
Sealed water source Part-3

The scents of the herbs and medicines were pretty strong in the room. Even though it was not her first time in that medical room, she somehow liked those different kinds of scents as they seem to put her mind at ease.

Last time when Ira came here she was unable to explore that place as she twisted her ankle while going on an mini adventure with Shiv to hunt down the lions(1).

She also heard from Shiv that the medical room was used by Aditya as his own personal space. She was curious of the medications used back in the ancient times.

Even though her curiosity overtook her at most of the times, she couldn't find a way to explore that room as she didn't want to intrrept his 'Oh so rare peace'.

Now that she finally had a chance, she wanted to explore it to her hearts content.

Ira never in her wildest dreams would have thought that she might have a brother in the ancient times and that brother was a doctor. Anyways she could use him to her fullest to satisfy her curiosity.

"Hey monkey!! Stop! Don't touch it!!" Abhinav's ear piercing scream made Ira stupefied.

"Wha... What happened??"

"Get away from that flower! Are you stupid? No wonder you are a monkey. Even a kid knows he should not touch that! You really have no brains!! That's a poisonous flower that should not be touched!"

"Wha.. what do you mean? A poisonous flower... Sorry I didn't know...." The moment she heard that the pinkish looking cute little flower has some poisonous effects, Ira's face was drained of all colours.

Seeing her looking so blanked out, Abhinav got quite worried about her.

"Ira.. Ira look at me. Are you alright? Did you touch it? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Do you have any skin irritation??" Abhinav couldn't help but bomber her with a lot of questions.

Ira was stunned to find him going all worried about her as she looked at him in the eye she couldn't help but feel warm inside unknowingly Ira was grinning ear to ear looking at his expression.

"You little! How dare you!" He pulled her closer to him and pinched her cheeks until they were swollen red.

"OUCH!!" Ira scream was so loud and clear. Her cheeks were burning from his pinch.

"Why do you always pick on me? You stupid bird-brained idiot!" She yapped at him as she was totally pissed off! Ira clenched her cute little fists at hit him on his chest in a girly manner.

"Hahaha!" Abhinav caught hold of her small fists at petted her cute little head.

"How cute! You are so cute when you get annoyed." Abhiva's signature smile melted her anger away. She felt somewhat cozy whenever she was with him.

"Finally you admitted that I am cute! Hehe."

How could Abhinav resist the charm of her super innocent face!? He cupped her face on his warm hands as he looked her straight into the eye.

"I have always wanted to tell you this... Welcome back! You took a long detour to finally, finally reach here. You have worked hard. Now, you can take rest and relay on this big brother of yours! I will do anything for you within my power. I have always wanted to meet you, but unfortunately we were played by the fate... Thank you for coming back. Thanks for not letting my waiting go in vain... Thanks for being alive! You can finally take a break now..."

Hearing his heartfelt and gentle yet sincere words left Ira in a daze. Her eyes looked glassy from the tears that was threatening to fall any moment.

"I am back... Thanks for waiting for me. Thanks big brother..."


A moment of deafening silence fell between the siblings. Abhinav stared at Ira's rumbling stomach as he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! Wah! What a way to ruin the beautiful moment of reunion between the long lost siblings!! Hahaha!!" He laughed so hard that his eyes teared up a little.

Ira on the other hand was completely stunned frozen on her place and was red as a tomato from embarrassment as she looked at her rumbling stomach.

'Damn! Damn!!! Why him of all people!? He is going to make fun of me till I die!!!! SO EMBARRASSING!'

"Sit here for a while. I will ask someone to bring some snack for you. DO NOT touch anything! Keep that in mind!"

Ira gave a quick nod to him trying her hardest to not meet his eyes.


"That hit the spot! The snacks here are pretty good! If I keep eating like this, I might become as fat as a pig!" Ira patted her stomach with complete satisfaction from her mini snack.

Abhinav quietly observed her as he sat before her. Noticing the piercing stare of his Ira felt a little troubled.

"What happened? Is something there on my face??"

"Huh-huh. I was just wondering... how could a girl be so unlady like... As I thought, maybe you are probably a monkey who is disguised as my sister!"

"There you go again with you monkey crap!" Ira made a face at him as stared at the flower that she was forbidden to touch a few moments ago.

"Say... What is with that flower? What is it called? If it is dangerous, they why are you keeping it here in the first place?" Ira's curiosity over took her, as she kept on bombarding him with a lot of questions one after the other.

"This flower is called as oleander. If you carelessly touched it with bare hands and touched you eyes are mouth, it could cause a serious symptoms of skin irritations. I am having it here because I am currently researching its other usage or purpose. Have you heard people treating poison with poison?"

Ira gave a quick nod.

"That's what I am trying to achieve here. But I am not sure whether this particular flower will help me succeed or not..."

'Oh! Despite his godly appearance and hateful mouth, I thought he was worth nothing. But hearing his reasoning, he truly feels like a proper doctor... But why is he not explaining his current appearance to me? What was the need for him to wear such a rugged clothing.' Ira was seriously interested in knowing the reason behind it...

Hi All,

Abhinav and Ira are being such a cuties here! I kindda loved it while writing this chapter. Hope you all will like it as well, if you do, please leave a comment and give my novel a vote!

Thanks for reading!


(1) Refer chapter 34 to recollect your memories on Ira first visit to the medical room..

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