
The Massacre(1)

Kayla was down by the lagoon for a swim with her friends. She lived in small town of the coast of the Long Islands in the pacific. Her father was the town Mayor and their home was located near the mountain base a couple feet from the lagoon . Her mother was a nurse and teacher. She run the only hospital on the island. She was the only child in her family and was heavily doted on by both her parents.

Kayla was humming a tune to herself as she was walking back to her house. Just then a large helicopter flew above her and came to land at the field opposite there home. She dashed to her house just in time to see a man led by her father enter their home study. The door was closed and locked and at the door stood two strong armed men.

Inside the study the man opened his briefcase and revealed a large bundle of money. " 10 million dollars for your property on the island. The rest of the people will each get at least 500,000 dollars per home for their properties. Do you agree to my terms?" The man looked intently at Joseph Smith. The Mayor of the town and Father of Kayla.

" I can't accept you offer.There are over 100 families who live and depend on this island for their daily needs. Even if you claim the island has those minerals you claim, Our people will use our own resources to extract them. Your just wasting your time here. I suggest you leave." Mayor Smith said looking coldly at the man.

The man chuckled and got up he tapped a button on his watch and turned around heading for the door. He stopped briefly and slightly turned his head towards Mr.Smith , "You disappoint me Mr. Smith. What happens next is on you." He smirked before walking out and leisurely strolled to his helicopter the two bodyguards beside him.

Kayla stood next to her father as she watched the helicopter roar to life before lifting off. " What did he want dad?" she looked up into her father's brown eyes.

"Nothing my darling. Just a state visit." He said patting her head. But Kayla didn't believe him and she suddenly felt a chill on her back and couldn't help but shudder.

Just then a loud bang was heard followed by a huge mushroom cloud of smoke. And the ground shook as a huge wave of heat washed over her flinging her slim body backwards. She waited for the impending pain of her hitting the ground but she landed in the strong arms of her father.

"Dad, don't leave me." she said before everything went black and she slipped into unconsciousness.

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