
You need to sleep

Back at their suite at Hotel W, the two lovebirds were quietly soaking in the bathtub.

With her back against him, Kai Xin sighed, "We should get up now...You need to sleep..."

"I don't think we would be doing any sleeping once we are on the bed..." DX pointed out while he snuck a hand down to her crotch.

"Ah!" yelped Kai Xin when she felt his finger moving around.

Pulling his hand away, she turned around and scowled at him, "Sleep first...Then we play..."

Even though he wanted to play, he knew when to stop. She was right.

He was feeling pretty tired after spending the entire night settling all his work related matters.

Then, the knowledge that 'Luo Guang Ying' was in her house kept him awake during the flight home.

With a sigh, he reluctantly agreed, "You know. You are the only one who can bosses me around."

"Well, you need someone to control you."

He kissed her on the back of her head before getting out of the bathtub.

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