
Civil War or Annihilation

[Creation of The Endo-Sym Armor is Successful.]

[Basic Properties of The Endo-Sym Armor -

*. A full liquid Smart-Metal which hardens instantly on connection with user's body.

*. The initial bonding process with the user is completely psionic.

*. The suit can be controlled remotely through psionic or vocal command as the suit is alive and can feel it's user.

*. The Endo-Sym armor doesn't have any intelligence or self awareness and is completely dependent upon it's user's commands.

*. The blue repulsors and arc reactor can turn from blue to red depending upon user's emotions and due to the intrinsic connection to the armor biologically, user's eyes can light up with the same color.

*. The main faceplate can be removed for a graphene layer of quantum dots to protect the head of the user.

*.The armor can release tendrils of it's material to enter automated armors in order to determine the source of their core-artificial intelligence. The same tendrils can be used in much more intricate ways depending upon the user's command.]

[Other auxiliary functions and perks of Adamantium and Vibranium infused Smart-Metal will be confirmed after the simulation]

A Silvery black liquid flew from the lab's desk and instantly covered Tony as if to become an armor around him. It left Tony's face and hairs while blue repulsors formed all around his body.

Tony's eyes lit up in blue color as the sign of successfully forming a psionic link between him and the armor after which it, due to it being a Symbiotic Constituent matter, turned into a black suit at Tony's mental command.

"About time I go to the S.H.I.E.L.D's facility" Said Tony as the entire suit engulfed him and he disappeared in the darkness of his lab.





A Psychiatrist was seen going in the cell of Bucky to interrogate him and when he sat down in front of him, he recited the trigger of the Winter Soldier.

"Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight Car... Soldier?"

"Ready to Comply"




All of a sudden, Bucky busted out of his cell while Zemo, who was disguised as the psychiatrist, was nowhere to be seen.

Soon though, Captain sneaked him away from the eyes of T'Challa with the help of Sam while Tony arrived at the chaotic S.H.I.E.L.D facility.

"What happened" asked Tony as he came behind General Ross, Natasha and T'Challa, startling everyone.

"Where were you!?" questioned Natasha with irritation as she saw Tony standing behind them in a black suit with a poker face.

"Your friend betrayed us. He broke my father's killer out of here." replied T'Challa.

Tony and T'Challa had already agreed upon keeping T'Chaka's survival a secret as to not draw any unnecessary threat to his life.

After listening to T'Challa's explanation at the turn of events, Tony showed a surprised face and vowed to bring him in himself.

"Remember Tony, you only have 36 hours. And you have permission to use lethal force against them." said General Ross before leaving the room.

Tony then sat on a sofa and hung his head down in sadness as T'Challa came and sat beside him.

"So, feel any amazing changes after taking the-" asked Tony as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes." Replied T'Challa with an equally gloomy expression.




"I'm sorry but how did you guys meet? I heard that you came here with King T'Chaka...how di-"

Before Natasha could even finish her curious questioning, Tony glared at her and said

"I don't think it's time to gossip, Natasha….*sigh*....Let's go. I have a guy who could help us."




Stark, with Vision, Natasha, T'Challa, Rhodes and Peter then intercepted Steve, Clint, Sam, Wanda, Scott and Barnes at Leipzig/Halle Airport.

"Last chance Steve, surrender."

"You know I can't do that Tony."

"Okay, I've run out of patience."




Tony let the fight go exactly as it went in the movies until Rhodes was inadvertently shot down by Vision and got killed while Romanoff allowed Steve and Bucky to escape.

However as they were escaping, they suddenly heard Tony's angry scream as he held the dead body of Rhodes in his arms.

Everyone was shocked at this as they didn't expected anyone to die but soon Tony's eyes turned murderous.

He looked towards all the members of Steve's team and then towards Natasha and Vision who felt fear after a very long time.

"Tony…" muttered Steve in a guilty voice but suddenly they were again shocked as Tony's eyes lit up with an intense red light.

His plated armor which was disabled by Scott in his Ant-man form broke off from his body one by one, and the black suit which he was wearing underneath it started to turn into a liquid armor which soon went to his forehead and covered his entirety leaving only his face and his hairs.

Looking at Tony now, everyone only felt fear as they realized how much Tony was holding back all this time for his friends and now everything had gone to shit.

"Sor….Sorry Stark" said Vision as he felt fear for the first time in his life while looking at Tony's eyes which were emanating the same color as the repulsors all around his silvery black armor.

"To..Tony, relax. Listen to-" before Natasha could even finish her sentence, she was already flung away into the air and landed like a ragdoll with blood splatter.

Suddenly all the avengers had an ominous feeling. Ant-man turned to his miniature form and tried to run away but he was intercepted by a symbiotic goo and was instantly buried in it as the goo solidified.

'Kill the Human, Take the suit. Make me a blueprint of how it works and suggest some modification which I will review later.'

[Affirmative Sir]

Tony's gaze then landed on Vision who instantly froze. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do anything as Tony had control over vibranium and Vision's entire body was made out of said vibranium.

Tony punched Vision in the gut with which he flew out of the airport and landed in some underground bunker.

"TONY! Snap out of it! We are your friends!" Shouted Steve anxiously as he knew that Tony would blame him for everything. He was also afraid of the fact that if Tony takes Bucky in and interrogated him, then he would know about Bucky killing his parents. He can't let that happen! He absolutely can't lose his best friend to Tony's rage.

Tony however was having none of it. He started walking towards Steve while Wanda, Sam and Clint came in his path to stop and reason with him.

T'Challa suddenly came in front of Clint and Sam instantly took both of them down while Tony sent sonic waves towards Wanda which swept her off her feet and was thrown beside Natasha's body.

"You don't deserve the powers my father bestowed upon you, Steve. You are a hypocrite who bends his own morals to help his cause." Said Tony as he walked towards Steve and immediately disappeared from his line of sight.

Steve got frightened and tried to search for Tony when suddenly Tony's fist, which was turned into needles struck his body with which his body visibly shrunk and he became the same cadet boy he was once in the 40s and lost his consciousness while Bucky met a similar fate.

Natasha, Scott and Rhodes were dead. Wanda, Vision, Clint, Steve, Bucky and Sam were knocked out. And the only one still standing was an enraged Tony, T'Challa and a stunned Peter.

T'Challa slowly went towards Tony and put a hand on his shoulder after which Tony's eyes turned blue and his armor turned into his previous black suit once again.

Peter and T'Challa both saw as Tony broke down in tears and fell to his knees. No one disturbed him as T'Challa eased Peter a bit and started to tie the unconscious avengers and the bodies of the dead one.

"Tony, we can't find Vision and that Ant-man. Looks like they escaped." Said T'Challa as he finished everything up.

"Just take what you have." was the only response from Tony as he got up and a special aircraft with Stark written on it came and hovered over the airport while Tony's shoes became thrusters as he jumped and landed inside of the aircraft.

Peter was astonished by the sudden appearance of the aircraft but soon snapped out of it as this was not the time for this. He helped T'Challa load all the bodies on the plane after which the plane created a sonic boom and flew away into the sky.

So, The cover of this Novel is the Endo-Sym Armor. Those of you who are confused can check the cover or search about it.

Also, Man you guys have some wild theories and suggestions for the story. It's entertaining to say the least.

Lumpish_Haggardcreators' thoughts
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