
Gogeta and Gohan.

Narrator: Last time, our heroes decided to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Broly and Trunks stepped in first. Elsewhere, Goku and his family sat down to dinner while the others waited patiently.

Goku, Gohan and Goten fly up the side of the look-out.

Goku: Woah! Three way tie!

Gohan: Dad, you weren't trying.

Chibi Trunks: Goten!

Chibi Trunks floats down to Goten.

Chibi Trunks: Come train with me and my dad.

Goten: Can I?

Goten charges towards Vegeta with chibi Trunks. The three start training. Goku and Gohan walk into the temple and to the others.

Mr. Popo: It is time.

Mr. Popo opens the door. Future Trunks and Broly walk out.

Krillan: How'd the training go?

Future Trunks: Great!

Goku: Who's next?

Vegeta: I am!

Goku: We would have to fuse to get in.

Vegeta: Well don't just stand there, let's fuse!

The two preform the fusion dance.

Goku & Vegeta: FU...SION...HA!!

The two fuse into Gogeta.

Gogeta: Who else will come in?

Gohan: I will!

Mr. Popo opens the door. Gogeta and Gohan walk in. The door closes behind them.

Gohan: It's been a while since I last came in here.

Back outside of the Time Chamber, Bulma, Pan, Chibi Trunks, and Krillan are playing strip pocker.

Goten: What am I supposed to do?

Android 18: Let's train while they play those immature games.

Goten and Android 18 begin punching at eachother.

Future Trunks: Do we need any more training?

Broly: Training is no longer nescessary.

Broly flies off. Back in the wilderness, durring the sun set, Chichi is cleaning up the yard.

Chichi: When are those boy comming back? It's getting late.

Back up on the look-out tower, Android 18 and Goten are taking a break from their training.

Goten: I should get back home before it gets too late. See you later hun.

Android 18 blushes as Goten flies home. Inside the look-out's Time Chamber, Gogeta and Gohan, both Super Saiyan 4, are giving it all they have against eachother.

Gogeta: Gohan, you have more in you. You have to let it all out!

Gohan: RAHH!!

Gohan begind to power up.

Gogeta: That's not all of it!! You have more hate, let it go!

Gohan stops powering up. Fire comes from all around and surrounds the two as they continue to train. Back outside, the sun has fully set. Broly is fying throught the star filled sky. He soon stops and looks down to see the space pod that he first came to Earth in. He gets a flash back of when he first came to Earth.

Broly: Kakarott....

He then floats down to the ship and takes the vigns off of it. He sits in it, closes the door, and falls asleep. He begins to dream about how Goku used to annoy him as a baby. He then remembers when Goku first defeated him. Goku punches Broly in the gut and it looks like Broly explodes. Broly climbs into his ship and the ship leaves the planet just before the comet hit the planet. Broly's ship lands on Earth. He climbs out of the ship and starts saying Goku's Ssaiyan name. He then faints and ice covers over him. He then begins to remember Goku crying as a baby. Broly breaks out of the ice. He then remembers when Goku appears and joins his two sons in a triple Kamehameha. The kamehameha over powers Broly's attack and sends Broly flying towards the sun. Just before he hits the sun, the Kamehameha goes through his chest. Broly wakes up.

Broly: Kakarott...KAKAROTT!!!

Broly explodes out of his ship. Back inside of the Time Chamber, Gogeta and Gohan continue to train with fire everywhere. They both punch, their fists collide. They both move back a bit and kick each other in the face. The two barrel roll onto the fire engulfed ground. Gogeta uppercuts Gohan into the air. Gogeta jumps up and launches a blast at Gohan. Gohan dodges the blast, flies towards Gogeta, and kicks Gogeta to the ground. Gogeta de-fuses. Vegeta and Goku charge back up at Gohan. Back outside, the sun is begining to rise.

Piccolo: They have another 12 hours in there.

Dende: I just don't understand. Why would Xicor want to us to train? I don't think i can ever understand the ego of a Saiyan.

Piccolo: Sometimes I think that Vegeta doesn't even know it all.

Back at Goku's house, a dark shadow passes over the yard and into the door.

Narrator: Who is this mysterious person entering Goku's house? What does he want? And who will enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber next? Find out next time on Dragon Ball AF!

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