

Back at the Inn


"U-uh Aras you're kind of scaring me..."

"Muahahaha! I am the greatest genius of all time!"


"I'm going to terrorize everyone and everything! MUAHAHAHA no one can stop me! I AM THE SCARIEST!"


"What do you want!? I'll KILL YOU! AHAHAHAHA"


"MUA- AH- HA- A- WO- AWo- woah- uh- uh- uhm- woa- Oh- a- o-ok ok I'm back, stop shaking me."

With the feeling of lightheadedness after violent shaking from Daami it seems I have regained my composure.

"Maybe I got too into character back there, not good not good, being a murdering fanatic is actually hard work."

"Sheesh you're a handful, if I wasn't here this whole thing would of being a mess."

Daami falls back onto the bed.

"Hey! I thought up the plan you know? Plus I just slightly got too deep into the acting, not like you did much, it was at least 90% ALL ME!"

"Fine fine, no use arguing with an idiot, just like that saying 'you never win argueing against an idiot'."

"Hey! That's my line! Also get out of the bed! I mean you're still wet from the rain you idio-"

The back and forth was interrupted with the sight in front of me. The rain has soaked our clothing so the mantles are sticking quite close to the body, however, Daami isn't wearing anything under the mantle? Why didn't she have anything on underneath when she put on the dress of the costume before we left?

Ah she noticed my staring.

"Heh? Did you stop because you know I was right? Are you more grateful of my assistance? fufufu, it's ok I forgive you, I mean what will you do without me."

Daami smirks as she blushes triumphantly.

Stop smirking! Maybe take a look at yourself...

"Uh you're not wearing underwear you know?"


She looked down right away and quickly pulled the blankets around her.

"Stop looking!"

Violent flying kicks come my way in a ragtag manner, not even a martial artist who has trained himself for decades in a super secluded monastery with a bald monk who never revealed the ancient war arts to the outside world, could predict this unprecedented 'attack'.


Letting out a stupid noise as a kick lands square into my stomach and another heel flows into my jaw almost simultaneously.

"Agh… Daami… you… idio-"

And so Aras, the MC of our story has died.


Or not, he just passed out. And so.

The next morning.

I pace along the streets in a grumpy manner with Daami a distance away behind me.

I have a spectacular red bump surfacing on my cheeks due to this clumsy girl.

"I'm sorry Ar- Ah- Achoo!"

"At Least finish my name!"

The idiot caught a slight cold after jumping into bed all wet.

"(Did you hear about Sir Bellado?)"

"(Apparently something has happened last night.)"

"(There's talks of the officials hurrying around this morning.)"

Judging from the conversation of the daily shoppers and citizens on the streets, news about Sir Bellado has flooded across the city. It appears a major announcement was going to be made at Sir Bellado's mansion. Everyone in the city was talking about this.

Of course we headed there right away, surely that stupid Noble had listened.

I don't want to go through the trouble of preparing and haunting him again.

Might get too deep into character if I go a second time...


At the same mansion we infiltrated last night.

A temporary podium and speaking stand was set up.

A extremely clean dressed man steps up and stands before the stand.

Guardsmen surrounded the front of the podium as the man prepared.

He has a clean trimmed mustache, with short brushed back brown hair. His whole robe was plain but the embroideries and material definitely looked expensive. Just by standing at the podium, he gave an overbearing presence.

"It's the Governor!"

"No way, he usually is a really busy man."

"Yeah I thought so too, he doesn't leave the office often."

"Why is the Governor here at Sir Bellado's mansion?"

The crowd's gossips begun the moment the man got onto the stand. It appears this is the Governor of this city, the highest ranked noble. From the gossip from the crowd it appears this Governor is a decent hard working noble compared to Bellado, but since he let Bellado splurge himself without control, I can't say for myself if this Governor is a good or bad person.

"Silence! the Governor will begin the announcement."

One of the guardsmen announced.

"Citizens of Mabrosa. Today I am here to announce the resignation of Sir Bellado."

An explosion of muttering begin around in the crowd the moment he announced that first sentence.

"Be quiet~" (Guardsman)

Things calmed down again.

"Sir Bellado had experienced some personal and private issues, so he will return to the countryside and govern a remote area close to his hometown village.

Sir Bellado has already handed in his resignation letter to me this morning at the Governor's office.

Sir Bellado will be releasing all staff and slaves he had hired and owned.

Sir Bellado will be selling the mansion but only to those who has never or will never deal in or keep slaves.

He gives a warning to those who might purchase the mansion and the public in general.

'Do not mistreat slaves. Or you will regret it. You will definitely regret it.'

I do not know what Sir Bellado has gone through, however he was in a hurry.

The resignation procedure was completed lawfully and correctly.

Sir Bellado will no longer come back to Mabrosa. He had personally stated this.

That is all."

The very moment the announcement finished, an explosion of cheer's sounded throughout the crowd.

I looked at Daami, she has the biggest smile on her face I have ever seen.

"I see you're happy Daami. Looks like the plan worked."

"Speak for yourself."

Huh? I didn't even realise, I touched my own face.

I was smiling broadly as well.

"Hahaha! We did it Aras, we did it!"

Daami tightly hugs me and spins.

Well whatever, this is the best news we can hear today.

"Yes we did, yes we did."

The cheers continued to roar, it seems Bellado was really hated in this city.

The crowd continued to celebrate even after the Governor and guardsmen had left the vicinity.

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