
He too likes books!

He stops in his tracks and looks at her 'He? Oh for God sake! Its the baby!'.


He almost went into a trauma and still forgot everything at this moment. He was not sure whether the baby really kicked but he was doubtfull...or may be she imagines the pain as the baby's kick? What if he kicked really?!

He found himself looking at her stomach endearingly. But he looks back at her worried "Is he hurting?".

She bits her lips embarrassed "I just freaked out..I was confused. .. It was sharp...".

Lu Cheng places her on bed and asks sitting near her "Are they both the culprits or only one?".

She pouts caressing "I think one..If both kicked me at once ...I doubt I could breath-".

She stops seeing his face turned worried and whines "Don't be so emotional Cheng it doesn't suit you! You are worrying as if I am made of glass!".

He ignores her complaint and asks holding her stomach "Are you okay now? Does it hurt? Can you breath normally now?".

She rolls her eyes "I can!" and recalls about the book.

Tang Xi asks eagerly "Where is the book?!".


She closes her eyes squealing.

Both Lu Cheng and Tang Xi gets surprised feeling the baby's kick.

Tang Xi laughs seeing the frozen Lu Cheng "Did you feel him? See? I told you..!".

He nods enthusiastically and lost in her laughter.

Tang Xi gasps realizing something overwhelmingly "He too likes books!!".

Lu Cheng frowns having no idea "What are you saying?".

She explains "The first time he kicked... I was thinking about the book and now too I was asking the book! Aww! My baby likes books too!!".

Lu Cheng "..." No way! I can't believe this! Wait ..son? Only I know their genders and she refused to know as she doesn't want to spoil her surprise!.

He scoffs "May be its the girls? How are you so sure?" and smirks teasingly. 'You know that only I know the babies' genders..I will see how you manage to prove me wrong....May be she is waiting for a baby boy? She should be missing Jing very much...

Tang Xi looks at him blankly "Girls?" 'So they both are girls? Ah! Forget it! One of my babies are going to be like me!!

She beams "I am happy she too likes to read!".

Lu Cheng ".." I thought she would prove me wrong..Instead she is getting happy for everything! She is happy even after knowing that they both are girls?

She nudges him "Can you get the book? We will start reading! I read the synopsis before and I can wait anymore!!".

Lu Cheng nods "Wait a minute.." and gets out from the bed.

Tang Xi smiles caressing her stomach 'Lets read a book!'.

Lu Cheng looks at the book in the living room and picks smiling.


He takes his mobile from his pocket and frowns seeing it's from Tianxian "What is it?".

Tianxian says "Chief! Knight didn't come out but Mr.Han is going to Knight's base with Young Masters of Mo and Li clan"

Lu Cheng nods "Great! Keep updating their every progress via text".

Tianxian nods and ends the call.

Lu Cheng puts his mobile in silent mode and walks into their room.

He smiles seeing her arranging the pillows for them to read comfortably.

He jumps on the bed and adjusts his position so that Tang Xi leans towards his shoulder.

He hands her the book "Let's start!".

Tang Xi starts reading the novel slowly.

Lu Cheng is listening to her words keenly and sighs 'I wonder how she teaches in school...is she a strict one or a sweet one?'.

She looks at him sullenly after reading few pages "Why doesn't the author jump into some scenes directly?! Its just about the dam and the celebrations day in this first chapter! I am getting sleepy!".

He chuckles "What are you expecting them?! The love plot first?".

She twitches her lips and simply says "Lets read" and clears her throat awkwardly 'How did he guess?! Am I that predictable?!'.

He frowns seeing the display light of his mobile in his pocket.

He keeps his mobile away from Tang Xi and opens the inbox.

[They will reach the outer perimeter of the base in 20 minutes]

Lu Cheng listens to Tang Xi's narration ignoring the text in a second and his other hand is playing with her hairs.

[They entered the final perimeter]

After few minutes of narrating, Lu Cheng too is reading with her.

Tang Xi gasps "I am nervous!".

Lu Cheng looks at her blankly ".." For what?!.

She sighs "Why is he getting himself into conflicts?! Shouldn't he be more responsible while carrying the most important message from the Elder Prince to the Princess?!".

He pats her head "Knowing more is always better than focusing on only goal Wifey! What if you end up in a dead end while running with a harness? Even though he couldn't read the confidential messages he can't just ignore everything in his way..Its the flaw in his character itself ..to get into trouble because of his curiosity..".

Tang Xi looks upwards to meet his eyes "Why are you taking his side? He should be focusing on only his goal right now as its so important! His irresponsibility could make many things worse! When its about-".

He kisses her forehead "Its just a story. Don't hate him..He is the male lead after all".

She scoffs blushing "He is not!".

Lu Cheng is taken aback "What?!".

Tang Xi laughs "I told you..I have read the synopsis! It did mention that most of the people would end up thinking this guy as the male lead!" and looks at him eagerly "And you know something? The film industry has been trying to adapt this novel as a movie since decades but no one is suited for his role. His role is placed in a high level than the main lead in the readers' mind and they acually couldn't direct it because this novel is a master piece! They literally couldn't shorten or redo any of its plots...because everyth plot has its own nuisances and till now they are trying to adapt into a movie... No wonder you have got confused..".

Next chapter