
Shopping and Deal

I wished to see my transmigrator comrades, but I couldn't bet on unwanted attention. Even now, there were people suspicious of my tornado. No. Even without my big failure, Sally's identity... Sally's family's identity was really screaming attention to begin with.

I needed to get stronger. Enough to control Sally's power freely. In this absurd world, even hiding needed strength.


"Huh? Did you say something?" I looked at the busy C.

"What? Just eat... don't mind us," C focused on papers in front of him. He frowned deeper upon reading each of the letters.

"Fred, can you give me a guide? I'll shopping around myself."

"Sorry, there are a few problems, I need to sort these out," C apologized.

"It's okay. I'll take my time shopping and sightseeing."

Fred gave me three people. Two of them were bodyguards. My guide, Ms. Curna, gave me a new big robe with hood to hide my green hair. It's dark blue with painting-like embroidery, I liked it. She helped with polite smile plastered on her face all the time.

"Uhm... Ms. Curna, you see..., my budget is quite tight. So, can you show me to places with cheaper prices?" I dumbfounded seeing high quality goods in front of me.

Ms. Curna smiled reassuringly, "Today is on Mr. Ernet."

"For real?!" smile blooming on my lips. Oh! This Fred, not bad!

First, I remembered Roona's sword. After left it in blacksmith shop for maintenance, I went to buy some mattresses.

Hmm, maybe some extra blankets for winter. 🤔 Whatever, these are free. 😋

"My home is expecting baby in the next few months. Do you have small bed for crib...? Hmm, and pillows too!"

After that would be clothes.

"15 y.o and 12 y.o girls. 12 y.o boy and 3 y.o boy. Oh! And there will be a baby too. Don't need to be flashy. They are in growing period, something comfortable is fine."

"Can you show me some fabrics?"

Hmhh, shopping is fun. Free is best. 😄

"Lady Sally, would you like to see school goods too? It's not big, but we have book store." Ms. Curna said.

"Oh, yes! Thanks for reminding me."

"I have a little sister, she will go back to school in a few days," she smiled.

"I don't really understand about school... nowadays. Well, it's been so long since I graduated. Please, give me advice anytime."

I enjoyed my shopping time to my heart's content. I just bought things that's needed. It's not my fault that 'my' home didn't have anything.

"Are you finish yet?"

"C... I think I went overboard. Our house is so poor, you know. Do you think this will trouble your friend?" I whispered to C.

"Don't worry. Merchant doesn't take loss. It means, he saw you valuable. That's it."

"How about you? Are you finish yet? Where's Fred?" I looked around, but there was only C in the room.

"There's good news, and bad news. What do you want to hear first?" he asked seriously.

"Good news."

"The church spreads news about new holy woman. At least for now, they won't disturb you." C looked at me intently.

"And bad news is?"

"We lost contact with brother in law and the rest. I don't know their whereabouts, or if they're death or alive."

Not sure how to respond, so I just nodded in silence. Honestly, I couldn't care less. But still, I felt bad for the children.

"Let's think about this later. Here..." C put a bottle on the table.

It's the sample bottle Fred bringing. It's full of apple juice.

SAL's. Golden letters on a green oil-paper-like wrapped around it. Looking from the top, you could see complex runes behind the paper.

"There are 8 bottles. Two, I gave for Fred. Five, will be auctioned off. This is the last bottle."

So fast? As expected from the King of Merchant.

"Hm? You said... auction?"

"Yup. But just this once. The next batch..., please use the ordinary honey. We will sell it normally." C pinched his nose bridge, looked helpless.

"Ah... that's why you ask for honey yesterday? Okay."

"3 and 7 parts, how?" (C)

"7 for me?"

"Yup. 1 for Fred, and 2 for me. Oh, you still need to pay for the bottles and honey tho." (C)

70%... not bad. 50% for me, 20% for the kids.

"Okay, deal."

Doumoooo... present for you.

imortal_loverscreators' thoughts
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