
Game: @ Etna H.S. (1)

The bus ride to Etna High School was the quietest one yet. Mostly in part to the fact that the JV and freshman team didn't have to go. Etna only had a varsity team so we had the whole bus to ourselves. Meaning...everyone had their own seat! The quietness could also have something to do with it being another morning game and most of the team chose to nap on the hour long drive. 

I wish I could do the same, but even with a seat of my own, I just couldn't fall asleep. It's weird that I'd be okay with sharing a room with a stranger like Noah, yet everyone else puts me on edge. I just closed my eyes to rest as the bus rolled on. 

As soon as we arrived, my eyes were the first to open. Or so I thought until I heard Dave groaning. "This is insane. I can't believe I didn't even get a wink of sleep." Dave stood up. His left hand was grasping his right wrist as his face twisted in agony. "I'm so tired, I could probably sleep for a day straight."

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