

"Is there anyway we can help her gain the true powers of a Fanalis?" asked Nate as he was excited to have such strong member in his crew.

"We can think of something later." said Baal "For now take her and flee. You are in no condition to fight another battle after using that technique multiple times."

"Shit!! An Admiral could be here anytime now." said Nate as frantically used his sword and sliced through the chains that where restricting the girl.

Nate noticed that the girl has fainted, he sheathed his sword and carried her on his back and jumped from the warship to the harbor. He knew that staying on this island was bad and the only place that can help him escape from the Marines was the vast seas of this world.

Nate wanted to talk to his father one last time but he knew that he was running out of time. He ran along the harbor trying to find an unmanned ship that he can steal.


"Ww-what did you say?!?!?" shouted Sengoku, he was scared witless when he heard the news. "How?!? How is it that even though he had two Vice Admiral class bodyguards, he was still assassinated?!?"

The marine that reported the news was agitated as he replied "We don't know the exact situation yet. We got some video footages from the Den-Den Mushi but it was soon disconnected. We only got a small glimpse of the culprit."

"Who was it?!" asked Sengoku nervously "Only someone from the New World would be able to kill someone while they are being protected by two Vice Admiral class fighters."

"That's the problem. We don't know who it is, all that we know is that he is a male of around 1.6 meters in height. He wore a mask that covered his facial features." said the marine.

"Who is the closest Admiral to location of the incident?" asked Sengoku.

"Sir, Admiral Aokiji is the closest but he is still in the Grand Line and it would take him few days to reach there." replied the marine.

"Damn it!!!" shouted Sengoku "Make sure that the whole island is encircled and blockaded. No one leaves the island till Aokiji gets there."

"Yes Sir!!" shouted the marine as he scurried of to carry out the order.

'World Government will most probably force the Marines to take responsibility for this incident.' thought Sengoku as he tried to think of ways to reduce the damage done. 'I hope they catch that bastard..'

While Marine Ford was in complete panic Nate managed to find a boat along with some supplies in it. After boarding the boat along with the girl on his back, Nate managed to set the boat to sail. Thanks to the marines blocking of the harbor, no one was able to see what happened and he was able to steal a boat quite easily and managed to sail away from the island.

Back on the island atop a building was Leon who watched on as his son killed a World Noble and sailed away using a stolen boat.

"If that's your decision then go!! And by all means make your dream happen!!" he shouted as he watched his son sail into the horizon.

After few days.....

The news about the death of a World Noble was covered up by the WG as it might question their powers. The marines searched the entire island and the nearby seas but wasn't able to find anyone who matched that description and it was even harder due to the lack of information on the suspect.

Aokiji arrived after two days and searched the area completely looking for the suspect but with no luck. At first the WG wanted to destroy the entire island using a Buster Call in order to make sure that there was no witness, but Aokiji insisted against it saying that the harbor was barricaded and no one was able to witness the incident.

While all this was happening Nate drifted along the seas, luckily or unluckily he ended up in storm that send him and his small boat flying across the seas which in turn helped him escape the pursuit of the marines.

After a day or so the girl he saved woke up, Nate explained the situation to the girl and offered her some food. She seemed to be starved as she devoured through the food in no time.

"So, What's your name? My name is Nate by the way." asked Nate "Also where are you from?? What happened to your parents?

"M-my name is Rin." said the girl nervously "I don't know my parents, I grew up in an orphanage in South Blue. Two years ago pirates attacked the island where my orphanage was and they took kids like me and sold us as slaves in auction."

"Oh..Sorry I made you remember something unpleasant." said Nate apologetically "Say Rin.. How about you join my crew now that you are freed."

"Your crew? You are a pirate?!!!" asked Rin shocked

"Don't worry, not all pirates are like that. Some of us roam these seas for our freedom." explained Nate "This world is ruled by the World Government, and people like us suffer for their amusement and if you are against them you are branded as a pirate. This isn't something new and you know it too as you have already experienced the oppression of the World Government. The only way to live your life the way you want to is by gaining strength strong enough to deter or go against them. Pirates are dreamers who make their desires for adventure a reality."

Hey Guys..

Thanks for reading my work ..

Release will be unstable for a week as I have my mid terms...

I will try to release as much as I can..

Till next time..

Enryuu_Zahardcreators' thoughts
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