
Chapter 232: Another to the party!

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Right after Duan Li cleaved down with the Eternal Great Axe, causing a massive split of the space in front of him, a corporeal hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stopped the momentum of the axe from advancing.


This hand was only the size of a regular hand and it seemed gentle at a first glance, appearing to possess no strength behind it at all. Yet, this very same hand managed to stop the full force of Duan Li's attack using the Eternal Great Axe just by clasping all of its five fingers onto it!

"Formidable!" Duan Li narrowed his eyes as he instinctively moved eight steps to the back before asking warrily, "Who are you?"

The corporeal hand shook visibly for a moment before the torn space made by Duan Li's Great Axe shattered like a mirror!


"I am the will left behind by the Grand Immortal.." the hand replied.


Slowly, spiritual Qi from the surroundings began to spiral towards this hand like a tempest, before forming the rest of its body parts and eventually revealing the complete corporeal form of a tall man wearing a full sized robe. His long hair seemed to be fluttering along with the wind, creating a vivid image of an otherworldly celestial.

However, since it was only a corporeal form, its facial features was severely distorted. Otherwise, Duan Li would have been able to see just how this 'Grand Immortal really looked like!

"You are the will of the Grand Immortal?" Duan Li was surprised.

Isn't that the person whom created this Eternal Maze?

But more importantly, a mere will was able to stop my full attack? Too powerful!

"You should keep your powers in check. That attack of yours nearly destroyed this Crafted Space into two had I not intervened." the Grand Immortal said with a slight chuckle. This made it seemed like he was quite the gentle person.

Hearing this, Duan Li scratched his head awkwardly. "I.. I lost my composure.. and didn't think things through.." he admitted.


He cancelled out his super mode 2 as his golden spiky hair went back to normal. A few breaths in that mode had already used up a sixth of his total spiritual Qi, such a rate of usage was insane!

Almost losing Di Rou's life had made him lose his temper and went on a rage. Had the Grand Immortal's will not stepped in at the last moment as the latter said, the Queen would indubitably die that very instant, but the resulting process would also tear apart the Crafted Space, sending them into the void of oblivion!

"If this Crafted Space is destroyed, unless you possess the means of an Omnipresence realm state, your body will decay in an instant, turning you into nothing but drifting ashes!" the Grand Immortal's will explained.

The Void of oblivion was a place without space, that only time was running rampant within it. Therefore, since time was an uncontrollable factor in the void, any matter that entered it would simultaneously underwent the process of non-linear aging and de-aging.

The resulting outcome would be that the matter will be stretched and then disintegrated into nothingness!

He then continued, "Furthermore, this Queen, whom called herself as Queen Levy, had long served her due time in this eternal prison that I made as a consequence to atone for her past. As the one whom put her here, having her killed would really do her injustice, and that is something that I could not sit idly by under my watch. Thus, I intervened."

Duan Li's gaze towards the Queen softened slightly when he heard this, but some of his hostility still remained.

"I.. but she was about to kill my subordinate, that was why I reacted in a similar manner.." he replied.

The Grand Immortal's will sighed and shook its head.

"I understand your situation, but I can also see that you are still new to the cultivation world. While it is indeed a world where it is kill or be killed, that is only true for those who had no choice."

The will waved its hand and a spatial ring floated on its palm as he sent it towards Duan Li.

"Consider the items inside as my compensation this time around. While it was indeed the Queen that attacked with a murderous intent, it was partly my fault as well for imprisoning her here for a very long time." he said as he turned to look at Queen Levy.

Seeing this corporeal form, the Queen was initially dazed as innumerable emotions exploded within her mind. She know this man, as it was the very same man that she fell in love with a few ages ago.

"It's.. you.." she said slowly, before her giant body glowed in a purple light, and shrunk rapidly until she was only the size of a human.


When the purple glow disappeared, it revealed an incredibly beautiful looking woman, seemingly in her late 20's. She has a thick curvy figure that could send many men into a state of frenzy, her long purple hair and the slightly loose robe she wore was also in harmony with her voluptuous body, neither too revealing nor covering her up, leaving one to a series of wild imaginations.

"Why did you leave me for so long?! You said that it would only be a few thousand years at most.. it has been ages!!" drops of tears flowed her rosy cheeks as she bit her soft lips.

While the will of the Grand Immortal does not have a clear facial feature, at this moment, it was apparent that it felt quite guilty.

Raising its hand, the will caressed her right cheek slowly and wiped off her tears. "Forgive me.. my will could only be activated at a critical situation such as now.."

"Ahh, let's leave the two of them alone.."

While the two couple were having a tear-jerking reunion and catching up session, Duan Li rustled through the spatial ring that the will had just given him, and he was thoroughly surprised!

"Holy moly! This spatial ring is a treasure vault!" his eyes flashed brightly.

Elixirs of grade 5 and above, alchemy ingredients stacked like buildings one after another, a bunch of weapons of all different types and sizes, plot of herbs that was rare and some were even already extinct, and most of all..

Superior quality spirit stones! There has to be a few thousand of them in here judging by how it was stacked!

Duan Li could not believe his eyes. Just a single one of them, if it was put on the Tian continent, would cause bloodshed to spill into a river in order to obtain it!

Yet, just a mere compensation from the Grand Immortal had already contained all these priceless treasures as if it were some useless garbage!

The means of a true immortal was immeasurable indeed!

"Master, who is this person?" Di Rou by the side asked in a curious tone.

"The Grand Immortal is the person who created the Eternal Maze.. I've had my suspicion before, but from the way he easily destroyed my full power attack, I suspect his powers is even beyond that of an immortal's.." Duan Li replied with a grim countenance.

It was fortunate that the Grand Immortal doesn't look like someone who was haughty at all. Otherwise, if he were to turn hostile on them, Duan Li was not sure if he could handle such a person.

In addition, the person in front of them was only the will and it was already of this caliber!

Just thinking about the true might of the Grand Immortal really sent shivers down his spine!

Di Rou was also shocked to hear that there was a realm even stronger than that of an immortal!

As far as she knew, the Guardian of this second region was an immortal himself and she could not even estimate the extent of the Guardian's power, as if an ocean without depth!

Yet, this apparition in front of them exceeds even that?

With such powers, one could truly dictate the life and death of others! It was scary when she taught of this and her heartbeat could not help but to beat faster in anxiousness.

She had heard that powerful beings were extremely eccentric in their personality, that a single displeasure would sometime leads to them doing some drastic action.

Thus, she tried her best to control her breathing and made no unnecessary movements with a pale face.

Seeing that his subordinate was all tensed up, Duan Li chuckled. "Don't worry, it doesn't seem like the Grand Immortal intends to do us harm."

Only after hearing this that Di Rou could heaved out a huge relief.



"So kid, your name seems to be called Duan Li? How ironic.. but she was a really candid person after all." the will shook its head as if recalling something from the past.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Duan Li scratched his head in confusion.

And who are you calling a kid?!

"Nevermind. Oh from now on, Queen Levy will be under your care. Remember, her past sins is already atoned for, and I've also had compensated you. Therefore, you must not bear any more grudges!" the will said, seemingly to emphasize that last sentence.

"Eh? Why should I take care of her? Wasn't she waiting for you all these while?" Duan Li could not help but to find this confusing.

Previously, they were like a married couple whom had been separated for a long while, and now he asked for him to take care of her?

The will chuckled as it nodded.

"That's right. You don't have to know the reason for now. Things will become clear eventually."

Then, with a wave of his hand, a copper vortex appeared.


"This trial can be considered as completed. You should head on to the next one."

Eh? It's completed just like that?

Isn't this Grand Immortal too casual?

But I did beat up the Queen..

'Eh whatever, he is the one who created this place, so he could overrule the set rules anyway.'

"Husband, let's go!" Queen Levy suddenly said as she pulled Duan Li's hand.


Wasn't the Grand Immortal the person you loved? How can you still call me your husband? Aren't you breaking his heart?!

Hais! It's tough to be so good looking..

Duan Li sighed, "I'll just figure everything out next time.." he said to himself.

"Kid, see you next time." the will said.


"Umm yeah, I guess?" Duan Li replied. He then clasped both hands in respect towards the latter before stepping into the copper vortex.


"You've grown well.. but that power.." the will stood silent for a while as he gazed into the sky.

You should have learned to let things go..



This chapter is a lot longer than usual, so enjoy!

Thanks for reading! ;)

_Ram_creators' thoughts