
Diversion of Fire

Faced with the rapid growth of the unquenchable flames Assistant Loire looked to Official Harolt. "Spread out! Do everything you can to keep more tents from burning."

Then, without any warning, the assistant dashed into the flames. His figure disappeared as he ran through the orange and white fire, seemingly disappearing or burning away. No one could tell which was true.

Official Harolt, as well as the other officials, all gathered around the fire, trying to encompass it and soak all remaining tenants. Well, everyone thought official Harolt was doing that. Instead, he disappeared among all the chaos.

Not only did he disappear but he seemed to vanish out of thin air in the blink of an eye. And since no one was keeping their eye on him like before, the man had successfully escaped his responsibilities and fled from the scene of the fire.

Within the flames that's all there was, flames.

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