
Job Offer

While Laz was hacking up at least one of his lungs and Tony was spacing out, the three henchmen inside had it the worst. Although cleaning up the remains of Joey wasn't a picnic, the real problem was the overall state of the apartment.

When it's at that point, you either move out or burn it. Sadly, neither of these were an option. It was already past 10 at night and it didn't look like this job was going to be done anytime soon.

Lenny came out to talk to the boss and although something didn't feel right, he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

"Hey Boss."


"This is going to take a while. We are cleaning up the girl now and have already gotten in contact with Officer Smitty. He is going to take care of this."

"Ok, make sure he's paid. You got enough room for this place?" Tony asked, looking at the parking lot.

Laz followed his gaze to notice there was a moving truck parked pretty close to the door. Since it was dark and there was little lot lighting, he hand't really paid attention before.

"Considering how big the madam said the place was, I thought we had more then enough with the smaller truck. Wish I would have brought the bigger one. It's going to be tight, but we should make it," Lenny shook his head reassuringly.

Laz was a bit amazed that these guys had an official looking moving truck like they were a company. Looks like Tony's people are well equipped to handle this situation.

'I wonder how many times they've done this?' Laz thought briefly before discarding the thought altogether. Some questions are better left unasked.

"Boss, I'll take care of your gloves and mask," Lenny said, hold his hand out.

Tony had lifted the part of the mask that was covering his mouth when he smoked, but he still had the ski mask with the clown face on. Laz didn't think much of it as he had done the same thing earlier when trying to smoke, but it probably didn't look good to be standing outside with these on.

Tony removed his mask and both of his gloves and gave them to Lenny who quickly put them in a plastic bag marked destroy. Turns out these guys were pretty well organized.

"The kid's too," Tony said indifferently.

Laz took off the gloves carefully, paying special attention to his right hand. After they were off and handed over to Lenny, he started to remove the ski mask but was stopped by Tony.

"Actually, keep that. The gloves need to go so get yourself some new ones, but you can keep the mask as a memento since there isn't anything on it. Actually, I have an idea about that."

Tony stopped for a minute and looked at Lenny as he bagged Laz's gloves with Tony's before walking back inside and closing the door.

"I could use a kid like you, how's about working for me?" Tony asked with a very serious look on his face. He'd come up with this idea when he had been spacing out earlier. A kid like this could be very helpful for what he had coming up. Also, this kid was able to act when it was needed which was very rare for someone with his age and experience. As such, he would probably be pretty cheap to get on board.

There was also another reason that Tony didn't want to admit. If what the kid told him was true, then there was going to be more freaks showing up. Having a few of his own would be beneficial since he had seen how useless his gun was earlier. Although it was a small caliber which was further hindered by the silencer, it shouldn't have been a problem to kill that fat bastard at close range. The truth was different than expected.

He would have to start carrying more firepower with him from now on. Even still, there was no guarantee that it would be enough.

"No," Laz responded without a second thought. He needed money, but he was about to sling drugs to get it.

"Hold up, before you decline, let me explain something. First, you won't be dealing. I've already got someone I trust to do that. Your only job is protection and intimidation. Considering your strength and weird eye lasers, that shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure you wear the mask and a pair of gloves and it will complete the look."

"Second, I'm not giving you a choice here. Your a killer kid, weither you want to admit it or not. You are just as responsible as I am for that fat ass's death. Also, I now have all the evidence I need with those gloves you just handed over."

When those words entered Laz's ears, he suddenly realized how stupid he was.

"Word of advice for the future, know who you can trust and don't be stupid. Since those gloves had your DNA and these are my guys, you shouldn't have handed them over. Of course, I wouldn't have let you walk away with them either so you should have just destroyed them right here. But hey, least you learned something," Tony smiled while gauging Laz's reaction.

Laz was pissed since he got played. He couldn't deny it was his own fault though but that didn't calm him down. Actually, it had the opposite effect.

This was the second time he had been threatened in only a few days, the first time being Bill. Although it worked out ok with Bill, he knew this wouldn't be so simple.

His blood started boiling as though on queue as his eye turned bright.

This was the first time Tony felt the full effect of those eyes staring at him. It was like a creature of nightmare or legend had locked onto his soul and wanted to destroy him. His knees shook a little and he couldn't help but step back.

It was this moment that he realized he might have pushed this kid too far. Although these types of traps and blackmail might work for most adults, this kid was obviously different. He couldn't tell that this was just a different type of business deal that could be negotiated and treated it like a direct threat.

'Fuck,' Tony thought taking another step back as Laz took a step towards him.

"Hold on, hold on. I might have gone too far. Look, how about this. You work for me for one year and I give you back the gloves. Also, I will still pay you normally, hows that?" Tony said, putting his palms up between him and Laz. The look of those eyes in that skull ski mask had a very powerful effect.

"Why the hell should I trust you now?" Laz growled as he moved another step forward. He didn't really know what he was doing. These kinds of actions went against his very nature yet he felt like this was the right move. It was like he was being lead by impulse, like he knew this was the right way.

For a kid who grew up away from conflict, knowing how to intimidate people wasn't something he had ever learned.

But he was doing a damn fine job of it right now.

"Look, ok? The person your going to protect is my cousin, ok? I don't want you to lose your spine and stab my cousin in the back, so I've got to take extra steps. You protect family, right?" Although this was half truth and half bullshit, it was the best he had right now. He also figured out that Laz was still a bit soft and this was the best way to go about it.

Laz stopped for a minute an stared at Tony, as though he wanted to see through him. In his excited state, his senses were heightened even further than before. He could even tell the speed of Tony's heart beat to see if it was faster or not.

Unfortunately, he realized he made a mistake. Tony's heartbeat was already rather excited due to Laz's death glare, so it was hard to tell if it was beating even faster.

This method might be good normally, but when people were already fired up, it was kind of useless. Looks like he would have to practice it more in the future. It would be useful.

"Fine. One year from today, October 11th," Laz finally backed off as his eyes went back to their cool shade of blue.

"Good. It's a deal then."

"Who is your cousin and are they going to be driving me around or something?"

"No, nothing like that," Tony chuckled.

"Actually, my cousin goes to your school, so that's where your going to base out of."

"Seriously? Your going to be dealing in my school?" Laz looked at Tony in disgust.

"Don't judge me kid. In the past, they used to think that supply generated demand. But that's bullshit. Who would bother supplying without a demand? So, I'm going to provide a supply and see how much demand there is. All you have to do is what my cousin tells you. I will have them contact you in school for phone numbers and shit. As of now, this isn't my business." Tony stood up straight and started walking for the stairs, heading to his own apartment.

Laz still couldn't believe he had to do this, but he realized he had no choice. Joey might had been bulletproof, but he wasn't.

"If it makes you feel any better kid, they will mostly want weed. Just think of it as an unlicensed pharmacy. That shit's legal now you know." Tony's voice was heard drifting back as he walked up the stairs.

"What about those who want other stuff?" Laz asked, curious if Tony was going to sell it.

Tony stopped for a moment and thought to himself before he started walking again.

"Well, those are the ones who have already been fucked up. There is nothing you can do for them. Least they won't have to go hit up the city streets to get it," came Tony's reply. Laz only briefly heard the door open and then shut.

He was at a loss for if this was suppose to make him feel better, but he didn't really have anyone to ask.

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