
Arc 4: A Chance Meeting Part 4

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Mr. Kishimoto Does.

Arc 4: A Chance Meeting Part 4

'How much time do we have before we could reach the place?"

The question had been going on for hours now, at least inside the young woman's head. She couldn't contain her anxiousness of the current situation as her eyes were still focused on the growing apocalypse surrounding her.

The intensity in the air was unbearable for any human, one could already die in fear once they felt the atmosphere, but for the case of Miyuki and her friend, they were both exceptions, since they were created from the essence of the world.

The path towards the main area where the winged being currently resided, was a daunting journey. They had no choice but to use a low end summon in the form of a large phoenix-like bird just to get there.

It was lucky enough to withstand the strong winds filled with the energy of the being that it would penetrate a person's insides if one were to venture there. For the case of the two, they were both in one piece.

The only annoying thought was that they could've gotten an Otsutsuki to help them get there faster yet not any single one of them were present since most of them were either evacuated or busy fighting the wrath of the beast.

It was not too long that they finally reached the area. At this time around everything has gone for the worst as the darkness reigned and the energy was overwhelming. They were in the midst of the air with a chance of being blown away. It was the first time that Miyuki had to close her eyes and gripped on the bird tight.

She could sense real fear.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." The voice of her friend, kept her calm about everything.

The young woman slowly opened her eyes and saw a distinctive bright light at the end and also in front of a gigantic black winged figure with menacing golden eyes.

"Kami-sama." She muttered under breath, her eyes locked on the light instead of the creature.

They needed to reach and save him before eveything goes for the worst and in that moment in time, the light had grown stronger followed by a powerful shockwave that spreaded throughout, fully engulfing them.


From time to time, she would recall that particular event that changed her life. From the start, she knew that it was going to be a very long time of rebuilding and changes. Still it confuses her on how it ended up in the worst case possible.

To the point, she went through heaven and hell, back and forth just to restart everything to a time before it went haywire. It almost cost her own existence as she found herself still recovering from it all and now she's spending all this time creating her own plan on opposing their motive.

The wind grew strong passing through the moving trees. It was a sunny yet windy day in the public park. The highlight of it was the quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Something that Miyuki preferred to be in such places everywhere she went.

She sat down on the bench to which she had stumbled upon while she was taking a stroll. It had been an hour passed and it was finally the right time to take a break from walking and also from the little playful incident involving the Uchiha and his shark-man friend.

She also held a certain snack in the form of a lone ice cream, which she bought from a small Ice cream stall.

Miyuki had a little annoyed face that was slowly fading away. Apparently, she had a tough time of buying her snack since the stall itself was surrounded by a big number of children. Children, who were about the same height as her and were more hyperactive than ever. She was even mistaken for a child like she often does and she really looked like a child.

An adult in a young child's body.

She gave sigh as she rested her head on the bench. Thoughts would soon began to entertain her once again. There was a puddle of water near her in front of her and she easily could see her reflection.

A pale short haired little girl.

She had no choice. It was the form that she had taken after she had resigned from the council and before she left the Pure Land. She intentionally left behind her old self because it only brought the bad memories and failure that she coudn't achieved the goals that Kami had entrusted to her and him a long time ago.

Even though, she already had one of the highest positions in the system, she still couldn't achieved the changes that needed to be done. It was one sided situation. Her goals and ideals were different from the rest of the council.

Most of them were already blinded by their own selfishness which caused them focus more on matters that really wouldn't solved the current problems faced by the Pure Land, the other worlds, and especially, the Human world itself. It was only until her longtime friend had taken advantage of that and created his own solution.

Right now, the world has been put into this temporary peace yet in the brink of having a world war once again.

Not only that, Miyuki found herself handling the full responsibility of preventing a possible world wide destruction in the near future. She was basically going against every enemy that is existing and also having the limited chess pieces in this sick game of Destiny orchestrated by none other than him.

She discovered and learned out that there will be these certain events that will apparently have a crucial impact towards this so called "Plan". She still haven't figured out it yet but the possible theory about the plan is that it was supposed to be "Grand" and that will end all the major conflicts and problems around.

For Miyuki, she had the feeling that this plan would eventually be in line with "Extremism" and "Genocide." A total annihilation to balanced reality itself. Something that she hasn't seen since and during the reign and destruction caused by Chaos, which nearly wiped out every existing living and non-living thing.

As she focused her attention on the small puddle of water, the wind grew stronger affecting it, causing small ripples. She then noticed that her reflection was slowly changing. A few moments after that, she found herself staring at an old familiar face which hadn't seen for a very long time.

Instead of a little girl looking back at her, it was a beautiful short haired young woman with eyes that could really slow a person's world by just staring at it. She had to admit that were a lot of endless attempts from guys, who courted her and risk everything just to win her heart.

All of them got busted but in a good way.

For a several moments, she observed herself. A small smile slip on her lips as she remembered certain memories. It was quite surreal for her to think that there was a time where everything was alright. She recalled how everyone was willing to work together for the sake of peace and progress.

It was during that time when the word "Unity" was still relevant and a certain friend took that word to his heart.

She gave another sigh as more thoughts came into her mind. Just a night ago, a certain friend made a surprise visit and by no means, he was only there just to greet and to check if she was alright. It was something that she would always expect from him. Even though, they have their own differences, the friendship was still there.

Miyuki could sense that he really cared for her well being, with the exception that he won't stop just to fulfill his own plans.

So she also told him that she will be a hindrance to that plan and will do anything to stop it, which brought her to the fact that she had no big help nor the enough resources to prevent it. Yet, she made sure that she will have her own pieces to control in the form of a certain trio of teens.

"Hope for the best."

That was the only response that she had received from him. It seemed that he was giving her a head start since there were no assasins or any attempts on eliminating her from the face of this world.

Should she call it a merciful gift?

With the fact that he had already made his first move with all his henchmen spying on certain people.


"Come on Udon! Try to move faster!"

In a blink of an eye, he saw the sweep of his teammate's leg as the boy was able to evade it in a nick of time.

Udon was forced to fully bend to avoid from getting sweep kick on the cheeks. He landed with his butt on grassy ground just to see his teammate continuing the charge. He found himself rolling over multiple times before he could finally recover up and defend himself once more.

Once he got up, Konohamaru went again for the offensive as he released a series of moves showcasing his own brand of little taijutsu that he had been secretly practicing.

Udon knew he would be stuck in this position and he stuck with it for the reminder of the time. He had to admit that he was clumsy at many things, mostly the physical part but somehow he was able to make it through like what was happening right now.

"How the heck he's avoiding all of this?" A thought came into Konohamaru. The kid was just baffled on how his teammate was still evading his attacks. Every move that he threw, the other would immediately avoid it in a more clumsy manner.

He couldn't count the number of times, but there was a moment when he threw in quick kick which startled the kid, his glasses separated and flew somewhere in the air, and in the midst of that the boy did a unexpected back flip away from him and at the same time, the glasses had somehow managed to find a way back to his eyes and landed on a safe spot.

Yep, this was definitely Udon alright, the brainy and clumsy kid in the group.

Doing another attempt once more, Konohamaru quickly took off and pulled up a straight punch towards the boy Udon, who immediately saw this began to act, his vision being filled with all this imaginary numbers, plus and minus signs, and other equations. He noticed his and began to calculate.

Meanwhile, from anyone's perspective in the outside, Udon was dodging it effortlessly, surprising the third's grandson even more.


"I really don't how he was doing this but, I suspect his using his weird Math skills again."


The amusement and confusion would eventually reached Kurama. He rested down on the ground and under a nearby tree. He had keeping on eye on the two boys and their little training session. Truth to be told, it was more entertaining to watch them spar rather than listen to the gossips that the girl was telling him.

He couldn't even recall what the girl was blurting out or maybe he just wouldn't understand the language of girls to begin with. In fact, he had heard so many conversations from boys that girls were just so hard to understand and He can't be the judge of that, Himawari was easy to understand for him.

His mind was still attempting to craft out any excuses to escape. Yes, he wanted to leave for awhile to continue on his search, he was confident that he could locate the girl finally since he had captured her scent back at the restaurant and yet, he found himself unable to enact his plan to a full extent.

Was escaping really a good choice?

"Hey, Kuu-chan!"

Just then the voice of the girl called, finally interrupting his thoughts. He turned to see Moegi, who still had the big smile on her face and was also resting under the shade of the tree itself.

"Yeah, what is it?" The fox asked, giving a slight sigh. This time, he had eventually decided to entertain the conversation and was now expecting the next words of the girl.

"So How did you met Konohamaru again?" Moegi asked, still curious about that story.

Kurama raised an eyebrow." I thought the kid told you already?" He said, recalling the previous conversation back at the restaurant.

The girl simply shook her head." Well, He was about tell that story but he got distracted and suddenly changed it for some reason." She explained while giving a shrug.

A puzzled look swept across Kurama's face." Distracted?" He said, looking straight at her." By what?"

Moegi shrugged again in return." Beats me, He's always daydreaming about something." She explained, referring to the certain habit of her teammate stopping mid sentence to think about anything else.

"Oh I see." Kurama nodded. He definitely agreed with her statement.

"Plus, He wouldn't be able to talk about meeting you for the first time." The girl wondered." As if his embarassed about it somehow." She added." I'm guessing something had happened during that time."

Kurama sighed." It's because he was being chase by dogs when I met him." He then said, finally breaking the curiousity and mystery.

Moegi's eyes widened up in disbelief." You've gotta be kidding!" She commented, getting out of her relaxed position. her eyes now focused on the fox himself.

"Yeah, I'm not kidding." Kurama simply said, while still getting the puzzled look from the girl."

The girl wondered about that kind of possibility. She always had that feeling that her teammate being afraid of something and it turned out to be the scary dogs and she thought of the place on where it all happpened.

"It's actually happened in the alleyway near his home." Kurama continued, recapping what had transpired during that day.

"Oh the "Shortcut." Moegi said, finally getting the answer to her current question. Her bored realization reaction coming out." But why how did he ended up being chased by dogs anyway?"

Kurama shrugged." Beats me, the kid is a trouble magnet." He gave off his own comment." Although. If I wasn't able to meet him, I'll still be in the streets eating leftovers." He added, also feeling a bit guilty of the petty steals tha he had done in the past.

"Oh." Moegi widened her eyes in realization. This time she felt sorry for the fox." I-I didn't know you were-"

"It's fine, and I'm fine now." Kurama simply replied." I don't want to go back there." He added." It's hell for me." He finished with a unreadable cryptic depressed tone.

Moegi stayed silent for that statement. The way the fox said it, it seemed so deep, like there was a story behind it. Yes, the story of him being a stray living in the streets, but beyond that, there was something more and she wanted to ask that.

And as she was about to speak, the topic of the conversation shifted once more.

"What about you?" Kurama asked." How did you met the kid?"

"Oh." Moegie muttered, looking up as she tried to recall the first time she met the idiot." Well...Uhmmm, It's not really that kind of a story." She said.

"So it's a boring meeting?"

The girl simply nodded." Yeah something like that, but it was more irritating because I met him, when he was pranking someone and I became the victim instead." She explained, feeling that total embarassment coming back to haunt her.

Kurama gave a good chuckle." Well, that's one way they introduced themselves." He said." You have to become their victims first." He added.

Moegi cringed." Yeah, even though he's the Jiji-Sarutobi's grandson, He still being treated differently." She explained.

"Oh I see." Kurama said, before adding." Like an Outcast?"

"Well, not really." Moegi replied, taking a deep breath." Maybe more like most of the kids thought of him as a spoiled rich kid who causes nothing but trouble." She explained.

Kurama nodded in understanding. When you looked at it, the boy kind of had it all in a sense. A big house, a respectable reputation of the public majority and even a proper normal life, yet in all of that, there was this sense of loneliness that was very familiar to him.

Moegi sighed." I think he badly needs attention, He's always trying to prove something." She shrugged." But who cares, He's honest and I like people who tell the truth." She explained, receiving a surprise gaze from the fox.



Moegi then continued, focusing on the two boys." I met a lot of people, who just turned out to be there when they just need something." She paused for a brief moment." And it really is annoying to see them telling all the good stuff about you just to get your friendship and trust." She explained." and the way I see it, both of those two dweeves, are at least honest."

She finished her sentence with a smile.

"I get what you mean." Kurama simply nodded as he thought about that realization. He was feared by many because of his reputation and actions in the past. Even Kushina and Mito viewed him as this dangerous entity, who was often not to be trusted.

It was only Naruto, who saw him differently, and that was one of the major reasons which changed the way he looked at everything for the greater good and with Konohamaru, he was somehow doing the same thing unknowingly.

The wind grew stronger as the rustling of the trees could be heard around the area. Silence took charged again as both enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere once more.

*Ring* Ring* Ring*

In the midst of that quietness, there was a sudden ring of a certain bell which came from a nearby distance. Both the girl and the fox, turned to the source of the sound and they saw what appears to be an Ice cream stand being surrounded by many children.

The two still quitely stared and observed before their own curiousity and interest got in the way. In a split second both then turned to each other asking the same question.

"Wanna go get some Ice Cream?"



With the last attempted move, which was a straight kick towards the stomach area, Udon found himself being knocked on the ground for the first time in this sparring session.

He felt the quick pain on his stomach followed by another one on his butt as he landed on the ground hard and it didn't stop there.

Konohamaru was definitely exhausted, he had been throwing a combination of punches, kicks, and other moves just to get to the point of finally knocking his teammate down to the ground for the first time.

The boy finally was able to give a grin for the first time too. He had been donning that serious, concentrated, and frustrated face for awhile now. It was good thing that he had finally managed to get through it or at least that's what he had thought.

His teammate was in total defeat.

"Man, I forgot you're were that tough to beat!" He commented, now staring down at his teammate as his way to help him." I guess that Math skills of yours is pretty good!" He said, commeding his teammate.

"But it needs more than that to beat me though." Konohamaru said as he confidently reached and offered his hand, not expecting anything to happen since it was all over to begin with.

And that was the time that Udon knew that it was finally strike back.

"Oh you mean like Psyching you out?" He asked with a smirk, causing the other to look at him in suprised.


It was at this time that Udon finally let down his whole defeated facade as the boy quickly made his move as he tightly grabbed and pulled his teammate's arm followed by a strong sweep beneath the legs which caused the boy to also fully lose his balanced and landed on the ground.

Konohamaru cringed in a little pain as he both found himself and his teammate on the ground." You've got to be kidding me man!"

"I guess it's a tie then bro?" Udon spoke as he gave his goofy grin." You think I've been sleeping all the time, when I've been studying some Psychology techniques!" He triumphantly exclaimed.

Konohamaru could only roll his eyes as he just fully relaxed himself and gazed at the blue sky.

"Yeah whatever dude."


"I guess I should have listen in class, I can't remember any single thing I'd learn from those subjects."


"Never ever underestimate the power of nerdy kids of else they'll be teaching you a lesson... Damn I'm so corny!"



It wasn't the way that Kurama had expected by the time he and the orange haired girl had reached the ice cream stall that they were greeted by an unexpected scenario.

It was definitely one of his nightmares that came true since he took this form. The overwhelming power of these kids, who had bought their ice cream and was about to go somewhere else had instead stayed just to play with the fox.

"Awww, it's so cute!"

"Look Mommy that fox has nine-tails!"

"Let me touch the tails!"

I wanna buy a nine tail fox as a pet!"

These were just the countless words that Kurama had heard through out the scene. He was used to it but he really disliked it so much and yet, he couldn't do anything to save himself.

It was pure torture.

The powerful presence of the cute children could be felt all over his surroundings. He couldn't count how many they were but their genuine smiles and excitement scared him. Their voices were everywhere and he could only stare at the orange haired girl, who was apparently just looking down at him like nothing was happening.

"So any ideas on the flavor?" She asked.

The ever irritated fox could only forced a smile in the midst of the many cuddles." Just buy the best sellers kid." He said in the most calmest way possible because he really didn't bother any of it and it will just eat anything no matter what the flavour was.

"Oh, alright then." Moegi shrugged in return as she proceeded to the stall to buy the specific flavours.

As for Kurama, he stayed there in full calm while being cuddle by a number of children. It has come to his mind this will be always apart of his life from now on and he didn't know how long would he stay in this form.

From time to time, he would looked back to the days when he still had that giant intimidating appearance. It was one of the biggest reasons on why he was feared by many and also respected. He was the Juubi, who freaking saved millions of lives, for that he was mostly remembered after the Fourth Shinobi War, and now he was somehow back to he start to relive it all again.

Kurama cringed as he could feel his tails being touched by multiple cute little hands. He was trying to resist the aggresiveness being brought upon him by the cuddles and he could only help himself by bringing his attention to other places.

Moving his eyes, he focused more on observing the open surroundings away from the children and in the midst of his observation, he suddenly felt a surge of familiar energy, which suddenly popped out nearby.

He moved his eyes around for awhile in search of the source and he in a particular spot, he saw what looks like the facade of a lavender haired teen, in her signature outfit and she was heading towards a certain area of the park.

"Himawari!" The fox exclaimed, his mind assuming that it was really her and also the energy that he had sensed definitely belonged to her.

Without any hesitation, Kurama bolted off towards the direction leaving the surprised and shocked faces of the children, who were still cuddling him.

"Hey! We're still not done playing with you Mr. Foxy!" One of the kids exclaimed, some even tried to chase the fox but the latter was just too quick for them. They could only watch in sadness as the cute fluffy nine tailed fox had slowly disappeared into another area of the park.

By the time, Moegi had finished buying the ice cream, which were revealed to be four sealed cups of cookies and cream flavoured ice cream, she was greeted by the scene of the fox dashing towards to another area of the park.

Confusion would soon take over, as she wondered if the fox had gotten enough of the children, who were busy being a nightmare to him.

"Now, where the heck is he going?"


"It's useless man! *Gasp* We won't be able find her anywhere here!"

The strongest words of the day came out from the shark man himself. Literally, no one could really speak after getting punch and kick in the balls and yet, he's frustration and irritation was the one that helped him ignore the ongoing pain.

Itachi could really understand him. He just didn't know how to calm a type of personality much like him down. Once he's out of his comfort zone, it'll be tough.

Yet again, he was the one responsible for bringing the shark man along while he was still enjoying his meal. It was rude yet he had no choice. It was an opportunity that he would not let passed by.

"Seriously, what the heck is she?" Kisame blurted out, as he didn't understand or had no idea of the person that they are trying to deal with.

If the person was a just a little girl then why they were struggling to pursue her? It's not like she's a top tier Shinobi in secret or she could be just something else. The fact that even the latter's Sharingan, which was still no use of locating her yet getting trolled instead.

The shark man was currently stressing the fact that they could be just possibly wandering around and wasting their time throughout without any leads of the person. What would be a better way if they could just go back to the inn and take a deserved rest.

"We can't turn back Kisame-san." His friend simply said." She's near, I could detect her energy resurging again." He added, as he was still determined to continue the search for one more time.

Kisame secretly gave an agonizing whiny look as he the man had no choice but to just nod his head and agree with him. He really hated the loyalty but it was already established long before.

What should he do right now? He could really be some help if he would use the best of his abilities to help out. Maybe releasing some sensible theories would be the best way.

The last place we could look for her is in a park or whatsoever." He explained, randomly blurting out a suggestion that could possibly not help the situation at hand.

However for the Uchiha himself, that suggestion might be the solution that they all need. He stopped his tracks as he found himself looking at the entrance of the local public park.

So far he was sensing the same energy from before and it was now coming from inside the park. He didn't need to activate his Sharingan, as the energy didn't disappear this time, it remained as if it waiting for them to locate it.

Itachi then took a deep breath, before replying back.

"Yeah, I think she's inside the park."

Kisame then raised an eyebrow." You think so?" He asked." I mean what if she's trying to just trick us again?" He tried to reason out with his Uchiha friend.

Itachi didn't turned back as he continued to head towards the park." Not this time and not anymore." He simply replied.

The shark man could only gave a sigh as he had no option but to stay around for awhile. Who knows what could possibly be in store for them this time.

"I just hope I don't get myself messed up again."


"First off, I really don't really know what kind of person she is, what she is capable of, as long as we are prepared to meet her."



Things are much quieter nowadays or maybe that's just in my head."

The wind grew and stayed strong throughout the park, it was something that the young woman would always prefer if she wanted to clear her mind or just spend the time alone for awhile. Right now, it was needed before things would go differently as she waited for certain people to arrive.

She had been here for about a good amount of time now. Her patience was still intact as she waited for the rest to arrived. She wondered on how they were taking so long, she didn't want to think about the possibility or idea of the two men getting lost once again. It just didn't sounded right for grown men like them. She had already left trails of her own energy just for them get on the right path and she hoped they will.

Regarding Himawari, she wanted to also talk to the girl and she hoped that she'll be somehow here strolling around the park, which was definitely impossible. The girl was busy living her new life and rebuilding relationships and also establishing new ones. Last time she had seen her, she was hanging out with her young teenage mom, which was surprising. If she were in her shoes, she would definitely freak out seeing her teenage mom alive and well or maybe just simply cry it out.

"Looks like she finally found a new home." Miyuki thought, seeing that the Uzumaki girl was finally happy to be here.

As she then decided to check the time via her small watch, it has come to her mind that it was already near time.

"They should be heading here by now." She commented, as she ate her sweet dessert.

It seemed that her plan on luring the man was on the verge of success and also his so-called "Guardian." She still could feel it's presence but wasn't sure on how far or near was it other than the purpose was obvious.

She just had no idea on how long the man was being monitored without his knowledge. He could have been watched over by them for a long time already.

As quietness overwhelmed the area, a certain familiar voice unexpectedly broke the peace.


A familiar voice of a teenage girl called up to her name.

Miyuki was suddenly brought back to reality as she turned her head up find herself staring at a certain short haired dark blue haired teen, with bright and warm smile on her face." Himawari." She said with a surprised tone.

"What a surprised! I never thought you'd be in a place like this." She commented with a slight smile.

"What brought you here by the way?" She added.

The sun was shining through the Uzumaki teen. She had a bright smile on her face that can light up a person's day. She was donning a different outfit this time, with a thin light yellow bomber jacket covering a peach shirt, and light blue pants. Lastly, she had a small waist bag to which was strapped on to her and was also carrying a shopping bag.

Himawari simply nodded as she gave out a grin." Well, Let's just say I came back from a very long shopping session." She said, as she presented the small shopping bag on her right hand.

Miyuki blinked for a couple of times before understanding her statement." Oh I see, you've spent hours in the stores and you only had one shopping bag" She commented.

"Well, It's good thing that I don't have my Auntie's shopping habits." The Uzumaki girl smiled as she headed towards the vacant spot of the bench and sat.

Miyuki nodded in understanding, before taking a deep breath and brought up a certain topic. "There's something that I wanted to talk to you about Hima." She said." Something that you should guys should know."

The Uzumaki girl then gave a chuckle." I also have a lot of questions to ask Miss Miyuki and I don't know where to start." She explained." I'm glad that you're here so that I could tell all of the things bothering me lately."

Miyuki smiled, she had to admit that it was a good convenience that she had someone to talk to in this times of quietness. She was clearly not the friendly and outgoing type of person. She would often focused on her work and let alone slowly neglecting the social aspect of her life which was slowly fading away.

Luckily, there was the Uzumaki girl, who suddenly came along and appeared out of nowhere. Whenever someone's day would be filled with disappointments and worries, she would just be there coincidentally with a time to even talked about it and sort it out.

A person with that kind of character are often considered to be very rare until now. It was just luck that made this happened.

"I'm sorry, I haven't had the time to talk to you properly." Himawari apologize, closing her eyes with a little cringed.

Miyuki nodded in understanding. The last time they crossed paths was back in the festival about a day ago. She still recalled a nervous dark blue haired teen asking for advice on how she would handle a certain situation involving a young Hyuuga Heiress.

A small smile formed across her lips.

"It's alright, I knew you had a business to take care of." She said, before continuing." In addition, it's also my duty to help young kids like you to have confidence to handle situation problems." She added, giving the teen a look.

Himawari gave out a slight chuckle." And It's my job to listen and take those advices to heart." She commented, which caused the other to give her own little laugh.

There was brief moment of quietness that took over before Miyuki followed up the second question.

"So did you managed to handle it well?" She asked, referring to the previous situation from yesterday.

Himawari gave small smile and nod." Well, I guess could call it a Blessing and a Miracle at the same time." She replied, before continuing on." A Blessing, because I was able to see and spend time with mom again." She then paused." A Miracle, because my Aunt and Uncle were there to support me." She explained, those two were also responsible for giving her the courage to be able to put aside her negative thoughts.

A single tear fell from her eye when she recalled that wonderful time and today, with the Milk Tea bonding.

Miyuki had noticed this as she drew out a brand new sachet of tissue paper to which the Uzumaki teen gladly accepted." I guess it was a wonderful reunion!" She gave her own comment.

"It really was." Himawari simply nodded." And I never knew my mom would be that type of a very sociable person." She added, wiping her tears out via the tissue.

By this time, confusion entered the scene as Miyuki gave a puzzled look." What do you mean, you never knew?" She asked.

Another brief moment of quietness took over, Himawari took a deep breath as she gave this unreadeable nervous smile.

"Well, there's really something going on with her."


AN: Well that's a wrap for this chapter, I just have to establish or set up some scenes for the characters to end up at the park altogether.

The idea of Kurama establishing friendships with Moegi, and Udon is something I wanted add in the story. It kind of felt great to see Kurama going adventures with the kids from time to time and of course he's going to have some big moments as the story progresses.

The idea of the story not only focusing on Boruto, Sarada and Himawari all the time, and give characters like Itachi, Kurama, the Hyuuga cousins, Team Ebisu Trio etc, their own screen time and scenes, What do you think of that kind of idea?

Regarding some scenes that are sometimes being repeated, they are the scenes from the sneak peak or preview chapters and is now being expanded in an actual chapter.

And with that said, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and Thank you very much for your support :)
