

It has being two days, I wonder if that stranger will really come to save us tonight.


Two days ago

I was out with my master on his daily stroll, as usual us slaves can only follow in silence and obey his every command.

I was particularly unlucky that day, it seemed the master spotted a food stall that he desired, and so I was chosen to do the erand.

The master proceeded to throw a handful of coins at my face, it hurt, it hurted alot, I was bleeding but I mustn't cry. If I showed hesitation I would be punished with no meals.

I hurriedly picked up the coins and made my way to the shop. The food aroma was hypnotizing, but I had to hold back the saliva, we as slaves only get 2 meals a day, sometimes only 1 meal, if we are caught we will definitely have no meals, maybe no meals for a couple of days.

As I stood with the coins grasped in my hand, I patiently waited in line when suddenly a strange man came up next to me, at first I thought he was just lining up but he begun whispering.

"(Don't move young lady, it's ok, stay calm, I'm here to help.)"

I was surprised, but I decided to listen for now, it looks like he noticed he had my attention.

"(My friend is from the same race as you and she was very troubled and sad seeing you in this state so we decided to help. If you understand, slightly pull my robe once for yes and twice for no.)"

Same race? Another Dark-Elvin like me wanted to help me? I don't usually don't see many Dark-Elvins, there are more Elvins than Dark-Elvins around, even amongst slaves I had never met another Dark-Elvin.

So although hesitantly, I gently tug his robe.

"(Ok, we don't have much time as the line is moving up, it's up to you if you want to trust us, but we really want to help, look I also have this.)"

No way! That- that's a holy medallion! How does he have this? Is he from the Equilax church? I have only seen a Cardinal from the Equilax church wear those, they often preach in the public to the masses about equality between all races. A church that supported equality with many countries backing it, even us slaves have heard of them.

"(We will help you and your fellow slaves to be released, in two days time, simply help us in to the mansion at midnight, can you do that?)"

Even if this man isn't a Cardinal, he must be a high ranking person from the Equilax church, or maybe even a special agent of the church? Will they really be able to save us?

I tugged on his robe once nonetheless, no one has ever even tried to help us slaves. If they are willing to help us, I should help them.

"(Good, now keep acting normal, don't worry, we will definitely rescue you and the other slaves, I promise.)"

After that he left.


After purchasing the goods, I returned to the cart with the master sitting in the cart directing his gaze at me. No, at the goods instead.

I offer up the bag but only receiving a slap to my face, the force sent me falling back.

I held in my tears and waited for the master to finish his abuse.

Soon after the group takes off leaving me to myself, I must chase after them or I will be punished, as I get up to chase after the cart, I notice two people wearing the same robes as the one I held onto at the food stalls line. One of the robed figures winked at me and lifted his finger up.

Ah, his asking me to keep quiet, it was the stranger from before, he must be sitting with the friend he mentioned.

I replied with a nod before moving on.


Once I got back, the master was not in a good mood and took out his frustration on me, beaten me with a whip as he toyed with me before I got thrown into a cell.

My body was sore all over, it hurt, I had no energy to move, I simply laid there, no dinner was given that night.


Back to the present

I am on toilet cleaning duty tonight, I asked my fellow slaves to swap roles with me just for tonight so I could clean the toilets, a job the Nobles prefered us to complete late at night due to the smell.

Midnight was soon here, the moonlight lit the corridors as I was moving to the next toilet location. If it wasn't for the ugliness of the contents of the mansion, the bright crescent moon would have being beautiful.

I patiently waited as I carried out my duty until I heard rocks hitting a window, it was easy to pick up the sound as this is near the back of the mansion, there was almost no sound in the surroundings.

Surely that was not a stray rock, could it be the church's agents? Another rock sound was heard during my confusion, this time I am sure it was not a coincidence.

I moved to the room where the window is located, it was luckily a store room. Did they know this window was in the store room? I quickly and quietly opened the window and was greeted by two shadowy figures covered in dark mantles almost pitch black. I almost let out a scream as I covered my mouth, they looked so ominous.

"(Hello young lady, remember us? We are here to help.)"

The man I met before whispers as he shows a medallion from his pocket.

I quietly nod in response, as I was about to ask about what they will do afterwards, he quickly motioned me to be quiet.

"(Don't worry young lady, I have a plan, just leave everything to us. Simply tell us how to get to the ugly Noble's room.)"

I follow their instructions and directed them to the master's bedroom.

"(... he should still be asleep at this hour.)"

"(Thank you, just act normally after this and do your duty, tomorrow everything will be better, you will be saved, I promise.)"

For some reason his words sounded trusting, I have only met him for the second time and his friend for the first time, yet why could I trust them so deeply?

I nod in response to his whispers and closed the window before heading back out to the corridor and carried on my cleaning duties.

"(Oh dear God, if you are really willing to help us, please let your followers succeed.)"

I quietly murmured a pray as I cleaned.

Next chapter