
His Birthday Part 1

February 14, 20XX (Thursday)

The Palace Residency-Condominiums

For the past few days, Wu Mei Li and Zhao Yang had lived bored with their routine. Unusual to him, Yang woke up way before Mei Li did. At dawn and nobody to help him into the wheelchair, Yang stayed where he is. He did not want to go anywhere else because Mei Li was curled into his side and hugging his arm.

"Good Morning," Yang greeted her.

Mei Li blinked her sleep away. Her face brightens with her smile as she replied, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you..."

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

"Steak," The CEO immediately answered. It has been a while that he had eaten his favorite.

Mei Li got up, tied her hair, and went out of the room to defrost the meat. Yang stared at her back as it disappears; his arm was feeling the loss of heat her hold had caused. He would have like to cuddle with her more.

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