

The other woman's facial expression became ugly after hearing those words from Nicole Jiang. If there was anything Phoebe hated most in the world, it was being reminded of her failed love. It was the most humiliating thing anyone could talk about in front of her. 

She did not believe she was wrong, but she hated when people mocked her. It was just that her decisions were different from the norm. 

Usually, when girls had a crush or were in love with someone secretly, they would try to hide it in their hearts. Maybe, they would confess at some point, but most chose to do so discreetly. For example, school girls would write notes or call their crush to an undisclosed location. 

However, Phoebe had thought that a more aggressive plan was suitable. At the time, she felt like a powerful and much-feared man would not choose a shy girl. He would prefer someone who shunned the unspoken rules of society. 
