's unfair! This kid gets to be the first commander!" Fukoda whined about their leader's decisions. "So... You're like, The commander of a second battalion then?" Haru asked. "Yeah, That's right" Fukoda calms down and answered. "Well let's not sit here for too long, Wanna come to our village?" Yagano welcomed Haru and his soldiers to their village. Yagano looked over Fukoda to see if he have any objections, Fukoda just shrugs. "What an invitation! I guess my soldiers can go but i'll have to report back to our leader". Haru responded and the Kosun soldiers were delighted. "Oh, I see" Yagano was a bit disappointed. "But i promise i will come back. I bet the Saijuns are wondering why are we not reporting back to them, and i have to get rid of this pest away from your lands" Haru promised to come back and looked at the dead soldier. "A-Ah.. Yeah.. No problem" Yagano answered. "Well then! I'm off!" With that, Haru carried the body on his shoulders. "Soldiers, You have been invited to visit their village. Those who don't want to, come follow me. I need two soldiers with me though" Haru told his soldiers about the invitation and walked away. After a few walks, Haru realized that nobody was following him and looks back at his soldiers and whispered: "This sons of bitches". Then He shouted: "Fine! You can all go! Don't make any trouble!" Then walks away. The Kosun soldiers grew happy about what he said.

"Brave warriors of the Kosunjin-Yi! We welcome you to our Village!" Yagano welcomed the Kosun soldiers warmly. Then Yagano and Fukoda moved to the side and both soldiers from each side had a friendly conversations. The two Commanders watch them as they talk each other in friendly terms. Then Yagano raised his hands and made a thumbs up. A crew of a Catapults suddenly gets worked up. "Ready the Cata-!" He was about to throw an order but the leader quickly shuts him off. "You idiot! They have stopped fighting!" The leader shouted at the crew. "S-Sorry!" and quickly apologized... Yagano lowered his hands and called for the soldiers. "Everyone! Let's go inside!" and the soldiers became excited. With Yagano and Fukoda on the lead, The soldiers entered the village.

A day have passed. It has been peaceful.. But not for the Saijuns. The Saijun leader hurriedly went for the Kosun village to meet up with their leader. Once they have met, The Saijun leader angrily questioned about the why the Tsuchiyans haven't been devastated. The Kosun leader said: "We were reduced with great numbers. They have developed a new weapon that could kill numerous soldiers. Including their units with horses, bows and arrows, We couldn't do it". The Saijun leader was mad about this and asked: "What are we going to do then?!". Then the Kosun leader simply said: "Let's give it up. There's no way we could face their weapons as of now". The Saijun leader was even became mad because of his answer. The Saijun leader points his finger at the Kosun leader and said: "No, I'm not surrendering. I'll find a way.. WE! WE will find a way!". With that said, The Saijun leader hurriedly went off. The Kosun leader just sigh at the Saijun leader's stubbornness. Then one of his guard asked: "Is it alright if we hide our surrender?" and He answered: "Yeah. Let them take actions" And the Kosunjin-Yi remained silent.

Few days have passed. The Saijuns started to invade the Tsuchiya. despite losing, they keep coming back. The construction of the wall are always interrupted by the invading Saijuns, So the soldiers of Tsuchiya always guards the construction. There were even spies disguised as a Tsuchiyan citizen sent to the village by the Saijuns to know about the ongoing construction of the wall but It was not long before the walls are done and completely enclosing their village. This surprised many soldier with a Saijun soldier and a girl with Saijun clothes on his tow arrived at the Center. Went for the leader, who was sitting in a chair, and explained. "Leader! These so-called Rebels have wished to speak with you". "Alright, You can go now. I'll speak with them" The soldier nods at the Leader and walks away. The leader waits for them to speak. "Leader of the Tsuchiya! I am Hinorama Gentaro!" Gentaro bows after the leader. "And this is my little sister, Itsumi" Itsumi bows right after his brother introduced her. "My name is Itsumi, Nice to meet you". Then the leader smiles. "Hmm! What a nice young persons you are! What can i do for you then?" The leader asked brightly, surprising Itsumi a bit. Then Gentaro said: "We are leading a group of soldiers who didn't went along with our leader's plans and ran away from home, There are more waiting outside.. So..!" Gentaro stopped talking as He saw the leader in deep thought. "How old are you kid?" The leader asked. "Uh... I'm sixteen years old..." Gentaro answered then the leader turned to Itsumi. "I-I'm fifteen years old" Itsumi answered right away. "What the hell?! Why are kids starting to be a brave ones these days?!" The leader burst out, surprising the two. "Umm..! Our father was actually the leader of our group! But..." Itsumi spoke and suddenly became sad. "He... He died trying to fight off the loyal soldiers for us to run here at Tsuchiya.. He told us to seek help of getting rid of that corrupt leader and take the position" Gentaro explained. "You? Going to be a leader of the whole Country? That's a tough choice, kid" The leader doubts Gentaro. "Yes! I'll do anything for my Country!" Hearing Gentaro's words, The leader sigh. "Good grief... Kids these days". "Why do you keep mentioning kids though?" Gentaro asked. "Ah.. A boy who happened to be one year old ahead of you became a Commander of the first Battalion we ever formed, He's as determined as you are, kid" The two were surprised by this. "So, Back on track.. You want us to help you throw your leader out of position?" The leader asked the two, They nod in reply. "By how exactly?" The leader asked. "That.... By taking control of our Village" Gentaro gave an idea. "How exactly?" But the leader repeats the question, making the two uncomfortable. "You guys... will invade our village" Itsumi answered, looking at the grounds. "Don't be ridiculous.." The leader laid his back at his chair. "Is.. It impossible?" Gentaro asked worriedly. "You're simply telling us to hurt people like your soldiers did!" The leader became furious, scaring the two, But they still insisted. Gentaro raised his voice. "It can't be helped right?! That leader started this! He even lied to you and forced you to kill innocent people for no valid reasons at all! They were all tricked!" The leader fell silent, and let him speak. "You had every rights to fight back! The Tsuchiya will not be stained as a betrayer of the neighboring countries even if you destroy our village! Though we only ask for help to de-throne our corrupt leader! That's all we asked for!" Gentaro screamed at the last words, Tears flows down to his cheeks. "N..Nii-chan!" Itsumi hugged her brother. The leader completely lost his cool at the scene. "Are you crying kid?" He asked despite the obvious. "I'm not!" Gentaro shouted and throws Itsumi off him and wipes his eyes with his arms. "If you can't help us... We'll do it ourselves" Gentaro looked straight at the leader's eyes. "W-Wait..!" Itsumi worriedly looked at the leader. "I haven't even said we can't!" The leader speaks with rising voice, The two gasp at his answer. "Look, It's not as simple as you think..." "Listen..". Just as the leader speaks, Gentaro interrupted him. "You want to end all this right? Then You only have to help us.. You don't need to kill.." Gentaro continued and the leader sighs. "Fine. I'll lend you our strength" The leader chosed to end quickly. He knows that everything, A kid leading a rebellious group, Asking them a help to throw off their leader, the kid himself taking the position, happened so fast He couldn't think it through and just believed on Gentaro's words. The leader's answer made the two surprised. "Just make sure you also let the Kosunjin-Yi know about this!" The leader gave a condition. The two became energetic and answered yes with a nod. Then Gentaro held both of her little sister's hands. "Itsumi! Our people will no longer suffer from that person!" Gentaro excitedly speaks as Itsumi nods with teary eyes. "Once you have made it to the Kosun, Come back here again. The soldiers i lent you will be ready to go by then" The leader told them the plan. The two bows and thanked the leader and made their way out of the Tsuchiya to the Kosunjin-Yi.

Gentaro's group didn't need any further assistants to guide them to the leader as they are Saijuns. So They went to the leader by themselves. As usual, The soldiers waited outside while the two did the talking. Gentaro and Itsumi told the Kosun leader that they made their way to Tsuchiya and were sent to him to tell about their plan. Hearing that the Tsuchiya was involved, The Kosun leader agreed in an instant and lend them a group of soldiers. It was Haru's. Once Haru's soldiers are done preparing, They quickly went back to Tsuchiya. Once they have sat foot on Tsuchiya's borders, They quickly saw the group of soldiers already waiting outside. Both Haru and his soldiers, Gentaro and his soldiers were happy to see them. As they walk closer, "Oh? Isn't it Yagano-san and Fukoda-san?!" Haru closely observe the group and waves his hands as he shouted. On the other hand, "Oh? Ain't this a bitch? It's the guy before!" Fukoda grins as He waved back. Yagano did the same. "It was Haru, Right?" "Yeah.." Yagano asked to make sure and Fukoda nods. Once the two sides have met, The soldiers from the Kosun and the Tsuchiya quickly greets each other. "So..." Fukoda initiates a conversation between them commanders and looked at Gentaro. "Are you this Gentaro kid? Aren't you too young to lead a damn country?" Fukoda observed Gentaro. "I'll do my best" Gentaro simply replied, Making Fukoda sigh. Then Yagano spoke: "Hinorama Gentaro, Is it? My name is Yagano, Takamura Yagano". Gentaro quickly turned to Yagano and also introduced: "Yes! I am Gentaro! And this is my little sister, Itsumi" Gentaro looked at her little sister as He introduce her. "I'm Itsumi, Nice to meet you" Itsumi bowed as She speaks. "So.. What are we going to do now?" Fukoda asked Gentaro. "Let's go to our village right now!" Itsumi replied and Gentaro nods in agreement. "Got it.." Fukoda agreed and turns to his and Yagano's soldiers. "Soldiers! We are now going for the bastards' village! Though i also wanted to skin them alive! But you should be defensive! You only kill if an enemy is coming for you! Otherwise, You're not permitted to kill! Breaking this agreement will be punished! You got that?!" Fukoda demanded an order and the soldiers responded with a Yes at the same time. "That goes the same for you, Haru. Unless you want them Saiju to have another lies to spread" Fukoda faced Haru to include him. "You got it, Fukoda-san.. You all heard that?! You got to stick!" Haru agreed on Fukoda and faced his soldiers to warn them, and they responded the same. "How about your soldiers, Gentaro?" Yagano asked Gentaro about his soldiers. "Yes! We are ready since the beginning! Right guys?!" Gentaro asked his soldiers and they responded cheerfully. "That's good to know" Yagano responded. "Alright, Yagano. I did my part" Fukoda told Yagano. "I'll lead you there!" Gentaro suddenly spoke, making the two Commanders look at him. "Alright, I guess.. Lead us there, Gentaro" Fukoda let Gentaro and his soldiers lead the way. Then They started to walk towards the Saiju.

They kind of expected some guards to the Saijun borders, But there were nothing waiting for them at the borders as they stepped in. "These Saijuns only know how to put up lies, Can't even fuckin' put a single guard on their borders" Fukoda insults the Saijuns for their lack of securities. "It was not all of the Saijun.. It was the leader's stubbornness. He refused every suggestions of the people and only do things of what he thinks" Gentaro responded to Fukoda's insult while looking straight to their village. This made the two commanders and Itsumi looked at him. "There.." Then Gentaro stopped walking and pointed his finger forward. "There's our village.." The three looked forward. "Huh..There she is.." Fukoda examined the Saiju Village. "Your houses looks shit" Fukoda straight-out insults the village. "Yes, I'm afraid i must agree.. This is also part of the leader's fault" Itsumi responded to Fukoda's insult. "Huh... Do your leader even loves you?" Fukoda asked a question Gentaro and Itsumi can hardly answer. "Were... We don't know" Gentaro responded. "Oh christ, i wouldn't hesitate to run away here and run for another country to live in.." Fukoda reacted to Gentaro's answer. "Let's end this quickly, Everyone" Yagano suggested that they should move. "Whoa, When did you become hasty, Yagano? Did that angers you?" Fukoda asked Yagano. "Yes, It is. That leader is cruel, I can't bear to see them like this" Yagano responded. "Well, I am too can't bear it anymore. Let's get moving!" Fukoda faced Gentaro to tell him to move on. "Yeah, right! Everyone! To the leader's place!" Gentaro unsheathes his sword and raised it on the air, His soldier's did the same and they went charging towards the village. "Whoa, They're charging!" Yagano was surprised by their sudden charge. "Hahah! Another chaos! Let's follow them Yagano! My soldiers! Follow me!" Fukoda also took his sword out and started running, His soldiers started to follow shortly. "Commander Yagano, We should also go!" A soldier suggested Yagano, Which he nods and unsheathes his sword. "Soldiers! Do not forget the rules! Only kill if necessary!" Yagano reminded his soldiers, Which they answered Yes loudly. "Then! Let's go!" Yagano shouted at the last words and they started charging forth loudly.

An Enemy Saijun soldier who was about to go out of their village with a woman noticed the charging rebel soldiers. He was alarmed and quickly asked the woman to run away and He made his way to their Leader's place to report. The Saijun leader was shocked to hear that Gentaro and Itsumi's Rebellious group came back with Tsuchiyan and Kosun troops on their tow. The Saijun leader quickly assigned all of his soldiers to the direction of the invasion. "K-Kill these traitors! My loyal soldiers! Slay them all!" The Saijun leader shouted as He assign units after units to guard the area of Invasion. On the other hand, Gentaro saw their own army guards the village. "Everyone! Let's push those soldiers off and quickly get the leader!" Gentaro gave an order to his soldiers, which they responded loudly. "Itsumi! Stay close to me!" Gentaro told his little sister to stay near. "Yes! Nii-chan!" Itsumi, Who's now also wielding a sword, agreed on his brother's words. As the two Saijuns met, Gentaro and his soldiers quickly pushed off the enemy Saijuns before they could swing their swords and made their way inside, But there were still soldiers waiting for them inside and turns into a chaos. It was not long before Fukoda and Yagano along with their soldiers reached the village, They joined the fight. There were still some civilians running away as the clashing sounds gets louder. Then few moments later, Yagano stabbed an enemy soldier to the stomach, Then an enemy got closer to his right. Seeing this, He pushed his body against the incoming soldier before he could swing his sword, making him stumble back. Then another incoming enemy soldiers from his left, He quickly pushed his sword that was stuck on a soldier to the incoming enemies, stopping them. This made Yagano's sword gets unstuck as He push and the soldier got thrown away by the force and bumping into the enemy soldiers, making them fall to ground. As He watch them fall, He felt another attack from behind him and quickly held his sword horizontal to block the attack. The attack was strong and He was pushed and stepped back. He met Gentaro as He stepped back. "Gentaro! Let us and your soldiers handle this conflict! Go with your little sister there and get him! That should quickly end this conflict!" Yagano shouted against the loud noise of battles. "G-Got it! Itsumi!" Gentaro quickly agreed and looked over Itsumi, Who had blocked an attack and pushed the enemy soldier away, Then She quickly nodded and follows him.

There were still some soldiers left on the way there, but the two managed to push them off and get faced by the Tsuchiyan soldiers. Seeing the Tsuchiyans facing the enemies who have they pushed off, The two hurriedly went for the leader's place that is somewhat unguarded. The place was just up ahead, on the high grounds and can be accessible by the narrow stairs on it's side, Once you got up, There will be a door to the right, leading to the Leader's room. Otherwise, It's just large roofed balcony. As they reached the leader's room and met with leader himself, Itsumi waited outside of the room to guard while Gentaro went in. The Saijun leader jolted. "W-What the hell?! Soldiers! Protect me!" He hopelessly shouted. "Huh.. Quite expected of you to throw everything just to stop an invasion, You can't even put one single soldier to protect you?" Gentaro looked directly at his leader's eyes. The leader was visibly sweating bullets as Gentaro talks to him. "Even at the times of war, You're really not suited to be a leader and should be thrown like a garbage" Gentaro helds his fists as to hold back himself from further anger. "D-Don't mess with me! Hinorama!" The Saijun leader jumps with his hands forward to reach for Gentaro's neck, But Gentaro moved to his side to avoid him. The Saijun leader fell facing the ground. Then Gentaro quickly pinned him down. "You don't even know how to fight back...!" Gentaro was disgusted about his leader's abilities, He holds his leader's head up and slams it to the ground, making his leader moan in pain. Then this time, He pulled his head with a lot of force, making a snapping bones sounds along with pained moan. Then He gathered strength to his arm and slams his leader's head again to the ground with all his might. Bloods marked the floor of where He slammed his leader's head, Then He flipped his leader's body to face him and rested himself atop of his leader and started to punch him. Bloods splatter as Gentaro kept punching him and eventually breaking his nose. Gentaro stopped for a while, Then as He's about to start throwing punches again, Itsumi shouted outside. "Stay Back!" Gentaro also heard some voices and footsteps coming from the stairs. So He stopped and grabbed his leader outside of the room for the enemy soldiers to their leader's broken face. The soldier on the front got enraged and charges towards Itsumi. But Itsumi lowered her upper body and pushed her arms straight and stabs the soldier, Then She charges to push back the soldier into the stairs where there's many enemy soldiers waiting. Itsumi stopped and pulled her sword as soon as the enemy soldier loses balance and fell into the group of soldiers on the stairs, They all fell back down. After seeing them fall, Itsumi looked back at Gentaro to be surprised at the scene, She covered her mouth in surprise. But Gentaro gave no reaction and placed his leader to lay on the balcony. "Itsumi, How can we get their attention?" Gentaro looked at and asked Itsumi, Which She hurriedly thinks and looks around. Then She pointed at a war horn laying on the ground on Gentaro's right side. Gentaro looked over to his right and looked back at Itsumi. "Alright, Go make that thing loud, I'll have to give them a beautiful sight" Gentaro told Itsumi to get the horn. Then She sheathes her swords and took the horn. Then She went by Gentaro's side and used the horn. It made a loud sound, that the clashing soldiers stopped fighting and looked to them.

"Hah! Look at them!" Fukoda proudly shouted and bumps his fist to the enemy soldier in front of him. "Looks like they made it" Yagano spoke as He throws off the sword of the enemy soldier who was supposed to attack him, Then both of them looked at the two. The enemy soldiers on the stairs gained their balance back and went running up the stairs, But they were stopped by the silence once they reached the top. This surprised Itsumi and placed her hands on the hilt of her sword. Gentaro didn't react.

"Everyone! The time has finally come!" Gentaro held his leader to stand away from the balcony. "Our people would be free of this leader's filth!" Gentaro shouted as He shake the leader. Then the civilians started to show up and cheer. "Hinorama!" All of the soldiers looked around them as the civilians pour and shouting Hinorama. "He's no fit for the leader's position! He only thinks what he thinks is best and never listened to his people!" Gentaro shouted and the civilians cheered in return. "He even lied that the Tsuchiyan wanting to start a war! He's a liar! Do you want the world to call us Saijuns a liar?!" Gentaro shouted angrily and the civilians responded: "No way!" "We don't want that!" "Were no liars!". Hearing the answers of the people of Saiju, Gentaro took his sword. "Then let's change the Saiju! Were going to have a better and peaceful! We'll ask for the Tsuchiya to help us improve! We'll be rich! We'll reach the top this leader can't grasp!! For Saiju!" Gentaro shouted, Then the civilians also shouted the same. "For Saiju!". Then Gentaro visibly gulps and looked at Itsumi. "This is it, Itsumi.." Gentaro nervously said, Which Itsumi nods. "Father's...No... Every Saijun's wish.. Will be fulfilled right here, right now!" Gentaro raised his sword back, tightens his grip, shouted and pushed the sword against his leader's back. The civilians cheers as the sword cuts through their dying leader's chest. Gentaro waited for a second before pulling his sword out and pushing the body off the balcony. The whole people watch his body fall to the ground, The moment the body hits the ground, The civilians cheered even louder than before. After they stopped, Gentaro gathered all of his courage, and said: "With this... The Saijun conflict against the Tsuchiyan will end... There will be no wars again.. The world will become peaceful again as for I! Hinorama Gentaro! Will be the Saiju's leader!" Gentaro raised his sword as He speak, And the Kosuns, Tsuchiyans, The rebel soldiers and the civilians all together raised their hands and shouted to support Gentaro's words. "Yeah! You fuckers heard that?! He's the leader now! I bet that kid loves his country more than your stupid former leader!" Fukoda pushed the supposedly-enemy Saijun soldier a bit and looked back to the other Saijun soldiers who's now clueless of what to do. Yagano just smiles at Gentaro's successful takeover and faced his soldiers "Well? We have supported Gentaro on his mission, Did you avoid casualities?" Yagano asked his soldiers, Which they answered Yes, and the soldier near him answered "You bet!". Satisfied, Yagano laughs and replied "I see". Then Gentaro speaks again, stopping the cheering crowds. "Of course.. We couldn't achieve this without the help of the Tsuchiya!" Gentaro thanked the Tsuchiyan along with cheering civilians. "Yeah! Even if we only did nothing but keep them busy!" Fukoda then quickly looked at the Saijun soldier near him, Making the soldier look back at him and step back. "Of course we wouldn't forget about the Kosuns, We appreciate that somehow you accepted to help even if it's just holding the enemies off" Hearing him mention their name, Haru and his soldiers cheered along with the civilians.

Finally, Ekigatamura has found its peace. As promised, Tsuchiya gave trades to all their neighboring countries, Giving them a sweet chance of modernizing their country. Then one day, The Saiju people demanded to replace the pact between each countries with a Reformed Alliance of all the countries of the Ekigatamura from the previous war, And the Tsuchiyan would be their leader of said Alliance. The Tsuchiyan leader were happy to agree to this and was called The Great Leader. The name of their alliance was suggested by the smaller countries and it would be the three countries' first name together.

Few months has passed, The Tsuchiyans had their walls removed for an expansion of their village. Their village is now larger than before and reconstructed the walls around the village again. The Tsuchiyan leader had their Battalions disassembled to form a group of guards to watch their wall and the borders. The Commanders still remained a Commander of a group. Then one normal day, Yagano and Fukoda was on their way to the Eastern wall. Fukoda bumps his elbow to Yagano's arms. "Hey kid, How old are you again?" Fukoda asked as Yagano looked back at him. "I'm seventeen years old... Why did you ask?" Yagano told him his age. "Seventeen huh?" Fukoda thinks deeply and crossed his arm. Then rested his arm on Yagano's shoulders. "Tell 'ya kid.. Have you ever thought of having a wife?" Fukoda asked, making Yagano stop from walking. "Eh?!" Yagano was surprised by the sudden topic and quickly looked at Fukoda. "Oh! T'heck you surprised for? Kids your age supposed to be looking for a woman!" Fukoda shouted, Making Yagano blush a bit. "Now your blushing!" Fukoda pushed off Yagano a bit. "Now seriously, Have you?" Fukoda then became serious and asked the same question as they walk normal again. "Not really... I never gave it a thought actually.." Yagano replied. "Huh.. You're a boring person eh?" Fukoda teased. "Excuse me?" Yagano asked with straight face. "Now, Now let's not be like that.. Kids like you are supposed to have fun and enjoy your childhood but here you are, already a fuckin' wolf" Fukoda was a bit whining about him being in the military in his age, This made Yagano look at the grounds. "Well how about this?" Fukoda placed his hands on Yagano's chest as to stop their walk. "We'll look for a nice girl!" Fukoda suggested with a thumbs up. "W-What do you mean?!" Yagano's eyes widen. "Exactly what i said, We'll find a girl!" With that, Fukoda started walking again. Yagano was left confused at his words..

Later, They made it to the Eastern wall. As they are about to go on the top of the walls, A Commander speaks with them. "Yagano-san and Fukoda-san, Is it?" The Commander politely called their names, and the two nods. "I'm sorry that you have walked all the way here from the Southern wall, But.. The Leader assigned us here and asked me to tell you that you two and your soldiers should take it easy for now and wait for orders" The Commander told the two. "W-What? We just got the order and-" "Well isn't it good Yagano?! We'll be able to find a girl right now!" Yagano was surprised by the sudden change but Fukoda quickly wraps his arms on Yagano and pushed him closer. "Girl?" The Commander asked. "A-Ah! Understood! Then good luck and we should get going! Let's go, Fukoda!" Yagano quickly bowed to the Commander and walked away with pushing Fukoda. "The fuck's wrong with you kid? Why are you so dense about girls?" Fukoda asked confused. "It's not that!" Yagano blushed. "Then what?" Fukoda responded. "It's embarrassing that you're telling someone that we are looking for girls to date with!" Yagano responded shouting. "What's embarrassing about that?" Fukoda asked. "You idiot!" Yagano looked away blushing deep. Fukoda just sigh and scratched the back of his head. "Well whatever kid, I'm still serious about finding you a girl though" Fukoda reminded Yagano of his intentions, Yagano didn't respond and looked away. "Hehe.. I bet you're excited.." Fukoda smugs and placed his hands on Yagano's shoulder, Which Yagano removes it with his hands. "Just shut up.."

Fukoda insisted that they should go to the Market since it's always filled with people. As soon as they reached the market, Yagano became visibly uncomfortable while Fukoda's enjoying darting his eyes everywhere in look for a girl. "Hey, What do you like about girls? Sexy?" Fukoda asked to Yagano. "Why does she really have to be sexy?" Yagano asked back. "What? You want a grandma or something? I'm guessing your preferences.." Fukoda replied. "Well... I guess She needs to be cute.." Yagano shyly gave an idea. "Cute, huh..?" Fukoda then started to look around. "How about that bitch over there?" Fukoda points his finger. "B-Bitch..?" Yagano was surprised at his ways of naming and looked at the direction of where his finger is pointing at. Yagano saw a girl standing, eating an apple. She has neck-length black hair and wearing the standard Tsuchiyan clothes. Nothing special actually, except She looks 'cute' for Fukoda. Yagano observed the girl as Fukoda lowered his finger and faced Yagano to ask about the girl. "Hm.. I don't like her.." Yagano outright denied the girl. "Are you sure? She might be good.... Oh look.." Fukoda was making sure of Yagano's choice then suddenly a young man approached the girl and She threw the apple on the young man's chest and walked away. This stunned Fukoda, then looked at Yagano. "Well.. I bet She would have agreed if it was you.. Truly a bitch huh?" Fukoda then looked at the direction of where the girl walked away to. Yagano just shrugged. "Alright, Let's move on" Fukoda suggested that they should go on. After walking a bit, Fukoda found another one and pointed his finger. This time it's an energetic girl helping out his father on their stand, selling various foods. She has much shorter hair and it is cream white colored and has a mole under her eyes, which has a matching color with her hair. "Hmm.." Yagano observed the girl as She started to call out for costumers. Then suddenly She catches the two Commander's gaze and started to call them near. "Oh no..." Fukoda scratched the back of his head.. "Were supposed to be a Reconnaissance.." Fukoda added. "W-What do you mean?" Yagano scratched his cheeks. "By the way, Let's go. Let's not turn her down.." Yagano suggested. "Damn kid, You're getting excited or something?" Fukoda teased Yagano as they walk, though Yagano ignored him. As they reached the stand, The girl energetically tell the two their sells then stopped as surprised. Then the Girl looked closely to their faces as to trying to remember something. The two stands uncomfortable as She get closer to their faces.

Her father was worried that her daughter might be doing rude to the two Commanders, specially that the two were wearing their armors that looks like for a higher-up soldiers. "Maki, Please stop that, you're being rude" His father worriedly scolded her daughter. Then her daughter 'Maki' jolted as of remembered something incredible. "You're the youngest commander Takamura Yagano, Right?! And Nishimura Fukoda?!" Maki mentioned their full names, like trying to impress them by remembering their names. "U-Uh.. Yeah that's us" Fukoda was taken aback by her. "Please, Forgive my daughter. She really likes things like Military and Wars" The Father excuses his daughter for her attitude. "That's really fine! Were actually glad there were kids who likes 'em instead of fearing 'em!" Fukoda pats Maki's head, making her giggle. "O-Oh, Is that so.." Maki's father responded. Then Fukoda looked at Yagano, who was curious why, Then looked at Maki. "What's your name, kid?" Fukoda asked for her name. "I'm Kurisaga Maki!" Maki introduced herself to the two. "I'm Kurisaga Hideto, I'm her father" Maki's father also introduced himself after her daughter. "Nice to meet you two, Well i know you already know our names so...." Fukoda greets them and started looking at their products. "Now what do we got here? Yagano, What do you want?" Fukoda called for Yagano to look what he wants from the stand. Then once they got what they want, The two told their goodbyes and walked away from the stand. Once they walked deeper into the Market, Fukoda spoke. "Well? Kurisaga Maki.. Do you like her?". Yagano was surprised that He forgot that that's the reason they were in the Markets. "Well... Too much energy for me.." Yagano replied with his hands on the back of his head. "Ah yes.. I guess energetic types are not for you, considering that you're a quiet person.. or not that really kind of energetic person like that girl.." Fukoda responded. As they walk, Fukoda kept finding girls and ending up Yagano not liking them. Then later Yagano sighed. "Let's just give this up, Fukoda" Yagano surrendered at their search. "Hmm.. I kinda agree for now because i'm tired. But whatever you say, I'll find you a girl" Fukoda responded, making Yagano shrug. "Alright, screw it let's find an inn to rest at.. I know there's an inn just near this place.." Fukoda finally gave up on their search and started to walk out of the Market.

As they are walking out of the Market. A person, visibly a girl by her skirt, slippers with feathers and her white skin, Were hugging a large basket full of potatoes that is blocking her view and running towards Yagano. Though Yagano only saw her when she's close. "A-Ah!" "Whoa..!" The two cries out as they bumps each other, falling to the ground and throwing all the potatoes on the ground, This surprised Yagano and Fukoda. "Oi, Don't push me Yagano!" Fukoda scolded Yagano. "No, Fukoda. A girl bumped into me" Yagano then looked at the girl, who was already collecting the potatoes back to the basket and rapidly apologizing. "H-Hey it's alright, Let me help you.." Yagano helped the girl to collect the potatoes for her as She insist to do it by herself. Fukoda analyzed the girl. The girl looks younger than the girls they have found, and a bit younger than Yagano. She have a shoulder length orange-brown hair and her eyes are the same colors. And judging by her facial reaction on the accident, She's an incredibly shy one and the one who would blush deep on every situation. Her face is cute too, not too bitchy, not too energetic, not seem too quiet.. It's a fine girl to be honest. As Fukoda nods at his inspection, The two finished gathering the potatoes to the basket. Yagano saw a last potato on the ground to his right, Then He went to grab it but at the same time the girl also reached for it, making their hands bump. The girl quickly pulled her hands away and made eye contact with Yagano, blushing so deep and slowly looked at the ground. Yagano picked up the potato and puts it on the basket. "T-Thank you.." The girl shyly looked at Yagano, still blushing, thanked him for helping. With that, Yagano stood up and gave her a hand. "No problem. Here, Stand up please". Yagano smiled as He offer help. "E..Eeh..?!" The girl twitches a bit as her face burns hot blushing. "Jeez girl, Your face burns red a lot" Fukoda suddenly spoke behind Yagano, making Yagano look back. "Eek!" The girl flinched and forcefully took Yagano's hands to stand up. "W-Whoa!" Yagano was taken aback by her sudden movements. The girl took the large basket and hid her face. "H-Hey Fukoda, You scared her!" Yagano angrily told Fukoda. "W-What? What did i do? And why are you so defensive?" Fukoda curiously responded. "Wait... Don't tell me you liked her?!" Fukoda suddenly shouted, Making Yagano quickly look at him and the girl made a noise and hugs the basket tighter. "G-Give it a rest, Fukoda" Yagano blushed for the first time and Fukoda quickly noticed this, But He remained calm and taps Yagano's shoulder. "My.. Yagano.. When the fuck did you blush! I can't believe what i'm seeing!" Fukoda grins and laugh as He pushed Yagano off hard. "O-Oww.. Give it a break" Yagano was surprised by Fukoda's force

Then Fukoda became serious, though still determined. "Yagano... Have you finally found what we have looking for this entire time?" Fukoda whispers. Yagano didn't resist anymore and just sighs and looked at the girl. "Goddamn it kid, You have no idea how happy i am for you right now" Fukoda taps Yagano's shoulders and grins. "Good grief..." Yagano sighs and shakes his head. "Well? Let's ask her name, I'll do the talking, like a father!" Fukoda grins once more before moving to the girl, who was still standing there and still hugging her basket. "Hey kid, What's your name?" Fukoda asked the girl, In which the girl lowered the basket to look at Fukoda and raised it again to hide her face. "Hasegawa... Katsuko.." The girl responded but were muffled by the basket. "Huh?" Fukoda didn't quite heard it, and so Yagano who was waiting to hear her name. "I'm Hasegawa Katsuko!" Katsuko screamed through the basket. The two were still not be able her though. This pissed off Fukoda a bit, Then He grabbed the basket away from Katsuko, revealing her blushing face. "A-aaah..!" Katsuko tried to get the basket back with open arms but Fukoda moves back. "Now you can talk.." Fukoda told her but She covered her eyes with her hands, pissing Fukoda off even more. "H-Hey kid, You don't have to do that.. Tell us your name again" Fukoda scratched the back of his head. "I-I'm Katsuko... Hasegawa Katsuko" Katsuko slowly lowered her hands to her sides and looks to the ground. "K-Katsuko.. Is it?" Yagano called her by her first name, making Katsuko look at him shyly. "E-Eh?" Katsuko was taken aback as Yagano took both of her hands and raised it between them. "M-My name is Takamura Yagano.. And umm.." Yagano introduced and looked at his side as to think something to say, but He saw Fukoda grinning at them like there's no tomorrow, Making Yagano uncomfortable and He looked back at Katsuko and gathers his courage to speak. "W-Will you go out with me..?" Yagano blushed looking straight at Katsuko's eyes. Katsuko can't believe at what he just said and her gaze was shaking towards Yagano. Then Fukoda wents in. "Katsuko-chan.. You better not waste this such opportunity.." This made the two look at him. "Yagano here is a fearless Commander of the first Tsuchiyan battalion and never ever thought of having a girl by his side. I just kind of forced him to do it.. And guess what, He finally got interested on a girl.. Being by his side since the day my Battalion got formed, I'm kind of happy for him" Fukoda gave a quite nostalgic words. "J-Jeez Fukoda.." Yagano felt a little happy about his words and smiles a bit. "I see.." Katsuko spoke up, making Yagano look back at her.

Katsuko lowered her head and spoke. "Yagano-san.. You see.. I was there when the people gathers to ask the leader about the young man being the commander of the very first Battalion ever formed. I was impressed on the leader's words about you. Ever since you were little, You've been saying that you will protect your country. I can't imagine a child having that kind of thoughts.. Then when i finally got to see you.. I.. kind of got interested on you. I wished for you.. But i thought.. I'm no special person. I thought that you will never be interested on a normal civilians like me.. I thought that you'll be interested on girls who's on par with your skills.. Then the first Saijun invasion happened, And knowing your Battalion will be the one fighting them.. I can't stop thinking about you.. Even though i believed on my stubbornness, i still just can't get you away from my thoughts.. On that day, Me and my family got evacuated to the Center. There i thought that i really have to give up on you.. Then later your Battalion showed up with you leading them back to the Center. People were so happy about the returning soldiers. Then i quickly observed you if you're hurt or anything.. But you were smiling.. Like it was just a play.. Thinking that you have an ability to lead an enormous amount of soldiers to fight.. I even fell for you.. But the thought of you not getting interested on me still haunts me that day.. But i learned to fight it off... Then one day, Peace have finally came.. Living a normal life again.. Then here i am bumping on the person i wished more than anything else.. And quickly confessed his feelings even though we just met... The horrible thoughts i had back then had completely shattered and was replaced with every feelings i had felt for you back then.."

Katsuko shakes as Yagano held her hands still. "Well, Here i am, Katsuko.. Sorry for the wait.." Yagano smiled at her and tightens his hands on her. Then Katsuko raised her head, She was crying and looked at Yagano with teary eyes. She holds Yagano's hands tighter in return and nods. "Of course i'll go out with you.." Katsuko smiled back. "I'm glad.. I'm very glad" Yagano was very happy to hear her answer. Then Katsuko let go of his hands to hug him. "Thank you, Yagano-san.. I love you..!" With that, Katsuko were finally be able to tell her feelings towards Yagano. Yagano returned the hug and embraced Her. "I love you too, Katsuko" Yagano were so happy to say that. Fukoda on the other hand, was also crying. "I'm so fucking happy for you two.." Fukoda told the two as He wipes his tears. "Imagine that, Yagano! You had a secret admirer back then! And it happens to be a cute girl! And yet you give no shit about girls! You were a lucky bastard!" Fukoda shouted at Yagano. "I-I didn't know.." Yagano responded. Then Katsuko let go of him and held his hands. "We'll be together from now on, Right?" Katsuko asked Yagano. "Right" Yagano nod and responded, making Katsuko blush and giggle. Later, Katsuko waved the two Commanders a goodbye and made her way to her destination with the potatoes. "Alright kid, We have achieved our goal. And damn kid you two just met and you quickly confessed. It happened quickly, But that's fine, She loved you back" Fukoda told Yagano. Then Fukoda yawns and puts his hands near his mouth. "Ah.. She literally made me shred tears.. And also tired" Fukoda told Yagano. "I'm also tired.. Let's hurry to the inn" Yagano went along with Fukoda's words. "Right, let's hurry" Fukoda responded.

Since then, Yagano and Katsuko hangs out when Yagano's free from duties. Up until they grew up along with their Village. The two got married and later had a female child. Katsuko suggested that Yagano should be the one who'll name her. Then Yagano named the child 'Chiho'.

Yagano remained at the military for the rest of his life. When his daughter grew up to the point that She can speak and think, Yagano would come and teach her how to fight everytime He comes home. Though Katsuko told Yagano that She should never know how to kill. So Yagano limits his teachings and only trains her self-defense. Then Chiho grew up learning how to protect herself.

Here's the history of the Tsuchiya and our heroine i guess .. I don't know how the story flowed, But i didn't plan to make this after all so i guess that's fine. Let your imagination run wild because the way i tell the story here sucks.. There were a lot of things i changed from the previous lines when im already far up ahead and i didn't read it all again before publishing so apologize for any mistakes. It's 1:10 AM.. I'm going to sleep, i'm going to re read this after a good sleep.

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