
Enchanting Agent of Destruction [Rewritten]

A young girl graced the soldiers with her presence. She was not a mere child; she was an innocent little child. A child in a battlefield was no doubt out of place. And this did nothing more than increased the human soldiers' anxiety.

Even though the soldiers had gained their resolve and motivation to fight, some couldn't make themselves shoot this innocent young girl. Even when seeing her long pair of ears which indicated she wasn't human; they couldn't make themselves to shoot. They would feel guilty. Plus, who would do anything violent in front of an innocent child?

The innocent young girl who stood in front of all was Xelya. An elf.

She grew confused as to why she wasn't being attacked. Other of her allies were already being engaged, but why was she not? It didn't make sense at all. Weren't you supposed to attack an enemy? Then, why were these soldiers not doing anything? Xelya couldn't understand.

If she wasn't being attacked, she felt she might be doing something wrong in the process. She might cause problems for the others. Worst of all, the problem might cause displeasure to her master. She couldn't let that happen.

In hopes of changing the situation, Xelya stepped forward. She was like a shy little girl as she strode forward.

Still, even as she strode forward, nothing changed. Therefore, she decided to just do what should be done, then everything should likely change.

"Those are in the way."

She quietly said to herself. She was referring to the sandbags and other barriers being used by the human soldiers.

She waved her staff forward and some kind of wind flew towards the barrier. Well, it was not exactly wind but rather a wave of magic.


Then, a giant explosion erupted amidst the defenses. It obliterated everything which was caught up within it. Everything from objects to humans, it left naught a trace of their existence, the lucky humans which were outside the explosion were blown away due to the force of the shockwave.

The giant explosion left a large gap in the defenses.

The explosion caused a commotion amongst the soldiers' ranks. A giant explosion just came from out of nowhere. If they were to guess, it would likely be caused by the little girl. They couldn't believe it, but they had no choice but believe it.

It did nothing but escalate the soldiers' anxiety.

"Oh no! I used too much explosion. I need to hold back…. This is difficult."

Indeed, Xelya found it difficult to give an exact amount of power to the explosions or to adjust. She possessed too much firepower even for just a swing of her staff, but she would need to control the amount of magic to release. It will likely take more effort to minimize the explosions she would cast. She had to do it right otherwise she might cause something wrong.

Perhaps getting closer to the enemy might reduce damage more than it should be.

Amidst her movement towards the enemy, a tank suddenly opened fire at the little girl. The explosion caused by the tank's attack blocked Xelya's sight due to the smoke from the explosion and dust. She swung her staff while not using any sort of magic, then in that single stroke from a fragile small girl, the smoke and dust blew away.

She then faced to look at the tank which attacked an adorable little creature. In order for the tank to no longer attack her, she swung her staff towards it and with it an explosion came forth on the tank. The explosion was a little weaker than the last one, well little.

To be honest, that was still too strong. It was like several explosives triggered at a single spot which completely obliterated everything caught within it while giving great force outwards.

This strength of explosion was not the intention of Xelya, but due to difficulties it turned out like that.

In contrast, firing an explosive at an adorable little girl was not cool, not cool at all. However, the soldiers had no choice. It was either kill or get killed. Yes, this was the thoughts of most of the soldiers that were at the presence of this young elf girl – or perhaps at her mercy would be more appropriate.

After taking out the tank, Xelya continued onward until she was now amidst the chaos.

"Dammit, we have no choice but to attack her! Kill her!"

At that shout of a soldier, other soldiers began their attack. They truly have no choice, otherwise they would die. It doesn't matter if they feel guilty or they didn't like shooting a little girl, they have to survive and also destroy the thing which was destroying their peace.

In contrast to the intense situation, Xelya sighed in relief and smile behind the mask.

"Thank goodness, they began to attack."

Xelya was worried and puzzled that the human soldiers were not attacking her. Previously, her allies were not yet attacking the humans therefore she also didn't attack. She might do something wrong if she suddenly attacked while the others not.

She was puzzled about the behavior of the soldiers. Sagremor once told her that soldiers had to fight if there was no other choice. But the soldiers' previous actions did not fight at all.

Thankfully, in the end, they finally began to attack her. And that was how it supposed to be, just like what was happening to the others. This was indeed a relief for Xelya.

With the feeling of joy and relief – which was totally out of place within the battlefield – she smiled broadly like a young girl who finally received the toy she wanted so much for her birthday.

Then she thrust her staff forward. At that moment, multiple explosions erupted taking out several humans and destroying obstacles. Some were small, some were big. Those explosions left nothing of their existence.

Other soldiers attacked her from behind. Even though a little fragile girl like her should have already died from a single bullet from a mere pistol, well, this girl was no ordinary little girl. This girl was something else.

This girl, Xelya, was the Enchanting Agent of Destruction. And such petty attacks would never work on an adorable ultimate being such as her.

"[Pillars of Obliteration]."

She cast a spell.

Three giant explosions soared straight up towards the sky which formed pillars which appeared like those touched the sky. It was a truly fearsome scene which lit up the entire battlefield.

Then all of a sudden, a soldier charged towards her. The expression on the soldier was like someone who had just lost his sanity.

Then that soldier rapidly opened fire at Xelya.


In a surprise of the soldier's words, Xelya immediately turned to face him.


She quietly said as he slowly shifted her eyes downward while hugging her staff close and pressing her cheek at it. She felt upset.

"Am I a monster…? I don't like being called that."

It hurts, I don't like it.

She tightened her grip to her staff.

"No, I am not a monster, the master called me cute. I am not a monster!"

Indeed, she was definitely, undoubtedly, absolutely not a monster. She was created to be enchanting, not ugly and frightening. The word monster could never be the word to describe her.

All who said she was a monster, must DIE!

"Why would I believe a word of a human such as you?! DIE!"

She swung her staff in full circle. Several explosions erupted.


A lot died that day due to an angered adorable little girl. It was a foolish choice to call this little girl something she was not. Not only foolish but also stupid.

Wew, finally posted one.

Next one shall be on Saturday.

Tearing_Sanctuarycreators' thoughts
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