
chapter 35 : Assembly of the troops

In the military grounds more than thirty thousand soldiers stood in their position without a single indisciplined line present.

The troopers all stood erect while following their corporals and sergeants.

The two second lieutenant stood on the platform built in front of the troopers.

The closest to the platform where the eight (8) officer cadets. Each of these officer cadets have (5) warrant officer lined just behind them and then behind then are lined sergeant, corporal and troopers in sequence.

Behind the warrant officer are the sergeants. There are a total of one thousand six hundred (1600) sergeants lined in forty (40) rows to forty (40) columns and behind them are corporals lined in forty (40) rows and one hundred and twenty (120) columns amounts to a total of four thousand eight hundred(4800).

And finally are the troopers or privates.

They were lined in forty (40) rows and six hundred (600) columns amounts to twenty four thousand (24000).

This number can scare anyone especially when they are all in a formation and are serious.

They have been called here fifteen minutes before Alex was called so they are getting anxious about why they were called at such a time when the sun was rising overhead and Pokemon raid just round the corner.

So they have started to talk among themselves.

" Why do you think we were called out here at this time?" One soldier asked another.

" I don't know but it must be something important if we all were called at a time like this when the raid is just round the corner." Another replied back.

"I think that the zone commander will address us today. After all we will have a big battle in the next few days so he will probably give a speech to inspire us or something similar to it." Another beside him added.

" Yeah, this might be the case. After all we haven't been introduced to the zone commander yet. So who do you think will lead the north zone?" Asked the first one.

" I hope it is captain Bolt or gym leader Terrence. They both are master trainers and with them leading us our chance of survival will increase exponentially and there will be lesser casualties compared to other regions. "

" Yeah if they were our commander it would have been better but it isn't the case. Captain Bolt is leading the zone near the water while gym leader will be on our exact opposite direction in the South. So it will most probably be one of the two lieutenant of Captain Bolt.

After all , the mayor will supervise the whole situation and would provide help from the town center wherever the need arises." Another soldier revealed.

As they continued to discuss who will be their commander, Jean the secretary of the commander came.

She was a powerful grass type specialist and was also very beautiful. Many wanted to be close to her but her sharp retorts tear apart many of her brave stalkers who dared to talk to her and had turned them into a crying mess.

Hence, she got her name," Rose". She was a beauty flower surrounded by sharp thorns,ie, her witty and sharp words to her followers.

So when she arrived all eyes were on her and many even ignored the following Alex and his pokemons, nidorino, Ivysaur and Slowking. But some did notice him and were curious about his identity and why he was here when only the military force was called for the assembly.

She soon arrived at the elevated platform with Alex behind her. Alex has noticed that most of the soldiers were looking at Jean and the few who noticed him were probably curious about him.

When they reached the platform the two second lieutenant saluted him while Jean stationed herself behind Jim and Gold.

And Alex stood there to address the troops in front of him. Some of the smart people had guessed the identity of Alex when he appeared and was saluted by their superiors, the two second lieutenants, Gold and Jim.

He stood on the platform in front of the other inhabitants with Slowking, nidorino and ivysaur just behind him.

He then motioned Jim and then someone came with a microphone and handed it to Jim.

Jim checked whether it was working or not and then handed it to Alex.

Alex took the microphone and then once again looked at all the people in front of him.

He then started," 1… 2. …. 3…. Mic testing …. 1….. 2….3. Can everyone hear me?"

Hearing him begin like this many were smiling and the previous irritation from standing and waiting 15 minutes for the start of assembly was slowly diffused.

After some laugh Alex began his speech," As many of you know that we will soon be facing a Pokemon tide. According to our sources it is a low grade B tide with chances of it raising to the Intermediate grade B level.

And the most probable Pokemons which our corp will be facing are the flying type, normal type, fighting type, rock type, ground type, poison type as well as grass type pokemons. There will be some other pokemon types too in the upcoming tide but these types will be in most abundance.

As for how I know all these information, I am Alex Bart. I know many if you are curious why I am here and why I am the one addressing all of you. And some of the people may have already guessed what I am doing here.

So let me introduce myself completely. I am Alex Bart from Floral Town. And I am your new North Zone Commander ."

As soon as he introduced himself, the dam burst and many voices of protest rang.

" What a brat is our zone commander."

" This has to be a joke."

" No way. No way a kid will be allowed to be our commander."

" I know right. This is just a comedy act that the new commander and the other superiors thought of to ease our nerves."

" Is that so? I think that might be the case or how can such a thing happen."

" I know right. If it had happened I would have left and abandoned the place."

" Me too. How can we survive if a kid lead us. Isn't it equal to throwing our life."

" Hey kid move. Let the true zone commander address us."

" Yeah. Don't joke with us. We have a raid to face soon and go somewhere else to play."

Alex was shouted at by many but none of the second lieutenant and officer cadet intervened.

Before assembling the troops Alex had already told them not to interfere and he will handle the troops himself. And now he has to deal with the troops who think he was joking.

To be continued….

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