
Murder- Part 4

She played slow and steadily, her fingers moving and pressing the keys across the grand piano. Eyes looking up and down, from the piano sheet that was placed in front. It was a small piece but her fingers were trying to be everywhere on the board as small tones of music emerged from the instrument.

"That is all for now," she said with a sheepish look.

"Your fingers are too stiff," he responded, his eyes on her fingers, "You need to relax them. Look at my fingers," and she did, seeing him take only the left section of the keys. His movements were like water flowing in the river. If possible Heidi could listen to him play all day and night but the man didn't let her enjoy him playing music, "Stanley has the habit of starting things which is difficult. Let's teach you something simpler. Follow my fingers."

After half an hour, lord Nicholas let her be as he played with the keys randomly.

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