

Before he could state his last wish Alea was already coming back. She landed beside him and gave him a tablet.

The atmosphere became tense again as the Namekians could feel that this would be something that would rebalance their worth.

"Good." Broly looked at the Namekians and gave them a grin.

"What I hold in my hands, is a translator from the common language into yours." Broly turned the tablet for them to see.

The Namekians widened their eyes in shock. This would mean, he wouldn't need them anymore as he could just get his wishes granted by his own.

"…My third wish would be the ability to create Dragon Balls on my own."

"You want to create your own Dragon Balls??"

"Yes, got a problem with that? My power far exceeds yours, if I am able to create Dragon Balls, they would be far more powerful than yours."

"I- that is impossible. It is race specific trait, not even all of us can create Dragon Balls. If you want that kind of power Porunga would only be able to give it to you by heavily changing your body."

Broly squinted his eyes for a second. He could sense that this wasn't a lie and he didn't want to mess with his Saiyan body.

"Sigh. Already figured that wouldn't be that easy. Hmm…"

"According to your wishes it really doesn't seem that you have any ill will. Alright, you can use the Dragon Balls."

"But Moori!" A warrior sounded out.

"No buts. With his strength and with that translator, he would easily be able to just take them by force and make his wish, but instead he presents us his third wish."


The Namekians hesitated at first but then gave in and handed over the remaining Dragon Balls.

"By the way, I thought the Namekian Dragon Balls were only able to revive one person at a time."

"…Yes, that used to be the case but, in the time, we spent here, I had modified it a bit. It shouldn't be able to revive large numbers of people, but a few shouldn't be a problem. You just have to word your wish in a way that a number of revivals is seen as one wish."

"Nice. Alright, let's do this."

"Dende if you would be so kind and translate it for…" "Broly" "…for Broly"

"Okay, Elder Moori."

They put the Dragon Balls together and summoned Porunga.

"Takkaraput pop porunga pupiritt paro!"

Like the earth's dragon Balls the sky darkened and a light beam shot out into the sky. The only difference that the dragon was not as slim, instead a dragon with a muscular upper body and arms came out. Instead of legs it had a slithery tail which ended in the Dragon Balls. He also had large spikes on his shoulders and had horns on his head.

"Thou who hast gathered the 7 Dragon Balls, I shall grant thee any three wishes."

"Alright first wish, revive the family of Cana, who have died after planet Vegeta's explosion."

Dende started translating the wish.

"Understood. I shall accept."

Porunga's eyes glowed and suddenly 4 people appeared on the open place.

Cana looked at them and her eyes started tearing up as she quickly ran to them and gave them all a big hug.

"I have returned their destroyed body to its original state and brought them here as a special free service."

"Oh. Nice. Thanks a lot!"

Broly looked at the crying family who were hugging each other in tears and couldn't help but smile.

"Alright next wish. I wish for our raw potential to be unlocked."

"I shall grant you this wish!" Porunga's eyes started glowing again and Broly suddenly felt how something was opened up in his body. It was a weird sensation as new energy flowed through his body. It was like a limiter being released and he was able to have excess to power, he didn't know was there.

"The last one. I wish for all the Origin Crystals to be teleported here!"

"It is no good. It exceeds my power to move even one."

"Then how about me being able to tap into Ultra Instinct?"

"It is no goo-"

"Well, figured. Then the ability to regenerate any body part."

"This is possible, but I canst do it without changing the genetics of thy body."

"Okay, forget about that…Come on… Broly, think! …Do you guys have any wishes?" Broly looked at Cana who happily shook her head, Alea only smiled but stayed quiet.

"Don't you want to know about the curse of you Saiyans or just lift it?" Zangya asked.

"I don't know what the curse is, so I won't lift it, and since it seems to be from a long time, it isn't something urgent. Besides I have another source for knowledge." After that Zangya stayed quiet and looked into the distance disinterested.

"How about reviving Cherry, my mother?" Broly asked Dende to translate.

"This should be… It is no good. Another power than the other world had claimed her soul."

'What? She isn't in the other world?'

"…Alright, please revive the family members from Goku. Raditz his brother and Bardock the father of Son Goku."

The Namekians looked at him in disbelief and Dende was stunned at the thought that this group was connected to their savior.

"Ah finally, I mean thy wish is easy...oh god damnit."

Suddenly a Saiyan with hair going to his back of the knee, who was utterly confused about what was happening, appeared.

"I hast returned his destroyed body to its original state and moved him here as an apology for my incapability to fulfill thy original wishes. But the one named Bardock is unable to be brought back as neither his soul nor his body resides in this universe. Thy wishes hast been granted, farewell."

After fulfilling the wishes the Dragon Balls flew high into the sky and scattered in different cardinal directions.

Broly was speechless at the shamelessness from Porunga, he just quickly buggered off!

"Hey Raditz. I am Broly, you are going to follow me. Gine probably has a word with you."

"My mother is still alive??"

Broly didn't bother saying anything more and turned towards the Namekians.

"Alright, since we got what we came for, it is time for us to leave. Thanks for the translation. Oh, and sorry about the door." After saying that Broly flew into the sky towards his spaceship but in the corner of his eye he saw Raditz struggling to keep up, even though they weren't even flying fast.

"Are you for real?" The gravity of new Namek was about 12 times of planet Earth. It was only minimally higher than their home planet Vegeta. It was quite pathetic that Raditz couldn't even overcome this much.

Broly flew back to Raditz and dragged him with him by his collar.

Shortly afterwards they arrived at their spaceship and embarked it. After opening the door and stepping inside, Broly gave them a short trip around the ship. He showed them their rooms and other necessities. They only had 5 rooms on this ship, so some of them had to share a room. The family from Cana were friendly. They were especially friendly after hearing that Cana and he were in a relationship.

If he didn't know and couldn't see their tail, he would have assumed that they were a normal kind human family.

Broly went into the cockpit and gave in coordinates.

"I thought my mother wanted to talk to me. Where is she?" Raditz suddenly came in and asked.

"On that planet." He pointed at the planet on the panel which's coordinates he just typed in.

"We will be travelling for a few months, so before we arrive, I am going to train you at least to the level where you won't die when you set foot on that planet."

Raditz seemed to be contemplating about something.

"You really got your ass whooped by Kakarot." Broly grinned at Raditz.


"Hahaha, look at you. Killed by your own little brother. I will let you know that Kakarot is able to go Super Saiyan."

"What?? He, a Super Saiyan? Impossible!"

"Believe me or not, but he became powerful enough to kill Frieza."


"So, you better start training, otherwise you will never catch up!"

Raditz eyes were wavering. Broly knew that Raditz was a bit of a coward, but this is just too discouraging to watch.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Get your ass in the training chamber! In the next months I will beat you up every day!"

With a wave of his hand Raditz was sent flying out of the room against the floor wall. The wall didn't even have a scratch on it but Raditz already coughed out blood.

Broly looked back at the planet where the other Saiyans went. Their reunion had been delayed through Helen, but now it wouldn't take long until he would set foot in his soon to be glorious kingdom!

After he turned on the autopilot, he turned around and left for the training chambers. Through a window of another room he was able to see Cana training her family inside. In another Alea and Zangya were going at it with increased settings.

He finally walked in the one chamber where Raditz was looking at the panel for the room.

"I wouldn't press that. Those needles would probably instantly kill you." Broly shoved Raditz out of the way and pressed the button for increased gravity. Broly looked at him with his lifeforce vision and started giving him basic exercises to perform. The only reason why he wanted to train Raditz was to see if the potential to become one of the strongest Saiyans was a family thing.

Besides even the maximum settings would only be normal training for him. He would need much harsher environment to yield results. Instead of training his body, he used meditation to increase his ki and used his extra lifeforce to strengthen his body. He also used the time to learn the techniques Helen had left behind and only on occasions would he give Raditz some pointers.

A lot of reviving dead people but this won’t be the last time for wishes being granted...

Thanks for reading :3

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