
Death Battle

The son of Lupa was tenth at the individual Ranking of Geniuses.

He was from the half-beast race.

He was half-wolf half-human.

He was on the fourth level of the Sage Realm, Green Sage, a level where the accumulated clouds of Sage Realm dictate over the usual control of the Contemplator.

He was considered powerful too, his prowess was above his present level that means he could fight a level above.

He was notorious for his methods.

It was rumored that he killed a number of disciples in the interschool practice fights.

He was proud of his strong backing, he was a headache for the Dean of his School of Contemplation.

He battles insanely and he was not matured yet according to a full-grown beast perspective.

And there were such innumerable reasons that only a few of his cloudy friends would cheer for him in today's battle but hundreds of Legends and hundreds of concerned people would not miss this battle, if he won this battle, he would enter in the top three Individual Ranking and if closes, stop, who would dare to win against him and who have such strength to defeat him??

This was the reason he was called Lone Wolf.

Lupa was preparing to rise again with the help of his genius son.

He was also the eighteenth pillar of Celestial Sphere but the arising strength of his son, he could be considered a direct contender for the seat of Defender of Celestial Sphere.

One should remember that first five Individual Ranking geniuses were thought to be eligible for the Supreme Trials, it was also called Battles of Supremes.

Battles of Supremes was a way to find out potential contenders who could fight for the seat of Defender of Celestial Sphere.

Thus after complete procedure and process, the strongest among strongest and geniuses among geniuses were selected for the ultimate battles.

The one who was brought up with the mind of getting this seat and become a respected and feared figure of this Sphere would not back down no matter what.

Newfound grudges were unavoidable but no one would dare to go against the Defender of Celestial Sphere, the symbol of power and honor.

Every Defender was responsible to choose the most suitable among them.

The fear of betrayal was out of the question because present Defender could easily finish that contender even if he was selected for the seat so no one could betray the thoughtful eyes of present Defender.

"You know the standers of present Defender if he found out your horrible temper and questioning character, he might ban your entry in the Supreme Trials_!!" Lupa was concerned over the careless character of his son, his dream would shatter into smithereens if his son got banned.

"Come on father, you are gotten old that's why you kept fearing this and that, do you think present Defender have enough time to investigate thousand over candidates of Intermediate Contemplation Battles to find out their characters_??" he shook his head carefreely.

"It's not about the character of thousand over candidates, it's about the character of top five Individual Ranking Geniuses_!!" Lupa tried to make him remember the actual concern.

"If you say then I can try but after fighting today's battle_!!" he declared that he would act but not sooner.

"Do you know who you are going to battle today_??" Lupa asked frowning.

"I heard, its a Rapscallion girl_no matter means she used to get into it but she is going to regret soon_!!" it was because random selection paid bad luck sometimes for the candidates, they were selected to face truly powerful monsters.

"It was because she defeated a genius and gathered unexpected points that made organizers got curious about her real level of Contemplation Study, she defeated her opponent in a single slap_!!" he tried to relate what he saw and witnessed to make his son be careful.

"What, in a single slap_??" Lone Wolf looked at his father's face which was stern and grave.

"Are you trying to create a new joke_ but let me tell you, you failed in it, I don't believe_!!" he waved his hand not ready to admit it.

"Do you think, I would joke about it_?? I don't need it and you know_!!" he warned his son.

"Do you know who she is_??" he looked at his son meaningfully.

"Who is she_?? and tell me, a mere human girl increased your concerns?? Don't tell me that you stopped to believe at the strength of your son_??" Lone Wolf was getting impatient to know but he was not ready to believe that his father was concerned over his possible victory.

"It's not about believing and I know my son is powerful enough to defeat anyone, but I wanted you to be careful because of her identity_??"

"Stop puzzle, who is she and I will kill her in the battle, this way your concerns will be killed too_??"

"Don't kill her, just defeat her, she is the granddaughter of present Defender_??" he instructed his son.

"What, granddaughter?? But I never heard that he has his family if he has, he should have admitted her in the top first Ranking School of Contemplation where I studied_!!" now it was his turn to get curious.

"Whatever, his matters are not my business_I would not simply defeat her, I will severely injure her so that she could never think about to stand in my ever_!!" he smashed his palm on the fist.

"Now you got my point_no one know her identity except few oldies and they would never reveal it to anyone_!!" he patted the shoulder of his son.

His son smiled mischievously.


"I don't know whether I should say or not but I don't mean low your morale, he is called Lone Wolf, the most dangerous genius ever, he usually kills his opponents_!!" mentor Shao was sweating concerned over this forthcoming battle.

Jen sighed.

"I have promised my great grandfather that if I lost Intermediate Contemplation Battles, he could punish and abandon me as he wishes and if he abandoned me I will lose the only person of my family and his affection and I do not wish to lose the only person of my family which I found out after eighteen years of my birth_!!" she deeply bowed that means she would fight this death battle.

Mentor Shao was speechless to hear.

Who was such a stone heart grandfather??

"Then I will support you no matter what_!!" mentor Shao understood today what made this girl impatient to be powerful and what was her strongest drive to move on always??

He wished to see her grandfather not because he was impressed by him but because he wanted to see such a grandfather whose granddaughter was willing to exchange her life to buy his affection.

He did not know whether that old man was lucky to have such granddaughter or this girl was unlucky to have such grandfather.


It was time to appear in the battle location.

Common spectators were less in numbers yet powerful Legends and grand legends were present there.

It was weird for her.

Her opponent came before her.

He was not human, half-wolf, half-human.

Next chapter