
She Is Human

She Is Human

The hunter looked at the half beast.

"I am not sure what you are talking," the hunter looked around to see if the half beast was alone or there were other people from his tribe.

"So you human can be lethal for other human particularly when one cannot defend oneself," the half beast leader, he was not blind and had seen this man trying to grab her neck.

"She was running after stealing my treasure," the hunter gave a false excuse so that he could kill her and nobody could question him.

Jen looked at the man when she heard false excuse, "What did I steal by the way?" there was visible killing intent shrouding this man and he strongly wished to kill her but there was no reason because she never had seen this man and never had been in this place before.

"You are not allowed to question," the hunter looked at her with threatening eyes, he indeed wanted her to feel fear.

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