
On the Road to Recovery

Two weeks have long passed and Lyndon had been recuperating slowly. The apparatuses that was connected to his body were one by one removed. As he was growing stronger each day. Albert and Rodora were the happiest seeing that their son is slowly recovering. He's still weak but there was great improvement from the moment he miraculously survived from the operation.

Since he woke up, he did not mention Misha even just once. The older couple was worried so they asked the doctor if Lyndon was okay to be moved around through a wheelchair. The doctor in-charged in his case readily agreed as he did not see any complication from Lyndon's operation and he just instructed the couple not to tire and stress him out.

Albert and Rodora readily agreed.

They helped their son to climb up to the wheelchair.

"Dad, mom, where are you taking me?" he asked after the older couple pushed the wheelchair out from his room.

"Don't you want to see your lovely bride?" Rodora asked taunting.

"Bride? Misha? Where is she? That's the question I want to be answered." he said while gazing up on his mother. The two went silent. They didn't know what to answer to Lyndon. Instead, they just smiled at him lovingly.

At first, Lyndon did not mind that Misha had not visited this all while but during this whole two weeks, he could not see a shadow of Misha around the hospital. His parents are also being silent and that could only mean, something happened to her.

When Albert saw his son thinking, he tugged Rodora's sleeves and then they stopped. They looked for a bench along the corridor and when they found one, they readily occupied it.

Lyndon faced his parents with a serious face. It was his face during corporate meetings and discussing important matters.

"Son, we have something to tell you but promise us first that you will only focus on recovering before you will take action." Rodora wanted to assure herself and Albert that their son will not do something reckless up on learning the truth.

"I know. I promise. So, what is it?" Lyndon said as he looked straight to his parents' faces with seriousness.

Rodora nudged her husband to tell. He looked at Rodora which is on his side then to his son's face with mix emotions. He cleared his throat before speaking. He's nervous but at the same time, he can feel that his son will be more focused on his recovery more than anything else.

"That day, when you fell, Misha was also stabbed by the perpetrator straight to her heart." Albert wanted to continue but the pale expression in Lyndon's face stopped him from doing so.

"Why? Is she alive? Where is she now? I want to see her." there were so many questions rushing in Lyndon's mind but now, only those questions and those mix feelings he had in his face showed.

"Let me finish first okay." Albert stopped him from overthinking things. "She's out of danger for now. Her operation went well and there was no complications found. It's just that, she was declared by the doctors as brain dead. She's in a coma now." his father said with a tinge of sadness in his voice. Seeing this, he had a myriad of emotions inside him. A tear fell from his eyes as his back slouched down. He went silent after his father and mother looked at him with pity in their eyes.

"I want to see her. Can I?" he requested.

"Of course you can. You are her husband. You have the very right to see her." said Rodora while smiling at her son.

Albert pushed the wheelchair down the long corridor of the little hospital. Along the way, Lyndon observed that there were lesser people and even nurses coming to this direction they took. He took this opportunity to ask his father something.

"Do you know who did this dad?" he suddenly asked his parents which made them halt. Albert just hummed in response so that his son will not detect his anger.

"Who?" the couple looked at each other with their eyes made the conversation.

"The one who shot Leo back then. They thought that you are him." Albert said then paused. "No one will be able to find out about it." he added. Then he continued to push the wheelchair towards the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Lyndon however had hatred on his eyes. They were the one who's responsible for his brother's death. Now, they have to pay the price because they have touched his bottom line.

They stopped at a room which has a clear glass panel. There, he saw her lying in bed motionless. He wanted to stand up to watch her up-close and Albert could only support him. He carried his shoulders on him and then Lyndon shifted his weight to his fathers. He still could not stand properly. He touched the glass lovingly while looking at his wife. He shed tears looking at Misha in such state. He could not take it any longer and asked his father to bring him back to his room. There, he cried like a child in front of his parents. Rodora patted him at the back to calm him down. She could not bare to see her so hurt like this.

Lyndon gritted his teeth out from anger. He must recuperate first to hunt down the culprit behind this all. She will pay a heavy price for putting Misha's life on the line.

Here's today's chapter.. Thanks for reading.

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