

Kai walked through the silent corridor, checking for the room with the number.

"This is the one," said Kai excitedly as he stood before the door with the number 40402 on it. He then inserted the key in the keyhole and púlled the door handle, opening it. After he entered, the door automatically closed behind him.

The room was 100 square meters brightened by magic lamps attached to the roof. It had a single large bed, two lockers and two almirahs side by side attached to the right wall of the room. There were also two big windows and a small balcony in between them, with its door opposite the entrance of the room.

The bathroom was on the right side of the room.

Kai was just looking around the room when the door of the bathroom opened and a beautiful woman came out, spreading out the fresh scent of shampoo through the room.

She had white hair with a silvery glow that reached her waist, and enchanting ruby eyes.

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