
Family issues Pt.02

Selina | Shen | Apartment | 10:30 A.M

-Get off the bed already Shen.

-...I'm free today..let me be.

-That's no excuse.

-Aahh..hardly motivative when it's coming from you Sel. Go take your morning pills or something.

-Thanks for the reminder. You know I wonder, how you will ever get a girl who may put up with this annoying personality of yours.

-..Hmm...(yawns)...I don't wanna hear that from a woman like you.

-You assume so much about things or people you know very little of.

-Like how you haven't been in here at the apartment for the past few nights?

-What!? You've been stalking me?

-No. In fact I don't need to. You know you're no saint Selina. Neither am I. But I have the courage to say that out loud. Whereas cynicism is all you got.

-You...(Door slams shut!)





11:27 A.M | Apartment

-...(Gets back)


-...(Taking the coffee)Thanks.

-I will make up for the morning.

-I've been doing overtime. No need.

-(Sighs)...so..where've you been?

-When? This morning, yesterday evening or the night before that? I mean you were asleep in every scenario.

-Look..I am sorry..I went overboard...(sighs)things aren't going very well for you. And...that affects me.

-I'll do my best to keep it to myself. There won't be another collateral.


-Let's just see to the priorities here for now.


-I was at the college to get some insights on the girl.

-Oh? That's a lot of effort all around.

-Much of it was wasted. They weren't very talkative type.

-Well that makes sense. So how much wasn't wasted? What did you learn?

-She found the personal journal of her Dad..something he would never let her see.

-...I see; he was indeed being blackmailed by the people who had been staying with him. Writing down everything about themselves..

-From the drug racketeering to political standings. Yes, everything can be traced backed to the household.

-He wanted to hide things from his daughter.


-So after finding out the truth about him being blackmailed and such..the girl threatened to expose them?

-It seems so.

-And she was persistent about refusing to give up on his diary. To shut her down permanently...


-Being in a family wasn't a good idea after all.

-It goes both way Shen.

-...I would rather be alone...forgotten..than being betrayed.


-Then again I am out of that league. That's a relief(smiles)...

-I have met Han. We spent the night at a bar called Jensen's. Han..he, he was posing as one of the escorts there.

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