

Sometimes, life throws you a warning sign that isn't too clear. 'She seems like a great girl but she's been in trouble with the law before. Should I not get close to her?' Other times, we choose to ignore those warning signs. 'Well, he cheated on my best friend with me, but I'm sure he will be loyal to me.' And sometimes, while waiting in a large, wooden laced and intricately designed dojo, you see a rather hot, mature woman with brown hair and a decent tan walk in in only a black spandex top and booty shorts carrying a duffel back in one hand and a rather sinister looking device with straps and buckles in the other. At this point, you have to figure out that you might have fucked up somewhere.

Laz just couldn't figure out where exactly he had fucked up. But if he had to guess, it might have been coming here.

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